Sonia went directly to take a shower, then changed her clothes and quickly went to the temple.

In this way, Harvey's daily life on Xandar Planet, in addition to eating, drinking and playing every day, he had another pastime.

From time to time, when Sonia is not busy for a while, the two of them will go to a private uninhabited island to compete.


Time flies, more than three months have passed quickly, and it is October.

The gravity device made by Tony was delivered smoothly, and the other party also paid the balance after acceptance.

After tax is deducted, there are still 720 million left.

Tony only took 120 million for this, planning to purchase various models of space fighters for research in the future, and leaving some money to use as his daily expenses for eating and drinking.

The 240 million he still deserved was given back to Harvey as repayment.

He had been eating and drinking at public expense before, and also lived in Harvey's villa.

So Tony knew very well that he owed Harvey enough, so Tony always kept the number in mind.

It has been ten months since Tony came to the universe, and there are still two months before he returns home.

In just ten months, Tony learned a lot of knowledge.

Nanotechnology has also been studied in depth now, but it cannot be applied to armor yet.

However, he is not in a hurry. It is only a matter of time before he can develop the nano-armor.

There are four biggest gains in these nine months.

The first is that he has formed deep friendships with many members of the Void Cult.

Especially Renolly, Predictor, Kyle, and Lacey.

If he is in trouble in the future, he will definitely come if he asks them for help.

The second is that he discovered that the power of the void is indeed a mysterious thing that can bless various materials.

But there is a disadvantage. After being blessed by the power of the void, the durability will decrease, and it can only last for ten minutes before being broken into pieces.

Even if it is left unused for a period of time, the blessed material will automatically break into pieces within about ten days and a half.

I don't know if the material that can withstand the power of the void is too weak, or for some reason. Tony has not yet figured it out.

However, his steel armor can also temporarily gain stronger performance by adding the power of the void.

He named that mode Void Mode.

However, the performance of the steel armor, which has now been updated to the forty-fifth generation, is enough for him to deal with many enemies.

Therefore, steel is usually not used in void mode, so there is no need to worry about burning money like crazy.

The third is that he has begun to move towards wealth and freedom in the universe.

In just one or two years, he will definitely have the money to transport back a large amount of materials and elements that Blue Star lacks.

The fourth is that after special training by Rennoli and others, he has become more precise in controlling his own strength.

Even without the steel armor, Tony's combat effectiveness is still very powerful.

It can be said that the plan is going very smoothly and is moving towards the goal he set before coming to the universe.

But when he thought about returning to Blue Star, he had to tighten his belt and wear steel armor all the time to show off to others.

Tony is inevitably a little depressed. It would be great if he knew Harvey's void magic, so that he could change his appearance and make it easier to move.

He actually asked Harvey for this, but Harvey said that his manipulation of the power of the void was so rubbish that he couldn't teach him even if he wanted to.

But the thought of hiding his identity, only temporarily, made Tony feel less depressed.

"Mr. Tony, a new order has arrived."

"This time the total is 2.4 billion, and a down payment of 1.2 billion has been made."

"I heard that you are going back to Blue Star in two months, right?"

"If you're not around then, will you be able to complete the final steps?"

On this day, Sonia took the initiative to contact Tony.

A month passed after Mr. Tony delivered the goods.

After various tests, the other party was full of praise for the gravity device made by Mr. Tony.

Not only can a medium-sized warship realize different gravity modes in different areas.

It can also automatically adapt to change gravity according to the environment. The most important thing is that it can release a gravity position to directly affect the environment around the battleship.

It can help battleships achieve more precise acceleration and deceleration. It can be said to be a masterpiece of gravity devices.

If you want to buy a gravity device of this level, it will cost at least 8 million to 10 million, and you have to curry favor with the production company to be able to buy some.

However, the gravity device made by Tony Stark is fully functional and cheap. The key is that his attitude is not aloof at all. The production period of the order is also very short, and there is no shoddy work to fool people.

Unlike when they purchased before, even if they were willing to pay, the other party would delay the completion of the work.

Occasionally, some products may be defective, but you can't complain. If you complain, the other party will not be willing to sell them to you.

"Of course, as long as I specially create an intelligent AI to help with subsequent processing."

When Tony heard these words, he looked up at Sonia and nodded.

Since he wants to go back to Blue Star, he naturally wants to take Jarvis back. There is no way he can leave Jarvis here.

"How long will you have to go back then?"

"I will note the time. If it takes a long time, I will make a list and let you look at it then."

"After you make sure the accounts are correct, I will transfer the money to you."

Sonia heard the words and spoke.

"Not sure yet, but it should be at least a few months."

"As for the list, you don't need to worry about it. You are Kassadin's butler. I can rest assured."

Tony said with a smile upon hearing this.

When will he return to the universe? It depends on Pepper's opinion.

But after a year, Pepper would definitely have to stay with her for a while before she was willing to let him go.

"Even if you trust me, Mr. Tony, this is a work matter."

“And the amounts involved are not low, so it’s better to make the division clearer.”

Sonia shook her head slightly when she heard this and said seriously.

"Okay, I'll take a look at the list then and settle the bill."

Tony saw Sonia's serious look and glanced at Harvey. Seeing that Harvey had no expression, he could only nod.

"Will you go to Blue Star for a walk when Kassadin arrives?"

Immediately, Tony looked at Harvey and asked.

He said going rather than returning because no one in the Void Cult knew exactly where Kassadin came from.

Naturally, he would not make such a stupid mistake in these conversations.

"Well, I should go over and have some fun then."

Harvey nodded upon hearing this.

2011 is the time for Captain America's recovery, and it is also close to the time for the first Avengers assembly. What if he doesn't go back?

Sonia heard from the sidelines that Mr. Kassadin was going to Blue Star, and knew that Mr. Kassadin would also be away for a while. Although she felt a little reluctant to leave, she didn't say anything.

The fourth update is here. Chapter 126 is under review. I did not skip the chapter intentionally. It should be released tomorrow.

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