I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 309 Which crime is the most serious?

"Of course, even if my father doesn't take action."

"At present, the nine realms with me, Loki and you two are enough to deal with countless troubles."

Thor said with a smile upon hearing this.

Tony and Banner heard Thor talking about this matter, and they looked at each other and asked what each other meant.

"Want to ask about that?"

Banner asked looking at Tony.

"I think it's necessary to ask."

"It's better to find out how many powerful people there are in the Nine Realms."

After hearing this, Tony thought about it for a moment and said.

"What are you two talking about, what are you asking about?"

Thor was also a little confused when he saw the Riddler-like conversation between Tony and Banner.

"Thor, Loki, have you ever heard of the name Hela, the goddess of death?"

Tony knew that these things had to be asked clearly, and this matter was not about the death of Odin, the cursed god king, so he didn't have so many scruples about asking.

Thor and Loki looked at each other, then shook their heads together.

Never heard of it, but why would you ask? "

But compared to Thor who was confused, Loki asked directly

"In fact, I heard that Asgard has declined a lot compared to its past glory."

"The fundamental reason for the decline is that Asgard's death goddess Hela and the Valkyrie Legion have disappeared."

Tony saw that Thor and Loki were acting as he had guessed. They really didn't know about this matter. After thinking about it, he decided that it would be better to make it clearer.

"Who did you listen to?"

Thor didn't think anything about it when he heard the death goddess Hela, but after hearing about the Valkyrie Legion, his expression changed a bit.

"Lacie, she used to be responsible for intelligence work in the bounty hunting world, so she knows a lot of things."

"According to her, Hela, the goddess of death, is the daughter of the god-king Odin."

"He once fought in the nine realms for Asgard in the past and made indelible achievements."

"And her strength is second only to God King Odin."

"It was also the period when she and the Valkyrie Legion were around that it was Asgard's heyday."

When Tony heard this, he also explained the source of the news.

"As for the Valkyrie Legion, I have grown up listening to the great achievements they left behind since I was a child."

"It is rumored that each of them is brave and good at fighting and possesses divine power and artifacts."

"When they were around, Asgard was at its most prosperous and peaceful."

"Because they will overcome all difficulties for Asgard."

"I just heard that they were all wiped out because they dealt with a powerful enemy."

"So when the Valkyrie Legion was here, it could indeed be said to be Asgard's most prosperous period."

"But I've never heard of the fact that we have a sister."

After hearing this, Sol's face became solemn and he spoke.

Although he was not familiar with Lacey, people who were responsible for providing intelligence would generally not deliberately disclose information that was very easy to distinguish between true and false.

Since it is said, it means that this matter may have actually happened in the past.

"There is no news about Hela, the goddess of death, in the various books and documents in Asgard."

"The king and queen, including other things about Asgard, have never been mentioned."

Loki's expression also became a little solemn, and he added some words to indirectly confirm Thor's statement.

"It seems that Miss Lacey's guess is good."

"A lot of things should have happened inside Asgard, but they have all been covered up."

"And if there is no record, it is something that cannot be told outside. That is why the two of you never knew that you had a sister."

Banner heard this and said.

"What level of punishment do you have for Asgard's crimes before all records will be erased?"

After Tony heard this, he looked at Thor and Loki thoughtfully and asked.

"There are only two most severe punishments in Asgard."

"The first and most serious punishment is to have your divine power wiped out and demoted to the mortal world, which is a type of exile."

"I provoked an ancient war because of my stupid impulse, and I was demoted to the mortal world because I showed no regrets. You also know about that time."

"The second most serious punishment is eternal confinement. Sometimes death is a gift. Being kept alive forever is the biggest punishment."

"If Loki hadn't turned back in time to help Blue Star overcome the difficulties, the punishment would have been permanent confinement."

"I have never heard of a punishment for erasing records and existence."

When Sol heard this, he was also a thinker.

What kind of sin could make my father so angry that he could directly erase the existence of a god.

"The Valkyrie Legion was destroyed before we were born."

"What we can see or hear are the legendary deeds they left behind."

Loki also knew what he had done, so he didn't mind Thor using himself as an example. He also thought about it and explained what he knew.

"For Asgard, if there is any crime, it is more serious than the crime committed by Loki and I."

"Then it started an internal fight in Asgard, which led to tragic things."

"For the long-term stability of Asgard, a certain existence has to be erased."

When Thor heard Loki's words, he also thought about many possibilities and said with a serious face.

If the information provided by Lacey is true, their eldest sister, Hela, the goddess of death, is second only to her father in strength.

Considering the timing of the legend, the culprit who caused the entire annihilation of the Valkyrie Legion was most likely Hela, the goddess of death.

The Valkyrie Legion, which made Asgard proud, was completely destroyed.

If he were to change his position when he was the king of Asgard, he would encounter something like this that could not be passed down.

As the king of Asgard, even his beloved daughter must erase all traces of the other party's existence.

Otherwise, if it continues to be sung, Asgardians may no longer believe in divine authority and shake the foundation of Asgard.

Thor's words were undoubtedly what Loki was thinking.

Tony and Banner were not too surprised when they heard Thor's words.

Because he and Banner had discussed this matter before, assuming that Thor and Loki really didn't know.

What was the reason for the powerful enemy that made it possible for the brave and invincible Valkyrie Legion to disappear for many years?

The answer is undoubtedly that the Valkyrie Legion was destroyed, so no active news has spread for a long time.

It is not difficult to guess the reason why the group was destroyed, that is, they encountered a powerful enemy with terrifying strength.

If it weren't for knowing that Hela was the strongest person after Odin and also disappeared at the same time.

They would not guess that the Valkyrie Legion was at war with Hela, resulting in the group's destruction.

But just because they knew it, the two naturally discussed this.

The second update of two thousand words is sent.

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