I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 146 Two ways to pick up a hammer

Harvey remembered that Mjolnir at this time had been cursed by Odin.

Only those who have justice and great love in their hearts can be recognized by Mjolnir and pick up the hammer.

Otherwise, only by relying on incomparable strength can one pick up the hammer with brute force, but those who can do the latter method will not need Thor's hammer.

Although Tony's strength has become much stronger, his strength is obviously still not enough in the face of the curse of God King Odin.

So the only way Tony could pick it up was the first way.

Considering Tony's current ideals and structure, he wants to benefit all mankind and let Blue Star enter the interstellar era. It seems normal to pick up Thor's hammer.

Tony saw that the power in his body still hadn't disappeared, and the hammer he threw felt a sense of connection, like his third arm.

"Jarvis, help me contact Harvey. I don't know what's wrong with my body."

This feeling scared Tony so much that he quickly asked Jarvis to ask Harvey for help.


Jarvis didn't understand what had happened to his husband's body, but when he saw how anxious his husband was, he immediately dialed Harvey's number without delay.

Within five seconds of the call, Harvey was on the line.

"Harvey, please help me take a look at my body and see if there is anything wrong."

When Tony saw that the call was connected, he said nervously as if he saw a life-saving straw.

"Don't be so nervous. What you just picked up was Thor's hammer, a weapon belonging to Thor."

"When you take him, he will give you the power of the God of Thunder."

"Since you can afford Mjolnir, then take Mjolnir back first."

Seeing Tony's anxious look, Harvey first comforted Tony and briefly explained the situation.

"Thor's hammer, isn't that the weapon of Thor in mythology and legend?"

Tony was stunned for a moment when he heard this rather special name.


Harvey nodded slightly upon hearing this, confirming Tony's question.

"Is it really a legendary weapon?"

"But why did Mjolnir suddenly fall?"

Tony asked a little strangely when he heard this.

"This is not a suitable place for conversation. Please recall Thor's hammer. I will go to your manor to talk to you later."

Harvey heard this and spoke.

"How to summon?"

Tony was a little confused when he heard Harvey's words.

"If I won't call you, you can go and get it."

"It won't cause any problems to your body anyway."

Harvey was a little speechless when he heard this. It was not him who took it. How did he know how to recall it, but he also proposed another method.

"It won't be a problem."

Tony was relieved to hear that it would not cause any physical problems. He quickly flew over and picked up Mjolnir, and then flew to Stark Manor.

As for the alien, it shouldn't be too late to deal with it after he understands the Thor's hammer in his hand.

On the other side, Harvey saw that Tony easily picked up Mjolnir again, knowing that Tony did not pick up Mjolnir by chance, and showed an interested expression.

You must know that Thor's hammer was originally supposed to be in the wilderness of Mexico.

Now that Tony has brought him back, Thor, the God of Thunder, should be looking for him everywhere.

About ten minutes later, Tony returned to Stark Manor with the hammer, and Harvey arrived just in time.

"Harvey, I just thought about it."

"Before the Thor's hammer landed, there was a beam of light falling."

"Is the person coming from that beam of light an alien, or is it Thor, the God of Thunder?"

When Tony entered the hall, he saw Harvey arriving, looked at the hammer in his hand, and said.

"You're still as smart as ever."

"Thor is here this time. The hammer in your hand is undoubtedly Thor's weapon."

Harvey said with a smile upon hearing this.

"Fuck! I thought there was an alien invasion, so I got excited."

"I didn't expect it to be Thor, the God of Thunder."

After Tony heard that this visitor from the universe was Thor, the God of Thunder, his excitement suddenly subsided a lot. He put the hammer on the floor and said speechlessly.

"You can pick up this weapon, don't you want to use it yourself?"

"Thor's Hammer is not weak. It can give you the power of the God of Thunder, which can improve your strength a lot."

Harvey said a little surprised when he saw Tony's reaction.

"Compared to the power of the God of Thunder, I already have the power of the void that is more profound and mysterious, so I don't need the power of the God of Thunder."

"Since this is Thor's weapon, Thor will definitely come to get it later, and then it will be returned to its original owner."

Tony said with an indifferent expression.

"Good guy, you've learned to flatter me silently."

"But if you flatter me, I have nothing to gain from you."

Harvey was quite surprised to see Tony's open-mindedness, but he didn't praise Tony directly, but said it jokingly.

"Hehe, he hangs out with Rennoli and the others too much."

"They open and close their mouths like the God of the Void, praising your various greatnesses. They have learned a little bit."

"As for the benefits, you have helped me enough."

Tony didn't feel embarrassed when he heard Harvey's words. Instead, he smiled and said directly.

"As long as you can see it openly."

"But with your open-mindedness, it's no wonder you can pick up Mjolnir."

When Harvey heard these words, he didn't hesitate to praise them.

"Listen to what you mean, are there any conditions for picking up Mjolnir?"

Tony didn't care at first, but when he heard Harvey's compliment, his body stood up from the original position of lying on the sofa.

"This is a weapon made by God King Odin. Of course, not everyone can afford it."

"It takes people with a righteous heart to be able to pick it up."

Harvey heard this and spoke.

"Harvey can you pick it up?"

Tony also became interested when he heard this condition.

"As you can see."

Harvey heard this and reached out to grab Mjolnir. He lifted it casually, but Mjolnir didn't move at all.

"You don't want to make me happy and deliberately lie to me, do you?"

Tony looked in disbelief when he saw Harvey's so casual action.

"It's not difficult for me to pick it up, but my method is different from yours."

"I used brute force, and you used faith endorsed by Mjolnir."

After hearing this, Harvey's right hand was covered with a layer of purple void power, and then he forcefully lifted Mjolnir.

"It seems like it's not that difficult to pick up Mjolnir."

Tony saw Harvey picking up Mjolnir easily and looking like he was not replenishing his strength at all, so he said.

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