I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 337 Long live the void

As the Void Skin advanced into the Void Body, Harvey's body also underwent some changes at this moment.

The muscle lines all over his body are as if carved from heaven, with perfect streamlines.

The whole person was floating in the void, and his beating heart was like the sound of a heavenly drum.

At this moment, all members of the Void Cult heard a heartbeat sound coming from the void.

Under this sound, all the surrounding sounds seemed to be no longer important at this moment.

As their hearts beat, the members of the Void Cult also felt their hot hearts, which seemed to be energized and synchronized with the beating of the Void Heart.

Sonia touched her chest, feeling her heart beating synchronously, and looked at Mr. Kassadin with eyes full of awe.

It is true that the current Void God Kassadin is powerful enough, but this is far from the limit of Lord Kassadin.

"The great God of the Void is resurrecting."

Sonia murmured with pious eyes.

With the call of the void, whether they are members on the void island or members everywhere in the universe.

At this time, listening to the beating of Void's heart and the summons of Void, they couldn't help but shout "Long live Void!"

The voices of more than two hundred members on Void Island converged into a wave of sound that echoed in the sky.

Alex of Mowgli also shouted this sentence together with other compatriots at this time.

"I have already felt that the power of the supreme God of the Void is getting stronger and stronger."

Immediately, Alex's eyes became more enthusiastic and he said.

This was a feeling he had never felt before, but at this moment he felt the presence of the God of the Void strongly.

At the same time, the members of the Void Cult who were operating on other planets also shouted in awe.

Tony Stark, who was looking for traces of Hydra in Blue Star, also felt the summons of the void.

Banner and Steve also called Tony directly as soon as possible.

"Tony, do you feel it?"

"What that feels like, it's incredible."

The two of them also said one after another.

"I feel that the power of the void has gradually recovered and become stronger."

After Tony realized what he was feeling now, he heard the two people's questions and said with awe in his eyes.

Most members of the Cult of the Void believe that the Void is home to several different gods.

But Tony knew clearly that those great and terrifying figures were just one of the incarnations controlled by Harvey.

There is no doubt that Harvey is the embodiment of the will of the void, the source of the void.

"Does that mean the God of the Void has become more powerful?"

Steve saw Tony looking in awe, heard these words, thought for a moment, and spoke.

"That should be the case. I have never felt the existence of the void as clearly as I did just now."

Banner heard Tony's words and Steve's questions, and carefully recalled the feeling just now.

That cry from the void made him couldn't help shouting out, and the sound of his heart beating was as if the void was reviving.

No one knows how strong Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void, is.

Most members of the Void Cult believe that what they can see and come into contact with now may just be the clone or incarnation of Lord Kassadin.

If I come, the ordinary material world will not be able to accommodate Lord Kassadin's arrival.

"This should be a good thing, right?"

Steve didn't quite understand, so he thought for a moment and said.

"Of course it's a good thing. The existence we rely on when we join the Void is Lord Kassadin."

"The stronger Lord Kassadin is, the more reliable he will be for us."

Banner said without hesitation after hearing this.

"Yes, the stronger Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void, the more it represents how correct the decision we made is."

Tony also nodded when he heard this and said.

"I just don't know what happened to Master Kassadin, but his strength seems to have suddenly recovered a lot."

Immediately, Tony said thoughtfully.

He knew that the source of this sudden situation must be on Kassadin's side.

It's just that he happens to be on Blue Star now, so he doesn't know much about what happened on Void Island.

As for Kassadin being in danger, Tony didn't think about it.

It is impossible to make Kassadin feel in danger or encounter a desperate situation.

“Look at the community.”

Because there are still things to be done on Blue Star, Banner also knows that it is impossible to go back to Void Island directly now to find out.

"What kind of community?"

When Steve heard that the two wanted to obtain information through the group community, he immediately asked.

"That's right, you haven't been to Void Island yet so I can't pull you in."

"Let's meet up at Stark Manor."

When Banner heard Steve's question, he remembered something and spoke.

"Okay, give me half an hour, I'll be there soon."

Steve was on Tony's private island at this time. Hearing this, his eyes flashed. Now he was a little embarrassed to meet Tony, but he still decided to go and have a look.

"Then I'll prepare the food and wine first."

Tony is mainly afraid that Steve will mind, so he hasn't met Steve directly recently.

But if Steve decides to come over and meet, Tony will naturally not mind.


In the halls of Odin in Asgard.

Odin was eating crazily, and he could really feel the subtle but steady stream of energy filling his body.

Odin felt a lot more comfortable as he recovered from the various hidden wounds left in his body due to the violent impact of divine power. The power of the void was indeed powerful.

But just now, Odin also felt the cry from the void, and couldn't help shouting "Long live the void."

Let Odin face the somewhat surprised eyes of his two sons, Thor and Loki.

"Father, what do you feel?"

Loki looked at Odin and asked with some concern.

"I don't know what this feeling means, but what is certain is that Kassadin should have issued a summons to all members of the Void Cult just now."

When Odin heard Loki's question, he pondered for a moment and said.

"Do you want to gather?"

Loki was thoughtful upon hearing the summons.

"If there is a gathering, it should not be Long Live the Void but directly convey the news of the gathering."

"So rather than a signal to gather, it's more like showing me the power of the void."

When Odin heard it, he thought about its meaning seriously and said.

"My lack of understanding of the void makes it impossible for me to guess even if I want to."

"After a while, when I can really feel the power of the void, I will go to Void Island, the base camp of the Void God Sect."

As soon as Odin said these words, Thor and Loki stopped making random guesses.

Because even if you guess again, it's not as fast as going directly to Void Island to find out the truth.

The second update of two thousand words is sent.

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