I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 187 Do you think I care?

Tony was about to ask what it was, but the aviation battleship above had already descended.

So Tony could only put aside this problem for the time being, and several people returned to the aviation battleship again.

Although everyone on the aviation battleship could not hear the conversation between Tony and Dr. Banner, as well as Thor and Loki.

But they all saw Tony's terrifying combat power that surpassed human technology.

The most important thing is that the invincible Hulk was actually pushed back by Tony Stark, allowing Dr. Banner to return to his normal appearance.

Among them, Steve was the most shocked. Although he had learned about it from the video and knew that Tony was very powerful, it was far less shocking than seeing and hearing it with his own eyes.

The sound of tearing the sky apart from the strong wind resounded through the sky like thunder.

The battle between Tony and the Hulk is like a battle between two monsters that do not belong to Blue Star.

Tony showed extraordinary attack power and speed, and the Hulk was also amazing.

Any normal creature, without any protection on its body, would have been reduced to pieces if it fell directly from a height of nine thousand meters into the sea.

Hulk fell unscathed and even fought with Tony.

Although it seems that the gap in fighting skills is too great, it is Tony who beats the Hulk unilaterally.

However, through satellite monitoring, they could see that the Hulk was only slightly injured throughout the entire process.

There was no fracture or injury or coma, but instead the strength became stronger and stronger.

Not only is Tony's technology powerful, but his physical strength also looks very human, and the combat skills he displays are definitely at the proficiency level.

Although Hulk turned back into Banner in the end, looking at the whole battle, it was entirely because Hulk's fighting skills were too weak and he didn't want to be aggrieved and had to be beaten without being able to fight back.

As long as Hulk can hit Tony with a punch, Hulk will probably fight Tony to the end.

But regardless of the outcome of the battle, both Tony and the Hulk have powers beyond common sense.

Steve originally thought that Tony would not have any power without the steel armor, but now he found that it was entirely his own arrogance.

Whether it was Tony's technology or pure physical strength, Tony's strength far exceeded him.

Now Steve understood why Tony said before that he was watching the sky from the bottom of a well.

His thoughts and concepts were still stuck in the past when his body was the strongest among human beings.

"You should first understand each other's strengths. It's best to tell them what you are good at."

"As for the weaknesses, you can also discuss them depending on the situation. I will learn about them directly through the video later."

"I still have some things to do, and I'll talk to you in detail later."

"And Loki, please call back Barton and Dr. Eric."

"Then I will work with Dr. Eric and Banner to study how to open and close the portal."

"Our purpose in this battle is to inflict pain on the Chitauri army, so that they can only attack Blue Star and not be trifled with, instead of fighting them to the death."

"So the opening and closing matters are very important. If the progress is not smooth enough, the opening time will be extended."

"Okay, I still have some things to do now. I'll talk to you later."

Tony had just returned to the aviation battleship, walked into the main control room, and spoke directly.

Then, Tony turned and left.

"What did he do?"

Nick Fury felt a little unhappy when he saw that Tony ignored him and left immediately after giving an explanation, but he still suppressed the anger in his heart and asked.

"Tony is looking for help."

After hearing this, Thor glanced at Nick Fury and said.

"Does he think that SHIELD's aviation battleship is a place where others can come and leave whenever they want?"

Nick Fury was also a little angry when he heard Thor's words.

"Isn't that what he's doing now?"

"And he didn't ask for help, he just relied on these people here."

"Even if we can really defeat the Chitauri army and push them back, we don't know how many people will die."

Loki saw Nick Fury's dark face, crossed his legs, and said with a mocking look in his eyes.

"Watch your attitude, Loki."

"You killed so many people in two days, we should put you in detention."

Loki's disrespectful words and mocking eyes made Nick Fury's forehead veins gradually rise and he spoke.

"threaten me?"

"Do you think I really care about the survival of mankind?"

"I am willing to cooperate with you, not because of your face, nor because I am afraid of your rubbish battleship."

"It's because of Thor and Tony Stark."

"And neither of these two people have to listen to your orders."

Loki's face turned cold when he heard this, and he spoke.

Thor and Tony Stark are his brothers, and the other is ruthless. Both of them are stronger than him, so he will be more honest and calm.

But except for Thor and Tony Stark, he ignored everyone present, including this battleship.

The Hulk seems to be very powerful, but he has no brains, so he just needs to not fight the Hulk.

"Loki, calm down a little bit."

Thor saw Loki's extremely angry words and spoke.

But that's what he said, but if they really wanted to fight, he would definitely help Loki.

Now Loki is finally willing to help, and he will go back to Asgard with him in the future. There is no way he and Loki will fall out again because of this black braised egg.

"Okay, my brother."

When Loki heard Thor's words, he understood what Thor meant and said with a smile.

Then he fell silent, but Loki never looked at Nick Fury from beginning to end.

This made Nick Fury angry, and he had the idea of ​​​​contacting Captain Marvel.

But he thought of Odin, the god-king behind Loki and Thor, and really called Captain Marvel back and then forcibly suppressed Loki.

It may arouse the wrath of God King Odin. He doesn't know who will win in the battle between Captain Marvel and God King Odin. But Blue Star, as the main battlefield, will definitely suffer a huge disaster.

So think about it, Nick Fury also forcibly suppressed the anger in his heart.

"Dr. Banner, do you know how long it will take for the Chitauri army to arrive?"

Steve saw the solemn atmosphere at the scene and looked at Banner who took the initiative to break the atmosphere.

"Loki said it would be within a week according to the original plan."

"So it is expected that the portal will be opened in seven days at most."

"Otherwise Loki would also be suspected by the Chitauri."

"But depending on the situation, if the research doesn't go well, it's better to be suspected than to be unable to close the channel stably."

"So it may be delayed for a few more days."

Banner heard what Steve meant and took the initiative to explain the situation.

The third update is sent.

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