I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 262 Everyone is equal before the commandments

"You really should go back and take a look."

"It's not going to be peaceful on Blue Star either."

Harvey heard Tony's words and spoke.

"I just planned to go back to see Pepper, but you told me that there will be peace on Blue Star again?"

Tony was originally in an extremely relaxed mood, but after hearing Harvey's words, he couldn't help but sit up, and his voice couldn't help but become much louder.

"The Blue Star will appear soon, a powerful treasure similar to the Cosmic Cube."

"When these things are born, they will naturally attract some people's attention."

Harvey heard this and spoke.

He also knew why Tony was like this. After all, Tony was already under a lot of pressure just preparing to fight Thanos, but other things happened midway.

But this is what should have happened, Harvey was just explaining it.

"Some treasures similar to the Cosmic Rubik's Cube will be born. Don't tell me they belong to God King Odin."

Tony said angrily when he heard Harvey's words.

"That is indeed something that belongs to God King Odin, but it has always been placed on Blue Star."

Harvey nodded when he heard this and said.

The Reality Stone can be said to be Odin's treasure, because it was sealed by Odin on the Blue Star.

"How come God King Odin lost everything? Isn't it good to recycle treasures of that level and take them back and keep them honestly?"

Tony was speechless when he heard that it was really the treasure of God King Odin.

"The Nine Realms are originally Odin's territory, so there is no such thing as recycling or not recycling."

"But you don't have to be so anxious. It's just a little uncomfortable. As long as it's taken care of, there won't be any problem."

Harvey said calmly when he saw Tony's appearance.

"In the last battle in New York, although the damage was minimized, a lot of people died."

"The arrival of aliens, for most ordinary people on Blue Star, is an inevitable disaster at any time."

Tony clenched his fists when he heard this and said.

It is also because there are too many ordinary people on Blue Star that he wants to bring Blue Star into the interstellar era.

Only Blue Star has become stronger as a whole. Not to mention that it is not afraid of alien invasion at all, but at least it has the ability to fight back.

"It is a very common situation on all planets when gods fight and mortals suffer."

"Even if the strong don't cause trouble, there will never be a shortage of disasters on Blue Star.

"Your strength is impressive, but it is impossible to completely protect everyone."

"So don't put too much pressure on yourself, as that may make you fall into the abyss of desire."

Harvey saw that Tony wanted to do something but couldn't quite do it. His eyes flashed and his voice became calmer.


When Tony heard Harvey mention the abyss of power, he realized that the anxious thoughts in his heart were like waking up from a dream.

He knew that after joining the Void, time would bring everything he wanted.

But he also knows how to take shortcuts quickly so that his strength can continue to increase in the shortest possible time.

Just now he almost thought about how he could quickly become stronger and protect everything he wanted to protect.

And once this idea takes root, even if it is not implemented immediately, it will become an inducement to step into the abyss of desire, and there will be no way back from now on.

"Tony, you are very talented and have a very good mind. You have made a huge contribution to the Void Religion."

"After so many evolutions, your strength ranks among the best among the many members of the Void Cult."

"But if you become a monster of desire and violate the commandments, even if I admire you very much, I will kill you."

"The precepts of the Void Cult are equal to all members."

"Tony, you have to understand that even if you are a top powerhouse, as long as you don't reach omnipotence, you will inevitably encounter some regrets."

Harvey saw Tony looking a little scared and said calmly.

Tony's heart trembled when he heard the warning in Harvey's calm tone.


But Tony also knew that Harvey was helping him, and nodded.

"But you also have regrets?"

"You are already so powerful."

Immediately, Tony thought of something and asked curiously.

As soon as this question came up, Sonia looked at Mr. Kassadin with some concern.

"I have no regrets now, but I may not have any regrets in the future."

Facing the eyes of Sonia and Tony, Harvey thought for a moment and realized that he had nothing to regret, and shook his head.

He has no regrets because he has already accomplished everything he wanted to do.

However, the years to come were so long, and he did not dare to say that he would never encounter anything that would make him regretful. This self-knowledge was very important.

"That's right, then I understand."

"I'm going to hold a celebration party first and treat Kyle and the others to a good meal."

When Tony heard Harvey's seemingly cautious words from Versailles, his eyes flickered and he spoke.

He looked at Harvey the way countless others on the Blue Star looked at him.

People on Blue Star think that he has great fame and fortune and can live a carefree life every day, but in fact he also has troubles.

If he fails to successfully stop the future enemy when it comes, it will be his regret.

He felt that Harvey was omnipotent, his strength was unpredictable, and all difficulties would be easily solved.

But in fact, no one knew whether Harvey was worried about something unless he said it.

"Go ahead."

Harvey saw that Tony's eyes had regained clarity and he had resumed enjoying the moment. Knowing that Tony was no longer affected by pressure, Harvey nodded.

Afterwards, Tony left directly.

Sonia and Harvey were left in the villa again.

"Mr. Kassadin, do you plan to visit Blue Star in a few days?"

Sonia said after seeing Mr. Tony leave.

"Well, I'll go there and stay for a while in a few days."

"But you can contact me anytime."

Harvey did not deny it after hearing this.

"Okay, I will keep an eye on Void Island during your absence, Mr. Kassadin."

Sonia also knew that it was not the day for Mr. Kassadin to decide to stay on Xandar, so she was not disappointed.

"Sonia, I have always been at ease with you."

Harvey wasn't worried at all when he heard this.

Sonia's abilities have been fully recognized by him.

"I'm very happy to hear Mr. Kassadin say that, so I'll go make some preparations first."

Hearing this, Sonia had a smile on her face and said.

Afterwards, Sonia first went to investigate what information there was on people related to the production of space technology.

Although Mr. Tony has not given her the most detailed list yet, it is useful to investigate these in advance.

After all, it’s impossible to find some laypeople who don’t understand the relevant knowledge at all to do it.

The third update is sent.

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