I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 166 Tony is not short of money

"If you really can't research a stronger alloy."

"You should study vibranium metal first. It is also found on Blue Star."

"According to Jarvis's method, you should be able to find the seller, and then you can buy some."

Harvey saw Tony lost in thought and spoke.


Tony heard Vibranium think about the memory in his mind and found that there was no impression.

"Well, you'll find out if you look for it."

"I'll hang up now, you can figure it out yourself."

Harvey nodded when he heard this, said something, and hung up the communication.

"Jarvis will help me check all the information related to vibranium."

After Tony saw Harvey hang up, he gave Jarvis direct instructions.


Jarvis received the instruction and immediately began to search for all information related to the word vibranium.

In just ten minutes, Jarvis searched all the channels he could check.

"Sir, there is very little information related to vibranium that can be found."

"Only one piece of information that cannot be determined to be true or false was found, and there was also an unexpected piece of information."

"Your father, Mr. Howard, once made a vibranium shield for Captain America, Mr. Steve Rogers."

Jarvis released all the information.

"Good guy, how dare you love such a stinky guy, all the things you have are given by others?"

Tony was also amazed when he heard the unexpected news.

Even if he failed to get the vibranium, hearing the news would make Tony happy for a while.

In the future, if Steve dares to yell in front of him, he will use this to retaliate against Steve. He still has the nerve to say that others rely on external forces.

"It's impossible to confirm whether vibranium is sold on the black market because the news is a bit old."

"I can help you locate the location. Maybe you can go and take a look in person."

Jarvis was also a little amused when he heard this, and explained the situation of the vibranium news.

"You'll know if you go and take a look."

Tony nodded upon hearing this and immediately decided to set off.

If you didn't know, there is also an unimaginably hard metal like Uru metal.

If there is no other metal substitute, he will choose to conquer nanotechnology to improve the overall performance of his steel armor.

Because his current steel armor is all made of titanium alloy, it has good mobility, but its defense and hardness are worrying.

Originally, he thought it was nothing, and the speed was almost enough.

But after fighting the Destroyer, Tony knew that if he wanted to go head-to-head with some powerful enemies, he had to develop a more powerful armor.

Even if you fail to use vibranium to research new alloys, it should be good to make a few sets of vibranium armor to keep as a spare.


Harvey was eating leisurely.

If you don't want to completely mess up some things, it's better for him to stay out of it.

But as for Ultron, it doesn't matter at all.

Tony got a lot of vibranium, and if he had an idea, Ultron would definitely make it.

If Tony didn't have the idea to make Ultron, then Ultron wouldn't be able to come out regardless of whether he influenced these things or not.

And Ultron's inability to come out means that Vision can't come out.

It didn't matter to Harvey whether the vision came out or not.

Because as for that crazy woman Wanda, Harvey had no idea of ​​dragging her into the void.

There is no doubt about Wanda's strength and potential, but it is also because her strength is too strong that Wanda's temperament is very prone to disease.

Moreover, she ignores him as soon as he gets sick. If he is pulled into the void, Wanda may break the commandments without hesitation at any time in order to become stronger and achieve his own goals.

Harvey Watcher New York, looking for Dr. Banner the Hulk.

But I don’t know if it was too early, but in July 2011, SHIELD had not been able to find Dr. Banner.

So Harvey is not in a hurry, the show will start soon anyway.

After lunch, Harvey drove out in search of beautiful, beautiful women who needed help.

In Blue Star, as long as SHIELD doesn't bother him, life will be much more free.


Tony found a broken ship and spent a huge amount of money with a black man to buy a lot of vibranium.

He doesn't care whether he needs so much vibranium or not. Anyway, as long as it can be solved with money, it has never been a problem for him.

After transporting a large amount of vibranium back to the laboratory, Tony began a series of tests.

For example, vibranium's anti-freeze ability, melting point or what method can destroy vibranium.

After various tests, Tony knew that he must make a vibranium armor.

Vibranium is definitely heavier than the light titanium alloy, and it also brings a harder defense.

This also means that the mass and density will be very high, which will come with the weakness of poor mobility.

However, although the weakness cannot be completely overcome, the most advanced thruster developed by Tony can now drive the vibranium armor.

Although the speed will be at least several times weaker than the current steel armor made of titanium alloy, it is not so easy to quickly complete the assembly if it is broken.

It cannot be equipped with a large number of hot weapons, and is more inclined to cold weapons. The ability to add thrusters is already the limit.

And even with the help of thrusters, if you want to use it flexibly, the user must be strong enough.

Otherwise, wearing heavy steel armor may make it difficult to move.

Although it has many shortcomings compared to titanium alloy steel armor, Tony's thing can be used as a big killer.

When he encounters some enemies that are difficult to deal with but not very mobile.

He can then use the vibranium armor to enjoy fist-to-fist pleasure with his enemies.

However, if the Vibranium Armor was to be used against Renault, a person with supersonic speeds would only be beaten and not fight back.

So Tony started tinkering with the vibranium armor, temporarily leaving Uru metal behind.

He had no choice but to forget about it. He didn't have such strong technology to smelt Uru metal.

First, he finished the vibranium armor, and then he was studying to see if he could develop a metal that was as light as strong titanium alloy and half as hard as vibranium.

The reason why is half because Tony also knows that it is completely impossible to completely combine the lightness of titanium alloy and the hardness of vibranium, at least for now.

Tony didn't know how strong the enemy in the future would be. Anyway, he just had to make all preparations.

And after fighting the Destroyer, although the void rays he charged and released failed to penetrate the Destroyer's armor.

But it also made Tony discover the huge power contained in the power of the void.

Therefore, Tony's evolutionary direction is to strengthen his physical body and strengthen the power of the void, with both sides evolving in a balanced manner.

Although his physical fitness is not bad now, he is still far from being able to directly compete with Renault in speed, nor can he compete with Kel in strength.

Therefore, his physical body still needs to be further strengthened.

He saw with his own eyes that Harvey could directly physically cross the universe, at least his physical body had to reach that point.

He will go into space in the future, and he doesn't want to encounter some unexpected situation that will cause him to float in space and freeze to death in space.

The second update is sent.

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