I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 172 Want to refuse but can’t say it

And the most important thing is that Steve cannot fully understand and cope with many things on modern Blue Star.

What he faced next were aliens beyond Blue Star's knowledge.

This made Steve feel a lot of pressure, otherwise he wouldn't have said that he wanted to go back to the World War II era.

"Steve Rogers, I know you may be feeling weak when you see these videos."

"But please believe in your power, you are the first hero on Blue Star."

"And the power you possess is beyond ordinary human cognition."

"If you can't play a role in the battle with aliens."

"Then we ordinary people will have no room or means to resist aliens."

"You want to become an Avengers with them, not an enemy of them."

"Although they have joined the Avengers, their personalities and quirks are relatively complex, and we cannot achieve good communication with them."

"So we at S.H.I.E.L.D. really desperately need your power."

"Please give us a helping hand. This is also a helping hand for the humans of Blue Star. Please."

Coulson saw Captain America Steve Rogers looking a little frightened, and said with an extremely serious and sincere attitude.

"I hope I can really do it..."

Steve calmed down slightly after hearing Colson's words, paused and then spoke.

Coulson is right, Black Widow and Hawkeye are super agents, but their skills are also very good, but this is limited to handling some special tasks on the Blue Star.

The enemies we face are still within the scope of human beings.

What they have to face next is an unknown enemy from aliens, and they must have stronger strength and skill to deal with it.

To be honest, Steve has some doubts about his own strength now, and is not sure whether he can be used in the next battle, but when faced with Coulson's request for help, he cannot refuse.

"You certainly can, without a doubt."

"You have extremely high combat literacy and a smart enough brain when facing a battle."

Colson felt relieved when he saw that Steve had been persuaded, and said seriously.

Steve has made indelible contributions to the United States in the past, and has superhuman strength. He is the first superhero in the United States.

So Coulson has admired Captain America since a long time ago.

Even if he doesn't dare to dream of having the same power as Steve, he still hopes to contribute his part to the United States.

Although looking at it now, Steve's power is indeed equivalent to that of an ordinary person compared to Dr. Banner, Tony Stark, Thor, and the demon Harvey.

But at least Steve can still be seen as a normal person.

Facing the above four people, these people have absolutely no way to deal with them and are like ants.

These beings with powers beyond human common sense will bring devastating disasters to mankind if they act recklessly.

So they urgently need someone who can help them build bridges with the rest of the Avengers.

Dr. Banner of the Avengers and Tony Stark, as Americans, must have some respect for Steve Rogers.

No matter how much respect there is, as long as there is some, there is a possibility of conversation.

"I know."

Steve felt Coulson's love and admiration for him, and it was difficult for him to say words that he couldn't do, so he could only say words that were reassuring.

"By the way, we made some changes to your uniform."

"I also made some design suggestions."

Coulson laughed when he heard Steve's words of conviction, and said.

"My uniform?"

"Isn't the pattern of stars and stripes... too outdated?"

After Steve heard Coulson mention his uniform and was exposed to a lot of modern knowledge and culture, he recalled the uniform he wore in the past and had to say that the uniform was ugly and completely outdated.

He prefers to wear the current jacket and casual clothes than that one, so he also wants to refuse.

"Considering the current situation and the upcoming fierce battle."

“Maybe people just need a little bit of the spirit of the past.”

Coulson said with a heavy expression upon hearing this.

Although this time Tony Stark and the Hulk are willing to assemble, which has improved the Avengers' combat power by several levels.

But regardless of whether the Hulk will lose control, the most troublesome thing about the enemies who invaded Blue Star this time is that they have a way to control people's minds.

If Tony Stark is controlled, he may become the biggest threat to mankind.

I hope that Captain America Steve Rogers' dedication and righteous spirit can make the rest of the Avengers more united and avoid the worst-case scenario.


Steve heard what Colson said. Even though he didn't want to wear the old and outdated uniform, he still couldn't say no.


At the same time, in a secret underground research room.

Loki connected his consciousness to the universe through the Mind Stone.

"The Chitauri are becoming increasingly restive."

An ugly humanoid creature wearing a black cloak, an alien armor, a mask on his face, and holding a scepter spoke.

"Tell them to control themselves."

"I will lead them in a glorious battle."

When Loki saw this Chitauri, he felt disdain in his heart, but he still didn't show it on the surface and spoke.

The Destroyer never came back on Blue Star. He didn't think the Chitauri would be able to capture Blue Star, but he didn't mind watching a good show.


"Crushing the bugs on Blue Star to death can still be called a war?"

The Chitauri general looked back at Loki after hearing Loki's words, his words full of contempt.

"A glorious and easy campaign."

"The premise is that your army is as invincible as you say."

Loki said calmly after hearing this.

"How dare you question us?"

"Question him?"

“Don’t forget that it was He who gave you the scepter.

"Teach you ancient knowledge and give you a new mission."

"In your exile and failure."

When the Chitauri general heard Loki's words, he looked at Loki angrily.

"I was once the king, the king of Asgard, but I was betrayed."

Loki heard this man actually mentioning his past shame and said loudly with an extremely serious tone.

"Your ambitions are so small and childish."

"We want more than just Blue Star. The Rubik's Cube will open up a broader world."

The Chitauri general heard Loki's response, his words filled with contempt and disdain.

"Don't forget that the Rubik's Cube is still in my hand."

Loki heard these contemptuous words and spoke.

The third update is sent

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