I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 135 Nothing to be afraid of

"Do you want to ask?"

Black Widow Natasha saw the high technology of the spaceship and looked at Nick Fury.

"Let Coulson find out."

"I received word that Harvey Ambelaka has returned this morning."

"I don't know how long it will take before I leave."

"Harvey doesn't like me or you very well. He has a slightly better impression of Coulson."

Nick Fury heard Natasha's offer and said.

"If I were to ask, my opinion would be to wait until at least the New Year."

"Tony Stark just came back after disappearing for a year. He must have wanted to relax at first."

"Now that this opportunity has passed, I'm afraid it will disturb Tony Stark's interest and he won't look good on me."

Coulson heard that it was up to him to go and expressed his opinion.

"Just take care of these."

"If Tony Stark is unwilling to cooperate and tell some information, try to use soft methods."

"There is really no other way and we cannot use strong methods."

"Tony Stark is now a member of the Avengers. Even if he is unwilling to cooperate fully with our SHIELD and provide various advanced technologies, as long as the relationship between us does not break down, he will still contribute."

"And his friend is the devil Harvey Ambelaka. We can no longer take risks to provoke him."

Nick Fury heard this and said.


Coulson nodded and agreed.

And just as Coulson thought.

Tony just wants to give Pepper a surprise and spend some time with Pepper.

When the space fighter landed, the hatch opened and a figure wearing a gold and red steel armor walked out.

"Tony, didn't you say you wanted to stay there longer?"

Pepper saw Tony's arrival, her eyes were full of happiness but there were some doubts in her heart.

"In order to come back and spend Christmas with you, I stayed up all night studying and made a lot of preparations."

"Even if I don't have to take care of it now, there will still be Miss Sonia over there who won't help expand the industry, so I came back early."

Tony immediately picked up Pepper and said with a smile.

"Who is Miss Sonia?"

Pepper was originally very happy to see Tony back, but when she heard a woman's name, she immediately asked.

"Even if you give me a hundred courages, I won't dare to miss her."

"Miss Sonia is Harvey's housekeeper."

"It's not right to talk here. Let's talk after we go in."

Tony saw Pepper looking a little jealous, carried Pepper into the villa, and explained.

"Is it true? Mr. Harvey also found a butler?"

"That woman is beautiful?"

Pepper was also a little shocked when she heard that Mr. Harvey actually found a butler.

She often contacted Tony, but when she did so, Tony was always tinkering with various things in the research room that she couldn't understand.

Tony didn't tell her much about the rest of the universe.

"Miss Sonia must meet the second criteria of Harvey's mate selection."

"Beautiful and smart, and I can tell Miss Sonia has thoughts about Harvey."

"Harvey must know it himself, but I don't know why. Harvey has no further ideas."

Tony also felt a little strange in his heart when he explained.


Pepper heard these words and guessed.

"For me to believe Harvey would be shy, I'd rather believe the sky is falling."

"Can you imagine someone as powerful as Harvey, with ideas far beyond ordinary people, showing a shy side?"

Tony said immediately after hearing this.

"So it's just like you before, and you haven't had enough fun?"

After hearing this, Pepper imagined it for a moment, shook her head quickly, and then spoke.

"I've thought about it too, but according to Miss Sonia's character, there's also Harvey's identity and abilities."

"Harvey can find a hundred and eighty wives without any problem, and his body can handle it."

“By the way, I forgot to tell you, Miss Sonia is also a member of the Void Cult.

Tony carried Pepper to the sofa and sat down, the two cuddled together and said.

"What else could it be?"

Pepper knew that Mr. Harvey came from the unknown void, so his feelings and values ​​were obviously not bound by Blue Star's laws and morals.

So there is no denying that Mr. Harvey has the ability to find 180 partners.

"Forget it, let's not talk about these things for now."

When Tony let Pepper lean into his arms, he moved his hands up and down Pepper's beautiful body.

Although the two of them were on the cosmic communicator, they would see each other from time to time.

But they were separated for almost a year, and Harvey was staring at him over there. Don't let him find a beautiful secretary.

If it weren't for the fact that there were many things to do on the island that distracted him, he would have been burning with desire.

Now that he has returned to Blue Star and met Pepper, how could Tony still endure his desires.

"Take off your armor first."

Pepper rolled her eyes at Tony and said angrily.

"By the way, I almost forgot."

"Jarvis Two, recover the armor."

Just back, Tony failed to install Jarvis, so he could only order Jarvis No. 2.

After recovering the armor, Tony immediately became warm to Pepper. The two of them had a sleepless night and were happy with each other.

Pepper leaned against Tony's thick shoulder.

"Tony, how long do you plan to stay in Blue Star this time?"

Pepper asked, looking up at Tony slightly.

"The original plan was to stay at least three months and spend time with you."

"If you don't want me to leave, I can promise you to postpone staying for more than half a year at most."

"But before I came back, Harvey told me that I might not be able to return to the universe for a while this time."

"It indicates that something may happen to Blue Star that will make me unable to escape."

Tony didn't hide anything after hearing this and expressed his original thoughts.

"Are you going to get into trouble?"

Pepper didn't feel angry when she heard Tony's plan, but said a little worried.

"It's just speculation and it's not clear yet. Harvey will occasionally reveal a little bit, but not everything."

"So I won't know anything until it happens."

"But Harvey has returned to Blue Star. If there is really big trouble, just hide with Harvey."

"Although Harvey doesn't care much about Blue Star, if my life is in danger, I will hide from him."

"He will definitely help a group of people. At least his life safety is guaranteed."

Tony wasn't too worried after hearing this, because his backer was also staying at Blue Star.

As long as he doesn't take the initiative to cause trouble and takes charge of things, he won't be afraid even if Gu Yi comes.

"Well, I'll feel more at ease now that Mr. Harvey is also at Blue Star."

Pepper also nodded when he heard this.

On the eighth day, the first update comes.

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