I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 133 Sense of Identity

As the starlight faded and the sky became brighter, the sky gradually became brighter, revealing a clear sky, and everyone slowly stood up.

"I was lucky enough to meet the great Lord Kassadin today."

"Those who went back to celebrate the New Year will definitely regret it if they know they missed it."

"But there is nothing we can do about it. They plan to come the next day. No one expected that the great Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void, would show up."

Everyone had a look of excitement on their faces that had not yet faded, and they happily communicated with each other.

Then someone thanked Sonia for being willing to introduce Mr. Kassadin to them.

"There is no need to thank me. It was your piety that impressed Lord Kassadin and made him willing to come here."

When Sonia heard this, she smiled slightly and said softly.

On the contrary, she wanted to thank these people. After Mr. Kassadin learned about these people's plans, he decided to spend the New Year on Xandar.

She was also unaware of the side that Mr. Kassadin had just revealed.

All she knew was that Mr. Cassadine asked her to make the announcement within the allotted time.

This time, Mr. Kassadin let the members of the Void Cult know that his prayers and offerings were all seen.

This is undoubtedly the best gift for many members of the Void Cult.

"Your pious Lord Kassadin has felt it."

"So you should just share the food you brought. This is Master Kassadin's instruction."

Immediately, Sonia looked at the people who had not left yet and said.

This was not a rumor from Sonia, but an instruction given to her by Mr. Kassadin when he knew that these people were not only planning to offer food, but also money.

All she did was convey Mr. Kassadin's will.

"Thank you Lord Kassadin for your tolerance!"

Although Miss Sonia only mentioned the food and said nothing about the money, no one felt any dissatisfaction.

Afterwards, Sonia also left. As for the money, it would not be too late to collect the money after the New Year.

After a few days, Mr. Kassadin planned to leave, and it seemed that he would not be gone for a short time.

Therefore, Sonia also hopes to see Mr. Kassadin's true self as much as possible instead of communicating through the cosmic communicator.

After knowing that all these foods were edible, many members also began to share the food.

Then they dispersed into small groups one by one.

Tony, Renoli, Kyle, Predictor, and Lacey gathered together to chat.

Rennoli asked about Tony and his hometown C53.

Tony naturally also introduced Blue Star, saying that the environment was similar to Xandar, but the technology was not as advanced as Xandar.

It introduced the characteristics of each country in Blue Star, but mainly mentioned several big countries in Blue Star, such as the United States and China.

"Blue Star is divided into different countries?"

"Not the United Community?"

Lacey was a little surprised when she heard Tony's introduction.

"Now Blue Star's technology is still far away from realizing free space navigation, so we have to worry about our own three-quarter territory."

"But when it comes to entertainment, Blue Star's development is quite high."

"It's higher than Xandar, so there's a lot of fun."

Tony also knew what surprised Lacey. All advanced civilization planets in the universe were basically united communities, but he also knew that it would not be easy to change in a short time, so he said with a smile.

"Is it more entertaining? If I have time, I'll go there and have a look."

"The people from Blue Star won't suddenly attack me then, right?"

Lacey also became interested after hearing this and said jokingly.

"No, Lacey, your appearance is not far different from that of humans from Blue Star."

"Even if you blend directly into the crowd, no one may doubt you."

When Tony heard Lacey say she wanted to go to Blue Star, it could be said that she agreed with both hands and feet.

By then, Lacey was unfamiliar with the place and would definitely come to him to stay.

Now that they have all been borrowed, if there is any trouble, it is not easy to ask Lacey to take action.

"Are they similar to the people from Xandar?"

"Then it shouldn't be a problem if I go?"

Kyle was also a little moved when he heard this.

"You still have Renolly to go to. As long as there is no trouble, there will be no problem."

Tony nodded when he heard this. Kyle was more than two meters tall and looked like a big man.

However, Blue Star is either not taller than two meters tall, or not as strong as Kyle.

"So that means there will be a problem if I go?"

Seeing that Tony didn't mention his name, the Predictor spoke.

"There's nothing wrong with you, it's just that your dress is a little bit more fashionable in Blue Star."

"But even if you don't change, you will be treated as a cosplayer at best."

Tony looked at the prophet's appearance, which was covered in bandages and couldn't see clearly, and spoke more tactfully.

"I understand, you have to go back for a while this time."

"If you encounter any trouble and need our help, you can contact us."

"We will rush over to help when the time comes."

The prophet heard the words and understood them, and spoke.

"Even if I don't need your help, I still welcome you to visit Blue Star."

"As the host, I will take you to enjoy Blue Star's entertainment."

Tony said with a smile when he heard the prophet's words.

"Okay, when we go to talk, we will inform you in advance."

Kyle heard this and said loudly with a smile.

Various small groups also gathered together to eat delicious food and chat about the future.


In Harvey's villa.

Sonia left the temple and when she returned to the villa, she found that Mr. Kassadin had returned and the table was already filled with food.

"You should also sit down and eat together."

Harvey saw Sonia's surprised look and said.

"Thank you Mr. Kassadin for the invitation."

"But it's not polite for me to sit at the same table with you."

Sonia felt a little moved when she heard this, but her reason still prevailed and she declined with a smile.

"In the past, I spent a lot of time alone. During the New Year, I just added some meals for myself."

"Other than that, it's not much different from usual."

"This time I want to celebrate the New Year here because I know you are here."

"So on this New Year's Day, don't worry about that. Let's sit down and eat together."

When Harvey saw Sonia's refusal, he didn't care and said.


When Sonia heard Mr. Kassadin's words, some blush appeared on her beautiful face and she nodded.

Then she went to sit next to Mr. Cassadine instead of sitting directly across the table.

Sitting in this position indicates that you are of lower status than the owner of the table.

"Sonia, you have helped me a lot over the past year."

"I will trouble you to continue to look after Void Island in the future."

Harvey's eyes flashed when he saw that Sonia did not choose to sit directly opposite.

The initial salary he paid Sonia was only 500,000 yuan a year, but Sonia did a good job in taking care of daily chores and kept him lazy.

Busy and busy, he is responsible for managing various matters on the island, which has far exceeded the role of his initial salary of 500,000 yuan.

So Harvey can only reward Sonia with a lot of money from time to time.

"Even if you don't tell me, Mr. Kassadin, I will do this."

When Sonia heard these words, she also picked up the wine glass and said with a smile.

Harvey and Sonia showed a harmonious scene, and the various small groups on Void Island also looked harmonious together.

Even the chef who was responsible for making a large amount of food today, after finishing the food, got together to cook some side dishes and had a few drinks together during their free time. They planned to go back to visit their parents after finishing these days.

And all this comes down to the sense of identity with Void Island.

The fourth update is here.

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