In just a moment, Thor saw Harvey's body disappear.

This made Thor search everywhere, and the next second Thor saw a black hole in the void appearing in front of the Destroyer.

Harvey's figure walked out, and Thor suddenly felt a fatal threat.

It's like a terrifying threat is spying on you. In the face of this terrifying threat, there is no safe place anywhere in the world.

Tony felt it too, and his eyes shrank.

Harvey's right hand turned into a purple blade, cutting more than forty times in an instant.

The Destroyer, which was made of Uru metal and claimed to be undestructible, looked like a piece of wood in front of Harvey and was divided into countless segments in an instant.

However, even though the body was destroyed, the Destroyer was not completely dead.

Faced with this scene, Harvey also expected it, and directly released the power of the void in his hand, eroding it directly.

Cutting off the connection with divine power, the Destroyer was reduced to a pile of scrap metal.

Afterwards, Harvey slowly flew back to the coast from the sea with the Uru metal broken into countless pieces.

"Tony, keep these."

"These are Asgard's Uru metal, which is a relatively difficult material to find."

"You can take it and study it."

"I'm going back first, don't bother me if you have nothing to do."

Harvey split the Uru metal into countless pieces and threw it on the beach.

When the metal fell, it made a clanging sound and a clanking sound.

Although it seems to be a small piece, due to its extremely high density, even a small piece weighs a lot.

Then, without waiting for Tony to respond, Harvey took one step and disappeared.

"Tony, I believe what you said before."

When Thor saw that the Destroyer was directly dismantled, even his divine power was directly cut off, and completely turned into a dead thing, he felt a turmoil in his heart, paused, and spoke.

Tony said before that someone could pick up Mjolnir by force, but he still didn't believe it.

Because he didn't believe anyone could pick up Mjolnir, his father's enchanted hammer, without recognition.

But now he saw with his own eyes that the Destroyer built by his father was cut into pieces in just one move, and Harvey even annihilated the Destroyer's consciousness.

This kind of strength simply refreshed Thor's outlook on life.

"I already told you that I have no reason to lie to you."

Tony said after hearing this, he reached out and picked up a piece of Uru metal, feeling the weight of this small piece, his eyes glowed.

This kind of Uru metal with the ability to transform is undoubtedly the best material for making armor.

As long as he can find a way to use it, his steel armor will become very powerful.

"I know, but who is he?"

When Thor heard Tony's words, he nodded and expressed the question he wanted to answer.

"He doesn't want to tell you, and I can't tell you without permission."

"This time he was willing to help, but the Destroyer launched a direct attack."

"Otherwise, even if he arrived just now, he might just save my life and not care about this destroyer."

Tony shook his head when he heard this and said.

After all, Harvey is not a Blue Star person, so he doesn't care that much about Blue Star's life and death.

"Then let's talk about it later when we have a chance..."

Thor is full of curiosity about Harvey now, but Tony can't say, and he has no choice but to see it later.

Soon, several steel armors fell from the sky and directly took away the Uru metal.

"If he wants to see you and talk to you, he will naturally come to you."

"I don't want you to go find him, but it might lead to a severe beating."

"So you don't have to worry too much about Harvey."

"Now talk to me first about why this Destroyer attacked you."

After Tony asked Jarvis to transport the Uru metal back to the manor, he looked at Thor and said slowly.

"To put it simply, my stupid brother Loki is sick."

"Lie to me that my father is dead. It seems he doesn't want me to return to Asgard."

"Then when I found out, he summoned the Destroyer and wanted to kill me."

After hearing this, Sol showed some melancholy on his face and spoke.

"It turns out it's a family matter, then I understand."

"You should go back and take a good look at your stupid brother."

"If you need any help, come back to me later."

When Tony heard that it was an Asgardian matter, he knew that he couldn't help with this kind of thing, so he had no idea of ​​going deeper.

"Well, I'll say goodbye to Jane and the others, and then I'll go back to Asgard for a visit."

Sol nodded when he heard this. The family scandal should not be made public, and he did not want to say too much about such stupid things.

"Let's talk about it first, Uru Metal will be treated as a trophy for a long time."

"If you want to take it back later, I will give you half at most."

Tony said seriously when he heard that Thor was preparing to return to Asgard.

"It's okay, although Harvey was the one who really saved my life."

"But you also called him here. Although Uru metal is precious, Asgard still has it."

"You can take all of these and it'll be fine."

Sol waved his hand after hearing this and said gratefully.

If Tony hadn't brought Harvey over, he would have dismantled the Destroyer.

The only way he wanted to make the Destroyer retreat was to die himself and let Loki call the Destroyer back.

So this life-saving grace still needs to be repaid.

"Thank you very much. You are welcome to visit Blue Star in the future."

"But before you come to my house as a guest, remember to go through the main entrance."

When Tony heard Sol said that he had given all this to him, he accepted it with peace of mind and said with a smile.


Thor nodded upon hearing this.

Afterwards, Tony flew away and made a call to SHIELD.

He briefly explained the situation and asked the people from SHIELD to seal off the beach and repair it.

In fact, SHIELD had already seen the battle on the beach through satellite surveillance.

There was such a big commotion on the beach, and no information was disseminated now. It was better for them to deal with it as soon as possible, otherwise there would be an uproar.

Both the blond man with the hammer and Tony showed terrifying power that was ahead of the modern times.

The opponent was a terrifying monster that this super macho man could not defeat with all his methods. His defense was simply despairing.

They thought the metal monster was scary enough.

But Harvey's appearance made them break out in a cold sweat.

The metal monster, which seemed to be impossible to deal with, was completely vulnerable to Harvey.

This despairing monster was killed by a more terrifying existence.

They didn't know how strong Harvey's power was, but it was obvious that it was definitely not something that modern society's technology could handle.

This strengthened SHIELD's determination to avoid Harvey in the future.

The third update is sent,

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