I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 144 You are too weak

Steve has always done what he thinks is right since he was born.

Therefore, he took actions that were worthy of his identity and worthy of the country.

But the price he paid was that the woman he loved would miss him until she grew old.

But he couldn't repay the guilt in his heart.

Steve didn't know what else he could do now.

Perhaps all he can do is protect the S.H.I.E.L.D. founded by Peggy, dedicate his own strength, and continue to protect his family and country.

So Steve came outside the villa.

"Steve Rogers, are you leaving?

Paige's niece Sharon Carter saw Steve walking out and asked.

"Yeah, but I'm not in the mood right now."

"So next time I come back, I'll tell you why I'm still alive."

Steve saw Paige's niece, said a few words, and then he left.

If he wants to continue to defend his country and protect SHIELD from extinction, he needs to retrain his strength.

After being frozen under the iceberg for so many years, he had just woken up and was already too unfamiliar with his own power.

So Steve chose to go back to training.

If there were other opportunities, he would definitely find a way to make up for his debt to Peggy.

What Steve didn't expect was that only a few days had passed.

He met Sharon Carter again.

Because Sharon Carter is the person Nick Fury sent to help him understand modern times.

Knowing that this was specially arranged by Nick Fury left Steve speechless.

However, through Sharon Carter, it was easier for him to understand some of Paige's situation, so he did not refuse to say that he wanted to replace her.

In just over a week, Steve learned more about some of the changes in modern New York, as well as some celebrities in New York.

The more he gets to know Tony, the worse Steve's impression of Tony becomes. Tony is Howard's son, and what he does is not right in his opinion.

On this day, Steve was sitting in a coffee shop not far below the Stark Building, drinking coffee as usual.

Suddenly he saw a golden and red figure flying through the air.

"I hide in an iron bucket every day and dare not see anyone. I think Iron Bucket Man is more suitable than Iron Man."

Steve looked at the flying figure and sneered.

Originally there was a height difference of tens of meters, so the other party should not be able to hear clearly.

But Steve saw Tony, who had already flown over the sky and didn't know where he was going, suddenly changed direction and floated directly above Steve.

"I can understand that you are an old guy who doesn't understand the charm of technology."

"But I didn't expect that you would be so stupid as to be a frog in a well without realizing it."

Tony looked down at Steve, his words dripping with contempt.

"Now that you know who I am?"

"Didn't your father teach you what respect is?"

When Steve heard these words, his face darkened and he spoke.

"For a guy who wants to rely on his old age in front of me, he doesn't deserve my respect."

Tony said coldly upon hearing this.

"Did I say something wrong?"

"I hide in this iron block every day and act so openly."

"Why, are you afraid that others won't know that you made a big iron bucket?"

When Steve saw that this guy who was a generation younger than him and in a sense his nephew, actually didn't understand what respect was, he laughed directly.

"You don't know anything about me, so stop showing off your ignorance so complacently."

Tony's face turned dark when he heard these words, and he said coldly.

"You reacted so strongly. It seems that my words touched your sore spot."

"It's too easy to get to know you, son of Howard Stark, a man of the hour in New York."

"After I made a big iron bucket, I didn't dare to show my true colors to others and kept showing off this external power..."

Steve also felt that Tony was angry, and spread his hands as he spoke.

Before he could finish speaking, Steve felt himself being grabbed by someone, flying directly into the sky, and then being thrown away.

The incident happened suddenly, and Steve reacted quickly, made a move to relieve himself, and landed on the unoccupied roof.

Immediately, when Steve stood up again and took a fighting stance, he saw Tony floating in the air wearing a steel armor.

"You think that my reliance on steel armor is borrowing external force."

"But as far as I know, before you were injected with the super serum, you were just an ordinary person."

"After the injection, you gained strength beyond ordinary people, which made you a label of an era."

"My technology all comes from my wisdom."

"And your super serum was made by someone else. To put it bluntly, all your power does not come from yourself, but from the wisdom of others."

"What qualifications do you have to say that I rely on external forces."

Tony was floating in the air, looking down at Steve Rogers, and said coldly.

"I risked my life to gain this power."

"And the power of the physical body is different from the power you get by relying on machinery."

Steve heard Tony's words and spoke.

"Originally, I just thought it was not a problem that you were too weak, because you are a great hero who is willing to sacrifice your life for the country."

"But now it seems that you are an arrogant double-standard dog who is unaware of your own weakness."

"I have nothing to say to someone like you."

When Tony heard Steve insulting his technology, his stupid and unaware look suddenly became less angry and he spoke.

After saying that, Tony immediately flew away.

Steve Rogers is not even a frog, but an ant who thinks he is powerful and judges others. Why should he fight with an ant?

Steve watched Tony leave, and Tony's words just now lingered in his mind.

Is he unaware of his own weakness? .

He has the ultimate potential of ordinary people.

He has a super strong body. Being hit by ordinary bullets can at most be equivalent to a scratch on an ordinary person. He also has super self-healing ability and can complete self-healing without the need for drugs.

He also has super strength and endurance, so he won't get tired even if he fights with people for a whole day.

It also has amazing speed and explosive power. It can run 26 meters in one second, and its strength has reached two tons. It can easily destroy the opponent with its bare hands against a well-trained team of dozens of people.

If you put on a shield and fight one against a hundred in a minute, there is no pressure to charge directly against the shells.

Although decades have passed, as far as he knows, modern times are too peaceful, and the physical fitness of ordinary people has declined instead of rising.

In this modern society, he is a super human, Howard's son Tony, actually saying that he is too weak?

The fifth update is here. The previous update time will be restored in the evening. It will be updated after 12 o'clock in the evening. Please vote.

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