Sarah was extremely shocked when she heard that almost all the people on the island were people with super powers.

She felt that it was not that simple for her as an ordinary person to be qualified for this job.

After Sonia stopped the fighter plane, she took Sarah to the temple.

"Who is this woman?"

"Miss Sonia is actually leading it in person?"

"I'm not sure. Maybe this is Lord Kassadin's new butler?"

"It's unlikely, she looks so weak."

When the members of the Void God Cult saw that Miss Sonia actually brought people in person this time, they also gathered one or two to see what was going on.

Feeling the eyes of everyone around her looking at her, Sarah nervously grabbed Senior Sonia's arm.

It is difficult for an ordinary person not to be nervous when he comes to a place surrounded by people with super powers.

"Don't worry, they are just curious about you and won't hurt you."

Sonia knew that Sarah was under great psychological pressure at this time, so she comforted her softly.

When Sarah heard these words and looked at Senior Sonia who was right next to her, she felt a little relieved.

Later, when Sonia brought Sarah to the temple.

More than two hundred members of the Void Cult have gathered to watch.

After all, I have joined the Void Cult for so long, and the last time I saw Ms. Sonia personally leading it was the wealthy Tony Stark.

Let’s not talk about Tony Stark’s strength, but no one will question his contribution to Void Island.

"There are now more than 500 members of the Void Cult. All of them have super strength and the ability to directly travel to alien planets."

"So in order to better manage Void Island, let each other know where they are. Even if they encounter difficulties, they can know it as soon as possible and go to support."

"When you enter or leave Void Island or travel far away, you can record the place you are going to and the approximate time you are going."

"Of course it's just a record. It doesn't require you to report and get permission before you can enter and exit normally."

"This is neither a doctrine nor a commandment, nor a mandatory rule. You can choose to abide by it or not."

"This is Sarah. She will be responsible for recording the entry and exit issues on the island from now on."

"If you are willing to comply, just say hello to her when you travel or return."

Sonia stood under the statue of Master Kassadin outside the Void Temple, looked at the people who were still watching below, and said slowly.

"Just say hello?"

"Do I only need to say hello when I go on a trip and when I come back?"

"It doesn't sound like much."

"Compared to something as small as saying hello, it doesn't matter at all."

"What I care more about is where this beauty comes from."

Some members of the Void Cult below heard this rule and had no resistance.

Because compared with the free travel in the past, at most there is an additional greeting process, and there is no restriction on travel.

"This rule will be implemented in one week. Please convey these matters to other members of the Void Cult."

Seeing that they showed no resistance, Sonia said.

Afterwards, Sonia left with Sarah and went to other villas where Mr. Cassadine was not there.

Because the job of recordkeeper will be available in the future, it is necessary to choose a special location to build a luxurious house, similar to an office.

If Sarah passes the test, she will get used to staying in that house, and she will naturally be willing to stay.

If you fail the test, having someone else provide you with a good and comfortable living environment in the future will also make people more dependent.

"Senior Sonia, do they all listen to you?"

After Sarah followed Senior Sonia, the two walked slowly on the road. Sarah asked curiously.

"In addition to being respected by Lord Kassadin on Void Island."

"The other members have no clear superior-subordinate relationship and are all on an equal footing."

“You won’t have any extra work besides record-keeping, so you won’t have too many privileges.”

Sonia heard Sarah's words and began to explain.

"Then why do they seem to respect you so much?"

Sarah said a little strangely when she heard this.

"Because I am Lord Kassadin's butler and one of the very few people who can directly come into contact with Lord Kassadin. In their eyes, my status is quite special."

"So they will choose to be more likely to believe and follow my words."

"But just because they are willing to obey, it doesn't mean that they are all under my control."

After hearing this, Sonia also patiently explained the true situation on the island.

"I just need to record it?"

"Then how many hours do I have to work a day?"

When Sarah heard this, she remembered that she hadn't asked this question yet, so she hurriedly asked it.

"Considering your physical condition, it will be fine from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m."

"The members on the island usually go on long trips in space fighter planes or space battleships, usually in the afternoon after lunch."

"The time of return is uncertain, and some may come back suddenly in the middle of the night."

"They might forget to say hello at first, but once they get used to it."

"Even if I come back in the middle of the night, I should say hello to you the next day."

"So you don't have to feel any pressure. Even if you want to take a walk on the island or take a break while working."

"You can put up a sign to let people know what you're going to do and where you're going to be."

"It would be nice if others could find you when they want to find you."

Sonia glanced at Sarah after hearing this, thought about it, and gave the initial working hours.

The main purpose of this job is to invisibly change some rules of Void Island.

Just let the members of the Void Cult get used to saying hello to the recorder.

Considering that Sarah would be able to accept the job if she passed in the future, she would naturally have more freedom when working.

This way Sarah won't want to switch to an easier job for you immediately after getting recognition.

"You only have to work twelve hours a day and still be able to go out and play?"

Sarah was a little surprised to hear this working time.

It’s not that I dislike working hours that are too long, I just feel that they are too short.

Because she worked in a celebrity hotel and was initially led by Sonia-senpai herself, she was already used to working eighteen hours a day.

"Of course you can go out and play."

"Void Island is built with various entertainment facilities, and there are many delicious food and drinks that are meant for the people on the island to experience."

"But you can't go out to play all the time. It will be troublesome if others can't find you."

Sonia said with a smile when she saw Sarah's mouth widened in surprise.

Sarah's job is to be able to wander around the island, because the job is to establish good relations with other members of the island.

Only then could the members of the Void Cult spontaneously say hello to Sarah before traveling far away.

On the twenty-fourth day, the first update is here, and I would like to thank you for the reward from the oops! Thank you so much.

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