"what way?"

Steve asked with some concern after hearing this.

"If Blue Star cannot teach the Chitauri army a profound lesson."

"Then even if Loki stops the Chitauri army from advancing this time."

"Blue Star will also be targeted by the Chitauri army in the future and may attack Blue Star at any time."

"Instead of guarding against the Chitauri army that will arrive at an unknown time."

"Why don't you take this opportunity to use Loki to lure the snakes out of their holes and lure them over to surround and kill them."

"Although it will cause some casualties, the cost will be much less than if there is no preparedness for a sudden disaster."

After hearing this, Tony also said what he thought of.

He is willing to devote many years of his hard work and energy to help Blue Star enter the interstellar era.

But he also understands that as long as a war is launched, it is impossible to completely guarantee the safety of all humans.

His strength and vision are completely different after joining the Void.

But he is not a god, and his strength is limited, so sometimes he has to make a choice.

In the war between civilizations, there is no absolute right or wrong, only respective positions.

The Chitauri army has their own goals, and if Blue Star wants to avoid being completely destroyed, they must take action.

Blue Star's current technological level is limited, although there are irregular killers like mushroom eggs.

However, Blue Star does not yet have the ability to move to other habitable planets after the environment of Blue Star completely returns to its original state.

Therefore, mushroom eggs can only be used as a last resort, and should never be used unless absolutely necessary.

Therefore, if he wants to repel the Chitauri army this time, he will probably have to do everything he can.

If the Chitauri army had not been beaten painfully and let the Chitauri army know that Blue Star could not be provoked, I am afraid that this war would have continued until one of the civilizations completely disappeared.


Thor also understood what Tony meant, looked at Loki and shouted.

Tony also looked at Loki. Before Blue Star had truly become a cosmic civilization, it encountered an invasion from other civilizations in the universe.

At this critical moment, if Loki didn't cooperate, he would find a way to get Loki to cooperate.

Of course, the methods he mentioned cannot be slow methods such as verbal persuasion.

"You are asking me to be a double agent."

"But it's not impossible to make me agree, but after you take me back, Saul, you can't lock me up."

Loki's eyes flickered when he heard this, and he wanted to refuse, but he felt Tony Stark staring at him closely, as if he would not let him go if he dared not agree, so he paused and said.

"If this crisis is successfully resolved, I will definitely help you escape the punishment of confinement, but you must promise that I will not cause trouble in the Nine Realms."

"The Nine Realms have been protected by Asgard for many years. As the princes of Asgard, you and I should protect the Nine Realms.

"So this time, please protect the Nine Realms with me."

When Thor heard Loki's conditions, he thought about it and Akatsuki said it with emotion and reason.

If possible, Thor would of course want to join forces with his brother.

Although Loki's strength is not as good as his, Loki's is much better than him, and he will always come up with some solutions to various problems.

"...Only this time."

When Loki saw that Thor was still saying that he was the prince of Asgard, his heart trembled and he spoke.

"That's great, Loki."

When Thor saw Loki agreeing, he responded with a bear hug until Loki couldn't breathe.

This made Loki quickly tap Thor's arm to make Thor let go.

Otherwise, he would have died in the arms of his brothers instead of dying because of his troubles in the nine realms.

"Loki, just this once, show me your sincerity."

"If I see you not only not cooperating with us, but also collaborating with the enemy."

"Then even if Thor shields you and lets you escape into the universe, I will find you and kill you."

Tony looked at Loki and gave a warning.

"Although Loki's ideas are a bit extreme, he is also an Asgardian and is still good deep down."

Thor heard this and defended his brother.

"It's the deepest part of your heart, right?"

Tony said quietly after hearing this.


Sol didn't dare to make an absolute guarantee after hearing this.

"Wait, wait, even if we can lead the Chitauri army into a trap."

"With our current methods, there is no guarantee that we can truly defeat the Chitauri army, right?"

Steve couldn't help but say a few words when he saw Tony, Thor, and Loki looking like they had finalized their plan.

Because Tony's plan is obviously to drag the entire United States into the vortex of war, and it is simply impossible to count how many people will be killed or injured.

"Now that I've said it, there will be a solution, so you don't have to worry."

Tony heard Steve's words, glanced at Steve, and said.

"We have arrived at the headquarters. How about we discuss the specific combat plan in detail after we get in?"

Black Widow Natasha knows that Tony has changed tremendously from before, becoming stronger and more courageous.

It is impossible for his own words to shake Tony's will, and for the upcoming war.

She had no other choice but to go to the headquarters and see what Tony wanted to do.

As soon as Natasha said these words, the fighter plane flew into the cabin of the aviation battleship.

As the fighter plane's hatch opened, they were greeted by a group of well-equipped troops.

"Take me to see Dr. Banner. I want him to understand some truth."

Tony walked directly down, looked at these soldiers and said.

"But the order we received was to take this Loki away."

After hearing this, one of the leading generals spoke.

"Now the plans have changed."

Tony directly instructed after hearing this.

As soon as Tony's commanding words came out, these soldiers all looked at Natasha.

"Whatever he says, you just do."

Natasha saw them asking her opinion and nodded.

"Yes, please come with us."

The leading general heard the words and performed a military salute, and then spoke.

Soon Tony, Steve, Thor, and Loki all followed the troops and walked through the cabin to the main console of the aviation battleship.

Tony's arrival attracted some attention, but when they saw Loki following behind, they all showed wary eyes.

"Dr. Banner, nice to meet you."

"Your research on antielectron collisions is truly unparalleled."

"And I thought it was even better when you lost control and transformed into the Raging Hulk."

Tony didn't pay attention and came directly to Banner and spoke.


Banner didn't expect Tony Stark to say this to him as soon as he came up, and he didn't know how to respond, so he could only respond by saying thank you for his appreciation.

On the seventeenth day of the year, here comes the first update.

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