I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 110 Such a familiar excuse

When Pepper saw this scene, she turned her head away in embarrassment, not looking at Tony.

Originally, Tony planned to act cool in front of Harvey, after all, it was a technological achievement that he was proud of.

Not to mention the strength, at least the appearance and the feeling when wearing it are very handsome.

Isn't there a saying that has been rumored for a long time? All men understand the romance between armor and mecha. Harvey is also a man, so he must understand it too.

But now he didn't pretend to be handsome. Instead, he made Harvey look at him weirdly, which made Tony want to dig a hole and crawl into it.

When Harvey saw Tony's failure in pretending, he suppressed the smile in his heart and just looked at Tony.

"Jarvis Two, armor reload!"

Tony could only hold back the shame in his heart and spoke loudly again.

"As you command, Mr. Tony."

As Tony directly called Jarvis No. 2, the intelligent AI responded.

The sound of propeller jets sounded, and pieces of armor quickly flew out of the underground research room and quickly attached themselves to Tony's body.

In just a few seconds, Tony transformed into a handsome Iron Man wearing a gold and red armor.

"After all, it's a newly replaced smart AI, so it's not that smart."

After Tony put on the armor, he turned around and saw Harvey's smiling eyes, and directly found a step for himself.

"Although there was a little accident, I have to say that you looked very handsome when you shouted just now."

"But this is how the transformation works."

When Harvey heard this excuse, he suppressed a smile and said.

After the words fell, Harvey stood up. The purple and gold armor reappeared on his body, a golden mask appeared directly on his face, and he was covered with a white battle robe. His eyes also changed from black pupils to golden pupils full of majesty. .


Tony was speechless and choked up when he saw Harvey's instant transformation, feeling as if he was pretending to be the wrong person.

"How did you become like this? Can you teach me?"

Tony asked with some emotion when he saw this handsome appearance.

"When you truly master the power of the void, I will teach you."

Harvey heard this and spoke.

"All right."

Tony heard the power of the void and remembered the purple energy released by Harvey before, and understood.

After he has evolved more than fifty times, his evolution speed has dropped a lot. He has only evolved eighty-one times after joining Void for more than half a year.

His physical strength has become very powerful, but the power of the void that can be released is only a dozen centimeters in size, which is obviously not enough to reach the stage.

"Let's go to the underground research room, take your things and leave."

Knowing that he wouldn't be able to learn for the time being, Tony didn't hesitate. Anyway, there would be more time in the future.

Instead of this, he was already thinking about how to make a handsome appearance when meeting other members.

Harvey didn't know that Tony wanted to show off so much, so he just came to the underground research room, stretched out his hand and released the power of the void to directly surround the gravity device and Tony.

Then a black hole in the void appeared under Harvey's feet, and the two of them disappeared.

The next second the two of them appeared on the moon.


Tony stood inside the purple energy shield, looking at the blue planet in the distance and the white earth under his feet, his eyes filled with wonder.

As a scientist who specializes in arms technology, who doesn’t have the dream of setting foot in the universe?

Now when he actually does it, all Tony has in his heart is excitement and longing for the universe.

Immediately, a black hole in the void about a kilometer in size appeared under Tony's feet again, and the two of them disappeared again in an instant.

"How far have we crossed?"

Tony felt the scenery in front of him and around him suddenly change. He looked at the black-red planet in the distance that he had never seen before, and asked with some horror.

"It spans more than tens of thousands of light years and is ready to arrive."

Harvey said casually after hearing this.

Tony heard that it was tens of thousands of light years away in just one moment, but before he could react, the scenery in front of him changed again, and he came directly to a house.

Then, the purple energy shield surrounding Tony disappeared, and several gravity devices contained in large boxes fell to the ground smoothly.

"...Is it here now?"

Tony found that he could breathe immediately. He looked out the window and found that he was in a villa in the forest. He said without realizing it.

"Well, we're here."

Harvey nodded slightly when he heard this.

"Crossing tens of thousands of light years in less than ten seconds?"

Tony heard this and said loudly and unbelievably.

"This is a type of void magic. Spanning tens of thousands of light years is nothing."

Harvey said calmly after hearing this.

"Isn't this nothing?"

Tony said in shock when he heard Harvey's indifferent tone.

He knew that Harvey was very strong. After all, Harvey said that provoking Ancient One and Odin was just a little troublesome. Harvey must be one of the big names in the universe.

But even though he knew Harvey's identity and strength were very strong, every time he saw Harvey take action, Tony realized that his original knowledge was still too low.

"For civilizations in the current universe, although they cannot travel across tens of thousands of light years in ten seconds, they can still travel across tens of thousands of light years in a few days."

"So don't be too surprised. When you see various technologies, you will be surprised."

Harvey saw Tony's shocked look and said.

"Remember what I told you before coming here."

Immediately, Harvey noticed something and whispered.

Tony heard the whispered reminder as he pondered why Harvey would say that.

A blond figure quickly ran in from the stairs.

"Mr. Kassadin, welcome back."

After Sonia saw Harvey, a smile appeared on her face.

"Well, go and prepare something to drink for me."

Harvey nodded slightly when he heard this and said.

"Yes, it will be delivered to you soon."

Sonia saw that in addition to Mr. Kassadin, there was another person wearing a battle armor. Although she was a little concerned, she immediately nodded after hearing the instructions, and then Sonia quickly left.

"...Mr. Kassadin, is this your lover?"

After Tony saw this beautiful woman with a youthful and lovely appearance, a proud figure and an excellent temperament leaving, the gossip in his heart was instantly ignited.

"No, she is my housekeeper Sonia."

"About the construction of your laboratory and the requirements for various materials, you can tell Sonia then."

Harvey glanced at Tony after hearing this and said casually.

"I don't believe it. If they are just housekeepers, why don't you find a few of them in Blue Star?"

Tony asked in disbelief when he heard this.

Harvey is also famous as a young rich man in Blue Star, and he is still young and unmarried.

Even if he got married, Harvey probably wouldn't be able to be restrained by just one wife.

It can be said that if Harvey wanted to, it would not be a problem to hire ten or eight personal female secretaries, let alone a housekeeper.

"Whatever you think."

Harvey saw that Tony didn't believe it and didn't bother to say so much.

"What a familiar excuse."

"But with your status and strength, what are you afraid of?"

"No one can control what you do, right?"

Seeing Harvey's unwillingness to explain, Tony said with some nostalgia at first.

The purpose was to induce Harvey to continue the conversation with him.

"I didn't bring you here just to gossip."

Harvey said speechlessly when he saw that Tony looked like someone who had come over.

Today is also a day worth 10,000, so here’s the first update

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