I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 302 Post-war exchanges

A group of members of the Void God Cult flew directly back to Void Island, and each one of them was exchanging messages about how many enemies they had killed.

Sonia directly informed the canteen that a week-long celebration banquet would be held and all expenses would be reimbursed.

As soon as this news came out, the members of the Void Cult immediately started a carnival.

But some members of the Void Cult also felt strange. Can these enemies call it a change?

As soon as this issue came up, it also caused a lot of discussion.

"The change is relative to the Nova Corps."

"For our great Void God Religion, it is naturally not an accident. It can only be regarded as a long-lost warm-up battle."

"Isn't it great? You can eat and drink as much as you want for a week."

Yan Molix was also eating and said directly.

"Yes, the fleet brought by Ronan the Accuser is quite large."

"Although I don't know what the Infinity Stones are, if there is a war, there will indeed be some casualties on Xandar."

Because of Yamalix's words, this originally somewhat suspicious discussion was immediately suppressed, and they naturally started chatting happily.

After seeing the voice of doubt disappear, Alex ate his food calmly.

If nothing happens, he will leave tomorrow at most.

Although the enemy this time was not strong, he still saw a lot of gains.

Many members of the Void Divine Cult joined forces, which cannot be said to be seamless, but their cooperation with each other is also extremely good.

Moreover, he also saw the terror of the precog, and all the enemy's movements and intentions were told to them.

This means that all members of the Void Cult are fighting this war with certain prophetic abilities. Naturally, winning this war is not difficult at all.

If the Void God Religion encounters a war in the future, the command will be directly handed over to the Predictor.

Even if the Void God Religion is on the weaker side, it can definitely find hope of victory.

Although Alex did not think that there was any force in the universe that could make the Void Cult weak, he still highly recognized the ability of the precog.

At the same time on the other side.

Tony, Banner and Kyle got together.

"The power gem actually has the side effect of arousing inner desires?"

Tony mused as he heard Banner and Kyle talk about the feeling of holding the Power Stone.

"Yes, and that feeling still arouses the deepest desire in my heart."

"It reminds me of my past self who foolishly thought that my power was invincible."

Kyle said as he ate.

"I understand, I also had this kind of unbearable past."

Banner heard this and patted Kyle on the shoulder, looking empathetic.

Although he didn't know how Kyle realized that this idea was very stupid.

However, Banner knew that he realized how stupid his idea was only because after being beaten up by Tony, he completely opened his eyes and entered the world of rape.

He then realized that Hulk's power was not invincible.

Now the more he understands the world of the strong, the more he can feel his own shortcomings.

But thankfully, his starting point is very high, allowing him to catch up with some of the strong players around him faster.

"Okay, okay, two big gentlemen, let's not cherish each other and miss the past."

"Banner and Tony, how do you know that this Infinity Stone is called the Power Stone?"

"Not even Lacey knows this information."

Upon hearing this, Rennoli directly interrupted the conversation between Banner and Kyle and spoke.

"Yes, I have heard a lot of information, but this is the first time I have heard about the Infinity Stones."

Lacey was also a little confused when she heard this.

“It’s not convenient to say the details here.”

"But what I can tell you is that besides the Power Stone, there are five other gems similar to this treasure."

Tony heard this and spoke.

It's not that he doesn't believe in the people of the Void Cult, but not many people know about the fact that the Reality Stone is in the hands of him and Banner.

If other members of the Void Cult knew about it, just bragging might leak out and cause a lot of trouble.

"There are five more treasures of this level?"

"If we collect them all and give them to Lord Kassadin, wouldn't it be a great achievement?"

When Kyle heard Tony's words, his eyes widened and he said directly.

He had personally experienced the power of the Power Stone, if Ronan wasn't such a bad user.

If it were given to a strong person like Tony or Renault, his chances of winning would become 10 to 10, he would be 0, Tony and Renault would be 10.

Therefore, knowing the terrifying abilities brought by power gems, other similar treasures, even if they do not simply increase power, should not be much different.

"Do you know where they are? You just said you wanted to collect them."

Tony was speechless when he heard this.

"I don't know, but doesn't the look on your face suggest some information?"

"Tell us and we'll get it together."

Kyle was not worried at all when he heard this.

"Let's not talk about that for now. Let's first find a way to get the power gem to Miss Sonia and let her pass it on to Lord Kassadin."

Rennoli was just a little concerned about why Tony knew, but Tony also said that it was not convenient to reveal too much, so he directly helped Tony change the topic.

"This is not simple. It is now two o'clock in the afternoon. From three to five o'clock in the afternoon, Miss Sonia will patrol the island."

"Just go up and hand it over to Miss Sonia."

Kyle said casually after hearing this.

"Just hand it over to you, you don't want any reward?"

"Didn't Banner say that you spent 200 million to buy the cosmic spirit ball this time?"

Seeing Kyle's stupidity, Lacey reminded him.

"If Alex gets this thing, he will probably be eager to send it to him immediately."

"He doesn't want to get involved either, otherwise he would have just let Alex go and get it done."

Kyle heard Lacey's reminder and didn't care at all whether he got credit or not.

"Okay, then you can hand it over when Miss Sonia comes out to patrol."

Lacey rolled her eyes when Kyle mentioned the fanatical monster Alex, but stopped trying to persuade him.

As for the ownership of the universal weapon, because Kyle does not rely on weapons, Rennoli already has weapons, and most of the prophets use high technology and cannot use them.

Only Lacey didn't have any weapons, so Kyle gave Lacey the universal weapon casually.

Lacey's combat ability has been greatly improved since then, and she can deal with more different types of opponents.

"When you finish eating and change places, tell us more about the Infinity Stones."

Rennoli said to Tony.


Tony heard this and agreed without hesitation.

The second update of two thousand words is sent.

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