I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 157 The more you understand, the more mysterious it becomes

"By the way, sign the contract."

"If you reveal what happened today, you won't be able to blame me."

Tony looked at the three people who were about to leave. He immediately flew to the underground laboratory and then returned. He took two confidentiality agreement contracts, two pens, and red mud. He needed Jane and Daisy. Signature plus fingerprint.


Jane also knew that a lot of the information she learned today could not be disclosed. She had already agreed, so she agreed immediately without hesitation.

However, before signing, Jane still read the contract to avoid any traps.

Daisy got the contract, which specifically prohibited them from mentioning what happened today.

If Tony Stark discovers some rumors and traces the source and finds that they were spread, he will be left to deal with it.

The punishment is quite severe, but as long as you don't violate it, it will be fine.

So after Daisy looked at it and found that there was nothing wrong, she signed her name and pressed her fingerprints.

She also wasn't worried that this was Tony Stark wanting both of their bodies.

Tony Stark is a man who sleeps with different beautiful women every day.

If you want to pick up the two of them, you don't need to go to such trouble at all. You can just throw money at them.

Although they will not sell their bodies easily, when the money reaches a certain level, everyone will be tempted.

Life is short and if there is a shortcut that only costs a small amount of money, most people will choose to take the shortcut.

It's a pity that her body may not be worth that much price in Tony Stark's eyes.

Thor watched all this and did not try to persuade him.

Because Tony Stark's identity is famous in Blue Star, it is estimated that it can be compared with his identity in Asgard. Things related to reputation still need to be paid attention to.

"Have a good time."

Tony said with a smile after taking over the contract.

"You two have helped me a lot, and I have nothing to thank you for."

"I'll take you to play everywhere."

"Is there anywhere you want to go?"

Sol said with a smile when he saw Daisy and Jane's reactions.

For him, there are many ways to get money, even if Tony is not willing to give it.

When he went back to the Immortal Palace, he took out some treasures and could easily exchange them for a lot of money, so he didn't care much about the money.

"I want to stay in a luxurious presidential suite, and I also want to have a big meal."

Daisy raised her hand when she heard this and immediately expressed her wish.

Their relationship with Sol is just friends at best, so asking Sol to help buy various things would seem a bit unkind.

But when she went to various places to play, she didn't have any psychological burden.

Because Sol himself said that he would take them to various places to play.

"Okay, then lead the way."

After hearing this, Sol looked at Jane and found that Jane was also a little moved, so he did not refuse and nodded.

He gained the power to fly back to Asgard even if Heimdall didn't want to pick him up.

More importantly, he regained the recognition of Thor's hammer, which proved that this was both a punishment from his father and an experience for him.

Now that the experience was over and the biggest burden in his heart was gone, he decided to repay Jane and Daisy for helping him, and then return to Asgard.

"Okay, then I'll just call a taxi."

Daisy jumped up happily when she heard Sol agreed.


After Tony saw Sol off, he watched Sol leave his manor.

Only then did he safely take off his steel armor, revealing his young and handsome face.

"Jarvis, hurry up and help me arrange a midnight snack. Even if the price is high, it's okay."

Tony immediately urged Jarvis.

"Sir, before you give your instructions, I have made arrangements for you and Miss Pepper."

Jarvis heard this and spoke.

"Well done, you finally sent the hammer back."

"Give me something to eat this day."

When Tony heard Jarvis's words, he didn't want to move at all and crawled directly onto the soft sofa like a salted fish.

The whole day, he had to worry about whether he would be exposed, not to mention how nervous he was. Fortunately, he handled it perfectly.

"Is Thor gone?"

At this time, Pepper also walked out of the room, looked at Tony who was talking like a puddle of mud, and asked.

"Well, I also gave Sol some money."

"Let him have a good time in Blue Star, and he won't bother us suddenly."

Tony turned over after hearing this, looked at Pepper and said with a smile.

For safety reasons, he asked Pepper to stay in the room until Jarvis said it was okay to come out.

Thor will not doubt his strength, because all he has shown are the abilities of the steel armor.

Thor couldn't see his body, but if Thor saw Pepper, it would be possible to see that Pepper's physical fitness was different from ordinary people.

Because she had been prepared, Pepper had nothing to do in her room, eating and watching a movie.

Tony wants to fight Thor with wits and courage, and find a way to send Thor's hammer back quickly and send Thor away.

"Thanks for your hard work."

Pepper came to Tony's side, stretched out her white and delicate hands, and gently rubbed Tony's belly.

"It's not hard at all, it's mainly because I'm hungry."

Tony reached out and hugged Pepper directly into his arms, and said.

"Ok, I know."

"But Tony, if Thor is not part of an alien invasion."

"So that means that Mr. Harvey mentioned that the alien invasion was someone else?"

Pepper snuggled into Tony's arms, nodded slightly, and then spoke.

"Probably, but there's no need to worry."

"I could have solved it, not to mention that Thor will stay at Blue Star for a while now."

"When the time comes that I can't handle it, I can still call the God of Thunder over to help."

"Maybe Harvey had already expected that Thor would reach Blue Star faster before the alien invasion."

"So I don't need to worry."

Tony's eyes flashed when he heard this, and he said slowly.

Every time he thought he had understood some of Harvey's ideas, he found that he had only seen the tip of the iceberg.

How much Harvey knew, he had no way of guessing.

Fortunately, Harvey, who seems to be able to see through the future and know about martial arts, will not take the initiative to attack Blue Star.

"Mr. Harvey is really powerful. He expected all this to happen."

"If anything happens in the future, don't worry about saving face. If you can, go to Mr. Harvey for help."

When Pepper heard Tony's words, her eyes flickered and she said with some admiration.

"Ok, I know."

Tony didn't mind after hearing this, nodded and said.

The third update is here, please vote.

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