I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 229 The right way to go

Tony didn't know much about this, but seeing that Lalatina said she could leave with him after filling in something, he didn't mind waiting here for a while.

It won't take more than ten minutes.

Lalatina filled out the form, explaining how long she would be away from the important person for the time being and where she was going.

By the way, Latina also packed her clothes and appeared in front of Tony.

"You brought quite a lot of stuff."

Tony saw Lalatina carrying several suitcases and said.

"I can transport all these things by air, so Mr. Tony, you don't have to worry."

Lalatina said with a smile upon hearing this.

"It's troublesome to transport it by air. I'll just have someone pick it up."


Tony yelled when he heard this.

"Okay sir, please wait a moment. You can go directly downstairs to the apron and wait. You will be there soon."

As soon as Tony's words came out, a magnetic and pleasant male voice suddenly sounded in the villa.

Jarvis has been monitoring everything around Tony.

Naturally, when Mr. Tony came to the Celebrity Hotel, he had been observing.


When Lalatina heard this voice, she trembled all over and looked around, wanting to know who was responding.

"Let's go directly to the tarmac."

Tony also saw that Lalatina was startled, and without much explanation, he went directly to the hanging ladder.

Hearing this, Lalatina also brought her own luggage and quickly followed.

When the villa manager in the lobby on the first floor noticed that Lalatina was leaving with Tony Stark with a salute, everyone looked at her strangely.

Lalatina herself had previously said that the ideal was beautiful but the reality was skinny, but then she turned around and planned to leave with the guests?

This behavior made the other women around her look a little contemptuously.


Lalatina felt the glares around her were like thorns, and felt a little helpless in her heart.

She provided two methods. One was for Mr. Tony to refund directly, so that she would be on standby and could continue to wait for the next guest to arrive.

I won't let myself take a break for nearly a year, and my mentality will change and I will become unwilling to work.

The second option is to leave with Mr. Tony and continue to take care of Mr. Tony for a period of one year.

When the time is up, she can return to the celebrity hotel and continue her normal work.

Lalatina knew what their eyes meant, but she also knew that sometimes explanations with words were in vain.

"You are walking rightly, raise your head, what are you afraid of?"

"You don't have to worry about other people's eyes. Even if they want to work for me, they won't have the chance."

"Now that you have this opportunity, it should be something to be happy about, not something to be ashamed of."

Tony felt the eyes around him, looked at Lalatina who couldn't help lowering her head, glanced around, and said coldly.

As soon as these words came out, the strange looks around him instantly disappeared a lot.

Although she felt that Lalatina was not a good person in her heart, she did not dare to show that look in front of Tony Stark.

Tony Stark is now the most famous and youngest arms dealer on Xandar besides the military. He can be said to be multi-talented and extremely handsome.

And the most important thing is that Tony Stark is a member of the Void Cult. It is indeed very rare to be able to hug this thigh.

"Thank you, Mr. Tony, I will do my part."

When Lalatina heard this, she felt that the colleagues around her didn't dare to look at her. Although she knew that they would still talk about her secretly, she still said gratefully.

Soon Tony brought Lalatina to the apron, and a space fighter plane flew over at this time, and accurately stopped fifty meters away from Tony.

Then Tony took Lalatina onto the space fighter plane and flew away with everyone watching.

Lalatina was a little confused when she saw that the space fighter had no pilot and was flying unmanned.

"Hello, Ms. Lalatina, I am the intelligent AI created by Mr. Tony. This space fighter is piloted by me, so you don't need to be surprised."

Jarvis saw the look in Lalatina's eyes and knew what she was thinking, so he took the initiative to speak.

"Mr. Jarvis? Hello."

After hearing these words, Lalatina came back to her senses, looked around, and then said cautiously.

"Don't be surprised. There are many things that will open your eyes when you arrive on Void Island, and they may also make you uncomfortable."

"But you can go to the Recording Temple and ask Miss Sarah to find out about the situation on Void Island."

Tony saw Lalatina's cautious look and said casually.

"Miss Sarah? Senior Sarah?"

Lalatina heard the name mentioned by Mr. Tony, shouted, and then asked with some confusion.

"I heard that Miss Sarah also came from the Celebrity Hotel. She should be your senior."

"And I spent most of my time on the island either eating or studying."

"So you still have a lot of time to run around the island."

"You can go talk to your senior Sarah first then."

Tony nodded when he heard this and said.

"Okay, thank you Mr. Tony for your suggestion."

When Lalatina heard this, there was both surprise and joy in her eyes, and she said with a smile.

"Jarvis, go to the Record Temple first and ask Miss Sarah to teach her some of the island's rules."

Tony saw Lalatina's silly expression, thought about it for a moment, and spoke.


Jarvis heard this and responded.

For the space fighter plane that has been modified by Tony, it only takes a few minutes to travel from Xandar City to Void Island, which is more than 200 kilometers away.

Therefore, Tony's fighter plane quickly stopped on the avenue near the Recording Temple.

Normally, it was because it was parked on the apron, but in order to allow Lalatina to find the Temple of Records directly, it was temporarily parked here.

"You go to that temple over there."

"Miss Sarah works there."

"After you understand it, ask Miss Sarah to bring you to my laboratory."

After Tony got Lalatina off the plane, he explained the instructions.


After hearing this, Lalatina looked towards the place where Mr. Tony said. A hundred meters away, she indeed saw a sacred temple with a sacred atmosphere. She nodded, and then Tony left.

"It seems that Tony has gained something from his visit to the celebrity hotel this time."

In the mountaintop villa, Harvey looked a little surprised when he saw that Tony had brought a beautiful woman back this time.

"Mr. Cassadine, what did Mr. Tony bring back?"

Sonia was currently resting and looking at various information on the Internet. Suddenly she heard Mr. Kassadin say this and asked a little strangely.

"Tony brought back a beautiful woman from the Celebrity Hotel."

"Now that beauty is on her way to the Temple of Records, she should be looking for Sarah."

Harvey said casually after hearing this.

This is a good thing for Harvey, because the ratio of men to women on the island is now seriously unbalanced, and it is necessary to have more eye-catching beauties for the sake of harmony.

"I'll go take a look."

Sonia was a little concerned when she heard that Mr. Tony had brought a beautiful woman back from the celebrity hotel, so she said something and set off immediately.

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