I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 160 We failed to penetrate the enemy’s armor

Then Tony opened his palms and aimed at the Destroyer. The terrifying energy began to gather, and a violent shock wave directly erupted.

When it was shot at the Destroyer, it converged into an energy beam more than two meters thick.

Tony had no intention of holding back at all against this metal monster that looked like it was not a living thing.

But this energy beam, which can easily break through alloys and destroy tank armor and other metals, is shot at the Destroyer.

It just made a sizzling sound and staggered the Destroyer's body.

Before the energy beam could continue to attack one part, causing it to be damaged, the Destroyer had already stretched out his palm to block it.

"Mr. Tony, we failed to penetrate the enemy's armor."

Jarvis's voice sounded at this moment.

"You don't need to tell me, I can see it."

Tony said angrily when he heard this, but his eyes became solemn.

It was indeed an unknown technology from an alien planet, and its hardness was simply beyond his knowledge.

"Tony, just help me suppress him. I can destroy it."

Thor saw the power of Tony's blow. Although it failed to penetrate the armor, it was enough to suppress it. He yelled and informed Tony of the battle plan.

Thor knew that if he wanted to completely defeat the Destroyer, ordinary attacks would have no effect and he had to kill him with one blow.

So he didn't hold back, and while Tony was suppressing the Destroyer, he raised the Thor's Hammer in his hand.

Suddenly a storm gathered in the sky, and thunder struck Thor's hammer, causing Thor's blond hair to flutter and his eyes to flash with lightning.

Then, carrying the power of thunder, he flew forward and struck directly at the Destroyer's head with a hammer.

But when Thor saw the Destroyer, the back of his head that was originally wide open suddenly turned around.

And the Destroyer's head once again seemed to have been unwound, revealing an interior filled with only terrifying energy, and was pointed directly at Thor.

If he were hit by this cannon at close range, Thor would be disabled or dead.

But there was no need for words. Thor was not timid at all, because he was not fighting alone.

Just as Thor trusted him, when Tony saw this scene, the propeller under his feet exploded and a shock wave visible to the naked eye appeared in the air.

No one arrived before anyone could say anything, and Tony punched the Destroyer in the waist like a thunderous force.

A sound of "Cang!" resounded throughout the sky. There was no dent in the Destroyer's waist, but his body tilted back and the beam of light shot directly into the sky.

The force of the rebound caused the armor on Tony's palm to shatter.

Although Tony was very strong, the metal gap in the armor made it impossible for the steel armor to withstand it.

Thor took advantage of the situation and held Mjolnir with both hands, and swiped the hammer directly at the Destroyer's neck.

With a sound of "Boom!", the terrifying thunder visible to the naked eye directly enveloped the Destroyer, causing the Destroyer's head to begin to twist.

The terrifying impact made the Destroyer's heavy body unable to maintain balance, and his body flew sideways and crashed into the sea.

But before the two of them had time to be happy, a golden energy beam shot directly from the sea, causing a gap to split in the sea water.

The energy that burst out was so frightening to see.

The Destroyer slowly emerged from the sea with its twisted head, and the metal on its body seemed to flow and began to fill.

The originally twisted head returned to its original shape, causing the chest of the body to become distorted.

"What the hell is this?"

Tony looked at the gauntlet that fell off his right hand, and looked at the metal monster that made a dull sound as it fell from the sea step by step, and said with some fear.

"Sorry for causing damage to your armor."

"I'm ashamed to say it, but I know its origin."

"It's the destroyer who guards Asgard's treasure trove, and I summoned him because of me."

Sol's face showed some embarrassment when he heard this.

After all, this thing was brought about because of him. If the Destroyer is allowed to act wantonly, it will cause irreparable damage.

"It doesn't matter if the armor is damaged, but you have to explain it to me after you solve it."

"Why do your Asgardian things appear here?"

Tony didn't care at all when he heard this, and landed five meters away from Thor. The gauntlet clicked a few times, and automatically fell off, revealing a strong and powerful arm with clear muscle lines.

"Aren't you an inventor?"

Thor was a little surprised when he saw Tony's powerful right hand.

Although they were in a battle, the two of them also felt that they were in trouble, but they were both confident that they could defeat the Destroyer.

Because although the Destroyer was not directly destroyed that time, it also caused some injuries to the Destroyer's body.

"I am an inventor, but that doesn't mean I have no other means besides invention."

"If we want a quick victory, it seems we can't hold back."

Tony nodded when he heard this and said.

"At this critical moment, are you still hiding your tricks?"

"You are doing your job but not doing your best."

Thor's eyes widened when he heard Tony's words.

"I just thought that one strike of yours could take care of it."

"Can you blame me?"

Tony said a little speechlessly after hearing this.

Immediately, an arm descended from the sky and was directly assembled on Tony's missing armor arm.

"Let's resolve it quickly. Delaying it for too long will lead to bigger troubles."

After Tony's armor was restored to completeness again, he looked at the Destroyer who was slowly approaching a few hundred meters away and said.

As soon as he finished speaking, Thor saw Tony's body begin to erupt with purple energy.

This kind of energy was something Thor had never heard of or seen before.

With the emergence of purple energy, the original gold and red steel armor turned into a deep purple, and the Ark Reactor that emitted blue light turned into purple light, looking like the eyes of a devil.

The armor all over Tony's body seemed to be burning with purple flames, making Tony feel as if he had returned from hell, and his whole aura became terrifying and dangerous.


Thor felt this dangerous aura and swallowed uncontrollably.

He originally thought that Tony would come up with other special technologies, but he didn't expect that Tony himself seemed to be very capable of fighting.

"Don't ask, I won't tell you if I ask."

Tony saw Sol's reaction and said directly.

There is no doubt that he has activated the void mode. Facing a monster like the Destroyer, if he delays for too long, it will only expand the battlefield and make cleaning up after the war even more troublesome.

Now that there is no one else around, he can fully display his power and fight quickly.

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