"Are you the recorder?"

"How long have you been a member of the Void Cult?"

"How many times has it evolved, and what is the direction of evolution?"

Alex asked after hearing this woman who looked as weak as a chicken.

"I haven't joined the Void Cult yet..."

Sarah felt the scary aura of Alex and whispered.

"Then how did you become a recorder and a temple?"

After hearing this, Alex was stunned for a moment and asked incomprehensively.

"Forget it, let me do the talking."

"Miss Sarah was brought back by Miss Sonia herself. She is indeed an ordinary person."

"But she is the recorder and lives in the Temple of Records."

"And don't be so strong and scare others."

Kyle saw that Miss Sarah did not dare to speak under Alex's momentum, and he couldn't stand it anymore and said,

"Did Miss Sonia bring it back?"

"What about this woman? Miss Sonia also brought her back?"

When Alex heard Kyle's words, his expression changed, and the sharpness in his eyes became much calmer, and he asked.

"She's not. Miss Lalatina was brought back by Tony Stark and is Tony Stark's secretary."

Kyle saw that Alex's expression softened a little, and the terrifying aura in his body also calmed down a lot, and he explained.

"Tony Stark, the inventor?"

Alex asked thoughtfully when he heard Kyle's name.


Kyle nodded upon hearing this.

"So that means Tony Stark is on the island now?"

Of course, Alex had heard of Tony Stark's name. He glanced at Lalatina and then at Kyle and asked directly.

"Well, it seems that Tony Stark doesn't plan to return to his hometown this year. At least he hasn't told us that he wants to go back."

After hearing this, Kyle thought for a moment and nodded again.

"Okay, let's not talk about Tony Stark for now."

"Recorder Miss Sarah, did I call her name correctly?"

Alex heard that Tony Stark decided to go and see what kind of person Tony Stark was later, and then looked at Sarah, who was a little afraid of him, and asked in a gentle tone.

"No, hello, Lord Alex."

When Sarah saw this Alex and heard that she was brought by Senior Sonia, her attitude immediately changed 180 degrees, and she responded politely.

"Can you tell me what changes have taken place on the island this year?"

"And what does your position as recorder do?"

Alex's attitude became very gentle and he asked with a smile.

"Lix, if you want to know what's going on on the island, just come with me."

"Let's talk over breakfast."

Kyle said after receiving Alex.

The main purpose of his coming here is also to pick up Alex.

Both of them evolved in the direction of the physical body, so they had fought against each other and got along very happily.

"It's okay if the two of them come together."

After hearing this, Alex glanced at Sarah and Lalatina, and said.

"Should I go too?"

"But I have to work later."

When Sarah heard that they were going to have breakfast together, it could be said that she was unwilling to do so, so she wanted to find a reason to escape.

After contacting so many people on Void Island, Alex was the first one who made her feel scary when meeting them. After contacting them, she discovered that Alex's personality was also stronger.

"Miss Sarah, come with me. I can help you get to know him better."

"I will take you back to the Temple of Records later."

Kyle also saw that Miss Sarah was unwilling, but according to Alex's character, Alex was obviously unwilling to give up without taking Miss Sarah with him.

"All right."

Seeing this situation that she could not refuse, Sarah could only agree.

"Then let's drive the car back first."

This was the first time Lalatina went to the cafeteria with someone other than Mr. Tony.

Although Alex gave her a terrible feeling, after learning that she was Mr. Tony's secretary, Alex's attitude softened a lot.

Afterwards, the four of them walked along the road together.

"Kyle, what changes have happened on the island this year?"

"Let's also talk about the record temple in detail."

Alex took long strides, obviously walking but his speed was directly behind Sarah and Lalatina who were driving, and asked in parallel with Kyle.

"The Temple of Records was built by Miss Sonia under the instructions of Lord Kassadin, but the people were brought back by Miss Sonia."

"If we want to record what the temple does specifically, we just need to make a record."

"I have to report to her when I travel far and return to Void Island from an alien planet."

When Kyle heard this, he directly chose to say what Alex wanted to hear most.

"Report? To her?"

When Alex heard Kyle's words, he felt even more puzzled.

"Lord Alex, I need to correct you here."

"It's not reporting to me, it's just informing me, so please don't get me wrong, it's not mandatory."

When Sarah heard Lord Kyle's words, Lord Alex seemed to have an even greater opinion of her, and she quickly spoke loudly.

"it's the same."

"Lix, before you come to Void Island in the future, you have to plan to leave Xandar."

"It's best to take some time to see Miss Sarah and explain the itinerary."

Kyle waved his hand and said directly after hearing this.


When Alex heard this, he didn't understand why Sarah, an ordinary person, was asked to do this job, but considering that the Temple of Records was established under the will of Lord Kassadin, he still agreed.

"As for any other changes on the island, I'll tell you in detail when I think about it."

After Kyle saw that Alex agreed, he started to think seriously.

It is still the early stage of the Void God Religion's power, and there are no various positions or anything like that.

So Alex is basically on the alien planet all the time, and he only spends at most two days a year on Void Island.

Therefore, when Alex comes back, he needs to explain some information to him so that he can have a better conversation.

He discussed it with Rennolly, Lacey, Predictor, and Tony.

Miss Sarah's recorder position should be just the beginning, and more positions will surely be added in the future.

Although Miss Sarah has not joined the Void God Cult yet, no one doubts that Miss Sarah will definitely be able to join the Void God Cult in the future.

Soon, Alex followed Sarah and Lalatina to a temple.

"Is this where you work?"

"It can be seen that the great Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void, attaches great importance to this position."

"Miss Sarah, as a recorder, you are an ordinary person, and you must encounter some difficulties."

"But it doesn't matter. If you encounter any difficulties in the future, you can always come to me."

After seeing the decoration of this temple, Alex looked at Sarah and said with a smile.

Mr. Cassadine is great and the decisions he made are correct and never meaningless.

Since Lord Kassadin established this position and designed the temple in such a grand manner, Miss Sarah will definitely be one of the compatriots of the Void Cult in the future.


Sarah was dumbfounded when she saw Alex showing recognition and friendly attitude towards her. Facing these words, she could only say thank you gratefully.

The fourth update is here.

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