I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 289 Star-Lord appears

So Tony and Banner started their work.

Harvey is spending his days leisurely, waiting for Star-Lord to arrive and deliver the Power Stone.

More than two months have passed in the blink of an eye.

Among the blue stars.

Steve was originally living with Carter Page on a private island, enjoying life together every day.

At the same time, they are also training and evolving to strengthen their own strength. The two of them will care for each other at night and live a peaceful and comfortable life.

Just on this day in April 2014, Steve received a phone call.

"Steve Rogers, I need your help."

"There is a traitor in SHIELD. You must help me, otherwise Blue Star will be in danger."

Nick Fury's weak voice came directly.

"Where are you?"

After hearing Nick Fury's slightly subtle voice and the things he mentioned, Steve's face changed slightly and he asked.

S.H.I.E.L.D. holds most of America's secrets, as well as the use of many dangerous weapons.

If there really is a traitor in SHIELD, then Blue Star will indeed be in some danger.

It's just that this danger is not brought by aliens, but caused within humans.

"I'm heading to my home in New York. Come find me quickly...otherwise I may die here."

Nick Fury heard Steve's words and spoke.

Then he hung up the phone and tried to adjust his breathing.

"Be careful. If there is a traitor in SHIELD, it might be the remnants of Hydra."

Paige also heard Nick Fury's request for help. Nick Fury would not ask Steve to take action in general matters now.

"Don't worry, I'll be back soon."

Steve heard this and kissed Paige's forehead, then turned around and ran out directly.

Get on the helicopter directly and rush to New York as quickly as possible.


At the same time, this day on Xandar Star.

Sonia also received Dam's communication.

"Miss Sonia, I have received the news about Star-Lord that you told me."

Not long ago, Miss Sonia told him to pay attention to a man named Star-Lord.

Dam didn't know why Miss Sonia paid attention to this unknown person, but he informed Miss Sonia as soon as he received the news.

"Tell me more about him."

When Sonia heard the name Star-Lord, her eyes flashed and she asked.

"Star-Lord's real name is Peter Jason Quill. He comes from Blue Star and was raised by a group of interstellar predators. The leader is Yondu."

"There were three different people arrested with him who are suspected to be his accomplices."

"One is Gamora, the adopted daughter of the Mad Titan Thanos, also Thanos."

"An 89P13 experimenter claimed that the rocket looks like a raccoon."

"And there's Groot, the tree man."

"They are currently being transported to Chien High Security Prison."

After hearing this, Dam explained the information he received.

"Okay, I understand, thank you Mr. Dam."

Sonia was moved when she heard that Star-Lord was actually in prison at this time, but she didn't say anything, but smiled and thanked him.

"Miss Sonia, you are paying attention to him. Is there anything special about him?

"To me, this guy is a nobody."

Dam asked curiously after hearing Sonia's words.

The name Star-Lord is still claimed by Peter Jason Quill. His fame is insignificant and not as famous as his leader Yondu.

"It's nothing, you don't need to worry about it. Thank you Mr. Dam for the information."

Sonia said with a smile without explaining.

"Okay, if you need any help, feel free to contact us."

When Dam saw that Miss Sonia was unwilling to talk, he did not continue to ask. Instead, he nodded and said something, and then hung up the communication on his own initiative.

After hanging up the communication, Sonia came to the lobby and looked at Mr. Kassadin who was playing games for fun.

"Did Star-Lord show up?"

Harvey heard the footsteps behind him and knew that Sonia was coming, so he spoke.

"Yes, but he is currently being transported to prison."

"Mr. Cassadine, why did you specifically ask me to notify you after he appears?"

Sonia heard Mr. Kassadin's words, nodded in confirmation and asked the questions in her heart.

"I know you have a lot of questions."

"But don't underestimate him. Although he seems to be just a guy who is a little stronger than ordinary people at the moment, he is not famous."

"But he is a demigod, if he can get the inheritance from his father."

"He will be able to leap directly into the ranks second only to the top powerhouses in the universe."

"Of course, those are minor. The most important thing is that his appearance means that the incident on Xandar is coming."

When Harvey heard Sonia's inquiry, he stopped what he was doing, picked up the drink in front of him, turned around, took a sip and spoke slowly.

"You mean that he will become a top powerhouse and then help the Kree Empire to harm Xandar?"

Sonia heard Mr. Kassadin's words and asked after considering the key points mentioned by Mr. Kassadin.

If a guy whose strength is close to that of a top expert joins forces with the Kree Empire, he may indeed become the root of a balanced situation.

"It's not unreasonable for you to think so. It has such potential and power."

"But it's not that he wants to harm Xandar."

"But his appearance brought a treasure, which will become an incident on Xandar."

"What kind of treasure it is, you will be able to see it directly soon, because I will get that treasure back."

"Remember to tell other members of the Void Cult not to act rashly."

Harvey heard Sonia's guess and said.

Sonia was a little surprised when she heard that Mr. Kassadin was actually tempted by it and planned to get the treasure brought by Star-Lord herself.

"Okay, I'll deliver a message right away."

But Sonia nodded after hearing these instructions.

Soon, a message appeared in the Void God Cult group community.

"According to the will of Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void, there will be some changes in Xandar recently."

"Members of the Void Cult should not leave the island without authorization in the near future to avoid accidents."

The message sent by Sonia only appeared in the group community for less than a few seconds.

It has already caused an explosion in the group community.

Miss Sonia is rarely involved in the name of Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void, but whenever she is involved, it means that the matter will never be small.

Moreover, Xandar will encounter changes, and this kind of thing can be big or small.

But since they are specifically told to be careful, it means that Xandar will be in big trouble in the near future.

When Dam saw the news about the group community, his expression changed slightly.

Just after Miss Sonia asked about Star-Lord, she suddenly announced this news. Does it mean that this matter is related to the appearance of Star-Lord?

It's just that this matter belongs to the members of the Void God Cult. It is common sense that news about the Void God Cult cannot be spread to outsiders.

Whether he should tell other members of the Nova Corps to take precautions in advance left Damm in some tangles.

The fourth update of two thousand words is sent.

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