I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 311 Can’t control Thunder?

"Okay, then let's go to these three places first."

"Let me see if there is any way to improve my strength."

Thor was also very interested when he heard Tony's words.

There is never just one way to practice and improve. Although he does not have the blessing of Void, he has the blessing of his father, and he also has divine power and a divine body in his body.

These can also grow, but the growth rate is not as fast as the Void Blessing.

"Is there anything related to magic in the Void Cult?"

Loki also had some ideas after hearing Tony's words.

"No, the Void Divine Religion is a place that specifically teaches how to use the power of the void, but there is nothing related to magic."

"And that place is not accessible casually. Even if you are a member of the Void God Religion, you must join the Void God Religion for one year before you can go there."

Banner said immediately after hearing this.

He also decided to evolve the ability to fly after the battle on Xandar. After asking Kyle, he learned that there was such a place on Void Island.

Tony saw that Banner had answered, so he didn't add anything more.

Because although Thor and Loki are their friends, they are not members of the Void Cult.

Tony can be sure that in the future, the Void God Church will involve more advanced methods and techniques for using the power of the void.

That method was called by Harvey as an advanced method of void magic, and there would definitely be a place dedicated to teaching and learning void magic.

Let members of the Void Cult have a clearer direction for evolution and becoming stronger.

It's just that we are in the early stages of the establishment of the Void God Religion, and everyone has not yet explored the power of the void enough, let alone the more mysterious void magic.

Loki was a little disappointed when he heard that, and his interest was also reduced a lot.

He also has some divine power in his body, but it is still relatively small compared to Thor, so his main way to become stronger is through magic.

If the Void God Religion has a strong person related to magic, or a place for teaching.

Maybe he can get some inspiration and experience from it, and learn some new magic, but if not, he will really be limited to visiting.

Afterwards, several people first went to a high place in the Void Cult and saw the training ground below.

Thor saw that they were all trying different attack methods, constantly attacking pieces of black and translucent mysterious metal, making bursts of clanging sounds.

Others are running quickly across different obstacles in intricate terrain.

These trainings caused some injuries to their bodies, but no one seemed to care.

Saul was also a little shocked. Before he could ask Tony, wouldn't these people be in pain?

He saw that the wounds on these people were slowly healing.

It was just because new wounds kept appearing on their bodies that they were all covered in wounds.

This kind of self-healing ability made Thor feel a little frightened when he saw it.

"How cruel."

Loki also saw the almost masochistic exercise of these people, and after a pause, he expressed his evaluation.

"This is just basic training."

"The purpose of training is to enable us to perfectly master the growing power in our bodies after evolution."

"Banner and I will train here from time to time."

Tony said with a smile upon hearing Loki's comment.

"Are these just the basics?"

Thor was a little surprised when he heard Tony's words.

"The gravity room is the most brutal place, training with different multiples of gravity."

"And the competitive sports field is a testing ground that truly tests a person's ability to control his own strength and speed, and how he can truly move freely."

“What you can control is a happy place, and what you can’t control is a very painful place.”

"After all, others can do it, but I can't. The blow is huge."

"Banner has taken a lot of hits before."

Tony smiled and nodded slightly when he heard this.

"Didn't I agree not to mention it..."

Banner felt helpless when he saw Tony mentioning him.

When he heard about the competitive sports field before, he was also very interested and thought that he could definitely show off his talents.

As a result, after going there, I found that it is really not easy to perfectly control every bit of my own power.

Fortunately, Tony supported him, otherwise he wouldn't have the money to treat others to a feast if he lost.

"Gravity chamber?"

"What's the highest gravity there?"

Thor asked after hearing Tony's words.

"Originally, it only had a maximum gravity of one hundred times, but after my improvements, it can now be changed to a maximum of one hundred and fifty times the gravity."

"If you want to improve it further, you need to rebuild it on a large scale. For now, one hundred and fifty times gravity is enough."

"So there was no further improvement."

Tony heard the words and explained.

Harvey asked him to improve the gravity chamber. To be honest, it was a hundred times more than enough for the members of the Void Cult to use for many years.

After all, even Kyle can only train with a huge load in a gravity field of eighty times for more than an hour every day at most. After a long time, his physical strength will not be able to bear it.

You must know that Kyle is famous for his strength and body, not to mention other members of the Void Cult.

So Tony expects that the current gravity chamber will last at least more than ten years.

"One hundred and fifty times gravity, are you crazy?"

Thor originally thought that increasing the gravity by a few times would be enough, but he didn't expect that it would be a hundred and fifty times as soon as Tony opened his mouth. He also opened his eyes wide and said in disbelief.

"What's weird about this? There are layers and rooms in the Gravity Building."

"The maximum is 150 times, but it doesn't mean that the entire gravity building has 150 times the gravity."

"Practice slowly until you can move completely freely in a gravity chamber with a certain magnification. After completing more than twelve hours of training."

"Only then will I go to higher-intensity layered training."

Tony saw Sol's incredible look and patiently explained.

"Twelve hours...Tony, how many times the gravity can you train in now?"

After hearing Tony's words, Thor imagined it and knew why the training ground below was called basic training.

In a high-magnification gravity environment, if you bring some training aids and train for twelve hours, it will be impossible without strong enough physical strength.

"I am now more interested in studying technology, and the direction of evolution is not entirely physical."

"So for now, I can move freely under forty times the gravity."

Tony heard this and spoke.

The direction of his evolution belongs to the half-evolution of the power of the void and the physical body, and he is not specialized in one.

However, he has evolved more than 300 times now. Although the physical strength is not the strongest in the Void Cult, it is still at the upper level.

So training against forty times gravity is easy.

"What about you, Banner?"

When Thor heard forty times, some comparison flashed through his eyes. He planned to give it a try later, and then looked at Banner.

"As for me, I can now train against seventy-five times gravity for ten hours."

"If you evolve another twenty or thirty times, you should be able to go to eighty times."

Banner said with a smile upon hearing this.

"Just show off."

Tony rolled his eyes when he saw Banner's smile.

Banner has only evolved one hundred and forty-two times now, but he is still able to go to such a high-magnification gravity chamber.

Banner's starting point is really not that high. He has only evolved half as many times as himself, but his physical strength is so terrifying that even Kyle would be ashamed to see it.

Kyle can withstand eighty times the gravity field, but he has evolved more than three hundred times.

Banner only had half of it, but he was almost able to go, causing Kyle to express his praise for Banner more than once.

The more times you evolve, the slower the evolution speed will be, so even though Banner joined the Void later,

However, not to mention catching up with the number of evolutions in the future, we will slowly catch up closer and closer.

So when the number of times Banner evolves is not far apart.

Banner's very high starting point will bring a ceiling that is much higher than that of other members of the Void Cult.

"Eighty times, not just how many times I can adapt."

When Thor heard the magnification that Banner could adapt to, he felt more comparisons in his heart.

"Your body is blessed by divine power. I remember it was quite powerful."

"But I suggest you don't think about simply competing with Banner in strength."

"After all, you are not famous for your physical body, but for your divine power and the power to control thunder."

Tony saw that Thor wanted to compete with Banner, a physical monster, and was afraid that Thor would be severely hit because he failed to achieve the goal he had envisioned.

So Tony also gave Sol a step down in advance, lest Sol later find out that he couldn't compete at all, the loss would be too embarrassing, and he would lose face.

"I do rely on divine power, but the power to control thunder mainly comes from Thor's hammer."

Thor heard Tony's words and spoke.

"You can't directly control the thunder without holding Thor's hammer?"

It was also the first time that Tony heard Sol say such a thing, and he looked at Sol in confusion.

"Yes, you are obviously called Thor, the God of Thunder. Can't you directly control the thunder?"

Banner also looked at Thor in disbelief.

"The way to control thunder is more complicated. Without the help of Thor's hammer, I can control thunder but I can't use it freely..."

Thor felt the eyes of Tony and Banner, and there was some embarrassment on his face.

"Then work hard to use it freely. Who doesn't go from being unfamiliar to being proficient, and then to being able to use it freely?"

Tony said somewhat speechlessly after hearing Sol's reasons.

"Yes, I couldn't transform freely before."

"Although the process was difficult to learn and master, now I can transform freely."

Banner felt the same when he heard this.

"You are already called Thor, the God of Thunder. Could it be that after breaking away from Mjolnir, you will not be called Thor, but some other god?"

Tony looked at Thor after hearing this and said.


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