I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 190 It’s impossible for him to make money like this

After Tony made contact, he first had a big meal at home to satisfy his appetite, and then went to the aviation battleship.

Everyone else in the Avengers basically knows each other now.

Although Loki doesn't like them very much, Thor is quite easy-going and cheerful.

So he quickly became involved with the other members of the Avengers.

Steve also asked Thor about the universe.

In the past few days, he had seen so many things that he had never dared to think about before.

It is obviously impossible for Steve to question Tony Stark without shame.

Besides Tony, the only person present who knew more about the universe was Thor.

But when Tony arrived.

"how's it going?"

Thor, who was chatting with Steve and the others, immediately looked over.

"It's done, I found four reliable friends."

"They are all strong men who are not weaker than me."

Tony nodded slightly when he heard this.

"A strong man from the universe can be so powerful?"

Banner was a little shocked when he heard these words. He was not weaker than Tony, so didn't that mean he could beat him?

"Not weaker than you?"

"Then they are not little people."

"Who is there?

Thor asked thoughtfully after hearing Tony's words.

"They will arrive in three days at most. You will know when you see them."

Tony didn't explain much when he heard this and said with a smile.

Others were a little concerned, but looking at Tony Stark's unwillingness to speak, they couldn't force Tony to speak.

So I can only suppress my curiosity for the time being.

"Loki, where is Dr. Eric?"

Immediately, Tony looked at Loki and asked.

Opening and closing the portal is a top priority, so Tony doesn't want to waste time and strives to research it in the shortest possible time.

"Eric has arrived and is in the laboratory."

Loki heard this and spoke.

"Okay, Jarvis tells me the location of the laboratory, and I'll go take a look."

"Banner, come with me too."

Tony nodded upon hearing this, gave instructions to Jarvis, and took Banner with him.

Banner also knew that these things required the use of brains, so he followed suit.

"Don't forget, this is a war between civilizations."

"Although America's technology is at the forefront of Blue Star, compared to the universe, it is like a child who can't run yet."

"If you think that when a war breaks out, you can use technology and equipment to crush it like in the past."

"At that time, the entire United States and even the entire Blue Star may become a battlefield. It can be said that no place is safe."

"You are so lazy. If you are in danger, don't blame me for saving you."

Before Tony left, he glanced at the other SHIELD agents and military soldiers in the main control room. Some were in a daze and some were even playing games on the computer, looking lazy.

These words caused the originally relaxed atmosphere in the main control room to drop to freezing point in an instant.

In the past, even if the United States competed with other countries, it would have the upper hand 90% of the time in terms of technology. Isn't it easy to be advanced and fall behind? ,

It is no exaggeration to say that there are only a few countries in Blue Star that can officially start a war with the United States.

This also created the arrogant attitude of the American military.

When they knew they were about to face a war, they were nervous at first, but because of Tony Stark's resolute attitude.

In addition, there are heroes from all walks of life on their side, including Thor, Tony, and the Hulk, who are very powerful heroes, making them all believe that the war must be won.

Tony's words were a bit unpleasant, but they also awoke the agents and soldiers present.

Let them each start to think of ways to plan the distribution range of the war zone.

Tony took Banner to the laboratory and met Dr. Eric who had returned to normal.

After a few polite greetings, the technical discussion began.

The main reason why science cannot progress is that it has not overcome some difficult problems that are difficult for ordinary people to overcome.

But both Tony, Dr. Banner and Dr. Eric are geniuses in some aspects.

And Barton also obtained the key element that stabilizes the energy of the Universe Rubik's Cube.

Thor and Loki got off the aviation battleship first and relaxed in Blue Star's New York.

Harvey looked down at all this, and to be honest, he didn't expect it.

The first time the Avengers assembled, it was actually completely dominated by Tony.

However, given Tony's already extremely strong character, he is now much more powerful than before.

It was normal to seize the command directly from Nick Fury and lead the start of this war.

Harvey stayed at home, leisurely waiting for the war to begin.

In fact, if they had followed the original route, the Avengers would have completely defeated the Chitauri army that time.

It was more about defeating Loki and then forcibly closing the transmission channel.

Otherwise, the teleportation channel would have been open, and the initial Avengers would have been unable to stop the incoming Chitauri army.


Three days passed quietly.

On this day, a space battleship landed outside the Blue Star planet.

Rennoli contacted Tony directly, and after they determined the meeting point, they landed on the sea.

After the space battleship landed on the sea.

"The environment of this planet is similar to that of Xandar type. It is even better in terms of environment. It is a good place to live."

Lacey flew out of the space battleship and looked at the clear water below, as well as a large number of unmutated marine life. Feeling the clean and refreshing sea breeze, her eyes shone.

Perhaps because Blue Star's technological level is not that high, there are still many places and resources on Blue Star that have not been effectively developed.

Therefore, the environment of various planets with highly developed environments can be said to be excellent.

"Didn't you say we were going to fight a war?"

"Why didn't I detect the common weapons of the Chitauri army?"

Kyle, who was more than two meters tall, stood at the top of the space battleship. He looked at the radar and saw no signs of large-scale war. He muttered in confusion.

"I will understand everything after meeting Tony."

"Predictor, how long until Tony arrives?"

Rennoli's silver hair was blowing in the sea breeze, and he looked extremely handsome. He said calmly

"In one minute."

Upon hearing this, the prophet's black eyes flashed with light and he spoke.

After hearing these words, several people waited.

Sure enough, a medium-sized air transport warship soon entered the range of the radar.

"The invisible air transport spacecraft made by using reflectors is a bit clever."

"It's just that the anti-detection system is a bit rubbish, and it's just superficial."

Kyle saw the entire picture of the approaching medium-sized transport spacecraft displayed directly on the radar screen and spoke.

"Is this Tony's work?"

Lacey also landed from the sky after hearing this, and said with some confusion.

"Impossible, Tony's technological level is not that high."

Rennoli shook his head upon hearing this.

Tony, who is able to make such a powerful steel armor and is proficient in gravity systems and intelligent AI development, how could his technology be so rubbish?

"It wasn't Tony who did it, it was other humans on Blue Star who did it."

The prophet heard this and spoke.

On the 19th day of the year, here comes the first update.

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