I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 198 Parting after the War

And Tony also wants to thank his compatriots from the universe. Without their help, it is difficult to say whether this battle will be won or lost.

And the gift of thanks is naturally to treat them to a feast.

After the war subsided, SHIELD also began to take charge of the aftermath.

Although many of the Chitauri's aircraft were destroyed, there were still some flying chess pieces and giant tortoise war weapons. It cannot be said that they were completely preserved, but some important things remained.

If these technologies from the Chitauri can be studied, it will accelerate the progress of human technology.

After Thor and Loki watched Tony, who had shown his power just now, leave, they also found a place to rest.

Having just participated in a war and witnessed the death of many humans, Thor was not in a good mood.

Because all humans belong to his people in a sense.

It's just that his strength is still lacking, and he can't fly as easily as Tony and Rennoli.

So he was not very satisfied with his performance.

However, Loki showed no signs of sudden betrayal throughout the whole process, which gave Thor some comfort.

In fact, before the war started, when Loki saw the Chitauri army emerging one after another, he also thought about whether to rebel.

But the strength shown by Tony and the few friends Tony called made Loki dare not rebel.

If he betrayed him, he would die instead of the Chitauri.

Tony alone would be difficult to deal with, and the people Tony found were all terrifyingly powerful.

Moreover, Loki also knew the purple light emitted from his body when several people fought with all their strength.

Renolly, Kyle, Predictor, and Lacey should have been blessed by Harvey Umberaka just like Tony.

So these people heard Tony asking them to come to help, and they rushed over quickly.

Loki was also a little curious about what Harvey's identity or real name was.

So he then decided to investigate.

Although Loki had no clue about Harvey's real name, the arrival of Rennolly and the others gave him a clue to pursue the truth.

After understanding it then, he would see if he had a chance to receive Harvey's blessing.

Rennoli, Predictor, and Kyle are all superpowers, but their superpowers themselves shouldn't be so powerful.

The terrifying power now is definitely inseparable from the blessing.

But Loki was also a little curious about how many people Harvey's blessing could be given to.

Generally speaking, blessings are limited in quantity, and some more powerful blessings require qualifications and special treasures as a medium to bestow unimaginable power on others.

As long as he is given time, all of this can be investigated, so Loki is not too anxious.

"It seems that you are more accustomed to your own power?"

Steve looked at Banner, who had returned to his original appearance within ten minutes of the war subsided, and asked.

"No, Hulk took the initiative to change back."

"I still can't get used to the Hulk's power."

"But Tony is right, the Hulk Power is not the bad luck that befell me."

"It's a favor that gives you more options in a desperate situation."

"When used in the right place, this can be a power that can protect others."

"So I want to accept this power and make myself a strong person who can protect others."

Banner shook his head when he heard this, touched his chest and heart, and said with a twinkle in his eyes.

He saw the Chitauri killing many ordinary people. Although he could not save them all, he did his best to release the Hulk.

Have Hulk kill thousands of Chitauri.

If he could better control the power of Hulk in his body, let Hulk listen to his thoughts, or even completely transform into Hulk himself, he should be able to do better.

Originally, these ideas were something he couldn't imagine before, but after coming into contact with Tony and Rennoli, they were powerful people.

Banner's mind has changed and he will no longer choose to escape.

If he could completely control the power in his body and be able to transform according to his own thoughts.

Then he won't have to be afraid when he sees the woman he likes.

In the past, he missed a woman he loved because he couldn't fully control his power, but now he didn't want to be like that.

"Hulk's power is indeed very powerful. I feel that the power gap between Hulk and them is not far away, but the skills are too different."

"If you can control it perfectly, you will definitely become very strong."

"But if you want to control the transformation, you must at least practice controlling it in Tony's sight."

"Otherwise, it could easily lead to a disaster."

Steve heard this and patted Banner on the shoulder. There was no trace of jealousy in his words and he gave sincere advice.

Tony is right, superpowers cannot be controlled by humans.

His physical body is also a product of technology and does not belong to superpowers.

"I know, I will go to Tony for some practice later."

“Although I don’t know when it will come in handy, it’s better to be prepared.”

Banner listened carefully to Steve's suggestion and nodded.

"Come on, let's go have a drink together?"

Steve saw that Banner didn't look arrogant at all, but looked like a studious student, and said with a smile.

"I can't drink, so I won't go."

"But Steve, after seeing this, you must have been hit a lot in your heart, right?"

Banner waved his hand when he heard this and said.

"...It is certain that I will be hit. I know it has been decades since I woke up from the ice."

"I originally thought that technology was just getting more advanced, but I didn't expect that a large number of powerful people would emerge that were much stronger than myself."

"But while I was shocked, I was also a little happy."

"Tony is a little proud, but his heart to protect Blue Star is genuine."

When Steve heard Banner's words, he was silent for a moment and said slowly, and finally a smile appeared on his face.

"Let's go."

Banner looked at the forced smile on Steve's face and knew that he had accidentally poked Steve's spine, so he hesitated and spoke.

"Where to go?"

Steve was a little confused when he heard Banner's words.

"Go have a drink. Although I can't drink, I can chat with you."

"Besides, the battle has just ended, and I don't really want to be alone."

Banner had some smile on his face after hearing this.

"Okay, then I'll ask you to be my listener."

Steve was stunned for a moment, then said with a smile.


Banner nodded when he heard this, and then the two of them left together.

The fourth update is here.

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