I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 342 Odin’s family travels

Harvey began to think about how to accurately convey his will to others.

He overlooked the Void Island, and Sonia was currently inspecting various parts of the island.

"Sonia come back."

Harvey locked his mind on Sonia and shouted.

But Sonia didn't react.

Harvey tried various methods to lock his spirit or will on Sonia.

I found that Sonia had no reaction no matter what.

If Sonia really heard his voice, then Sonia would definitely come back as soon as possible.

"What exactly is the principle of summoning from the void..."

Harvey was also puzzled.

[After the host’s will and power are sensed by the void, your will will be conveyed. 】

Faced with Harvey's question, the system responded.

"Instead of letting people sense it, let the void sense it?"

"Is there a more detailed way?"

After Harvey heard this, he didn't understand even more and asked quickly.

But for this question, the system's answer is like a repeater.

When Harvey heard the repeater-like words, he felt even more depressed and confused.

After choosing the hero template of Korgas, the Void Fear, did you do anything that made the Void sense it?

Harvey was also lost in thought.

There is no surveillance in the villa, so even if Harvey wants to know, it is impossible to know through the surveillance video.

He does not have the ability of a void prophet and cannot see into the past and future.

Harvey tried various methods, but in the end he couldn't figure out what to do to make the void sense and convey his will.

Because he really had no clue, Harvey put the matter aside for the time being.

After he obtains the ability of the Void Prophet, he may be able to get some clues.

Now that I know I can set rules and erase the power of others, that's enough for the time being.

Although sometimes the will is conveyed directly through the void summons, which makes the members of the Void Cult feel more in awe.

And they can also receive it as soon as possible and respond to their will as soon as possible.

But letting Sonia convey her will is enough for the time being.

After Harvey cleared his mind and decided not to think about these things for the time being, he immediately turned on the screen and picked up the controller to play games.

At noon, Sonia returned home and saw Mr. Kassadin continuing to play games.

"Didn't Mr. Kassadin think of anything else to do to pass the time?"

Sonia asked in surprise after seeing it.

"I have to travel far away for other things, but I find that playing games is more practical."

Harvey heard Sonia's inquiry and said

"It's really inconvenient to travel far away."

"But Mr. Kassadin, don't forget to eat while playing games."

"Prepare to stop for a while and get ready for lunch."

When Sonia heard these words, a happy smile appeared on her face.

Although she is not very interested in games, games are a good thing if they can keep Mr. Kassadin at home.

"Give me five minutes."

Harvey heard the words and responded casually.


The next period of time passed very quickly, and more than a month passed in the blink of an eye.

Nothing special happened on Void Island.

But on Asgard's side.

After more than a month of crazy eating, God King Odin evolved dozens of times.

At this time, although the wrinkles on the face have not completely disappeared, they have also disappeared a lot.

And the originally pale hair has begun to show some golden color at this time.

Because the body is becoming young again, Odin's body, which has become fragile due to old age, is gradually beginning to regain the strength of his youth.

It allowed him to better control the divine power in his body, so his energy and energy became much more energetic.

The power brought by void evolution made Odin somewhat intoxicated with it.

Thor and Loki watched their father getting younger and younger, and they were in awe of the power brought by the blessing of the void.

Because this means that Void Blessing really has the power to reverse time and years.

The older an Asgardian is, the stronger the power within his body is.

If the blessing of the void is combined with the power of the Asgardians, an even more terrifying power will erupt.

It can be said that the blessing of the void is the most suitable blessing for Asgard.

If all Asgardian soldiers obtained this power and accumulated it for thousands of years, what a terrifying and powerful force it would be.

"I have personally felt the power brought by the blessing of the void."

"Get ready to go to the Void God Religion to pay a visit."

God King Odin's back, which was originally not straight due to his old age, became straight now, and his face showed a high-spirited and confident expression.

Frigga saw her darling return to youth and regain her glory at night, and she felt nourished for the first time in a long time.

This time he went to the Void Cult to sign an oath with Kassadin, the God of the Void, and to fight for the opportunity for his wife and children to join the Void.

Frigga is no longer young now, but her charm is still there, and she was even more beautiful when she was young.

Now that Odin is regaining his youth, he naturally wants his wife to regain her youth and have fun occasionally at night.

"By the way, there is something that my father cannot tell you."

"Tony Stark wants to buy ten black hole grenades from us for research at a price of 250 million cosmic coins."

"You can ask for money or let him install very advanced intelligent AI systems on some of our space battleships in Asgard."

"Are we going to take him there directly this time?"

When Loki heard that he was preparing to leave for Void Island today, he knew that he should also be able to receive a blessing, and his mood was extremely high, but it also meant something.

"Tony Stark has the title of Herald of the Void in the Void Cult."

"His genius mind accelerated the development of the Void Cult."

"Although the Void Cult has no clear status division except for those who fear Kassadin, the God of the Void."

"But Tony Stark's status in the Void Cult is not low."

After hearing this, Saul only remembered this matter and said a few words of help.

"The black hole grenade is a black technology. It cannot be copied without mastering witchcraft."

"But since Tony Stark wants to use it for research, then give it to him."

Odin heard what Loki and Thor said, thought for a moment and spoke.

As long as he can regain his youth and master the divine power in his body, Odin will have invincible self-confidence.

Although the black hole grenade is powerful, it is still not enough compared to the various artifacts in Asgard's treasure house.

However, even Odin cannot deny the convenience of the black hole grenade. No matter who it is, he can just pull out the fuse and throw it out.

Unlike some of the artifacts in Asgard's treasure house, most of them have some thresholds for use.

If the strength is insufficient, it will be difficult to exert the true power of the artifact.

If Tony Stark can really develop some tricks, then Asgard can be regarded as making some contributions to the Void Cult.

Afterwards, Odin warned Heimdall to notify him as soon as possible if something happened.

Then a few people got on the spaceship and set off.

You ask why Odin doesn't need to teleport. It's because his power is still not stable enough.

However, after he returns to his peak, he can teleport to any planet in the universe at will, as long as he knows the coordinates of the specific location.

Frigga has not left the Nine Realms for many years.

"Dear, when did you have any contact with Kassadin, the Void God of the Void Cult?"

"And is there any danger in your current power?"

Loki was flying the spaceship, and Frigga sat next to Odin and asked worriedly.

"When Thor and Loki came back, they told me something about the Void Cult."

"So I contacted him on the spur of the moment, and after some negotiations, I finally got the blessing of the void."

"And I also secured the opportunity for Qimen to join the Void."

"More than a month has passed now, and the blessings of the Void have indeed been positive and have no obvious side effects."

"So now I am taking you there, hoping that you can also receive the blessing of the void."

"Not only can you return to the top, you can also gain even more power."

Odin put his hand on the back of Frigga's hand and said with a smile.

If Zeus knew that the Void God's blessing had the ability to rejuvenate his youth, that guy would definitely go crazy for it.

After all, that guy is lustful and ethical.

Now that Zeus has reached middle age, he still hasn't stopped.

But that guy's physical condition is definitely declining day by day, which affects his ability in that area.

It's impossible for Odin to tell Zeus directly. Asgard's condition is not as good as before because of his aging, and a lot of things have happened in recent years.

Although Zeus has begun to age, he is still in the transition period from middle age to old age, so Olympus's power is still strong, and his side must take the lead.

"I hope it's good, but if I plan to visit, will the gifts I bring this time be a little short?"

Although Frigga was worried that the Void Blessing might have bad effects, Odin's physical condition was indeed getting better day by day.

There is no longer the dying atmosphere before, but it has become high-spirited.

"The main purpose of going this time is to sign the oath and reassure Kassadin about Asgard."

"As long as this matter is truly settled, we can find a time to give good gifts later on."

Odin heard this and spoke.

This time they brought Asgard's specialties and some two billion in money as gifts for their first trip.

If Asgard merges with the Void Cult, the benefits will be far more than these, and subsequent cooperation is the biggest key.

Moreover, the condition of the negotiation is that the Nine Realms will still be ruled by him, and Kassadin will not interfere too much, and a different system is implemented.

After that, cooperation between human resources, connections, and technology will be the top priority.

Although Asgard's technology is not the highest in the universe, it does have unique technologies among the nine realms, such as the technology of forging artifacts in the dwarf world.

There are not many forces in the universe that have the ability to create artifacts, only Asgard and Olympus have them.

If this technology is brought to the Void God Cult, then the contribution is completely sufficient.

"Then what should I call Kassadin, the God of the Void, after I meet him?"

Frigga heard this and knew how much Odin valued Kassadin, the God of the Void.

"You are my wife, just call her by her name."

"But Thor and Loki need to use their honorifics and their seniority is different."

Odin heard this and thought about it for a moment before speaking.

The God of the Void, Kassadin, is of the same generation as him, so Frigga, as his wife, naturally does not need to be given the honorific title.

In the future, when Asgard completely joins the Void Cult, Asgard will become one of the most powerful factions.

Odin is also very clear about the rules that should be followed.


When Thor and Loki heard that they were going to use the honorific, they nodded without any resistance.

For them, Kassadin, the God of the Void, is a big shot on the same level as his father, and the honorific title is inevitable.

"By the way, Thor and Loki, you two have been on Void Island for several months, and you should know more about some of the situations and conditions there."

"Tell me what you know."

"This time we went to visit sincerely to avoid anything unpleasant happening."

Immediately, Odin also asked about Thor and Loki.

Thor and Loki also explained some things they learned from Tony and Banner.

"Does this mean that the one who needs extra attention is Sonia, the God of the Void?"

Odin and Frigga were thoughtful after hearing this.

"Well, Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void, rarely shows up."

"The person responsible for managing Void Island is Miss Sonia."

"According to what Tony said, although Miss Sonia takes her status relatively lightly, her status is actually second only to the God of the Void on Void Island."

Thor nodded in confirmation upon hearing this.

"What's her personality like?"

Odin also knows that as a representative, Sonia's identity and weight are very high among a force.

"His personality is intelligent and kind, and he is very capable of hearing and doing things. He is loved by all members of the Void Cult."

"Just when it comes to matters involving the God of the Void, Kassadin, it becomes extremely serious and terrifying."

"But his personality is still kind and kind."

"Otherwise Loki wouldn't have been able to come back alive."

When Thor heard his father asking about this, he thought about it and expressed his impression of Sonia.

"So that's it. It seems that he already has the thinking and behavior that a superior person should have."

Odin was thoughtful when he heard the words, and his eyes also showed some appreciation.

Odin's way of seeing and thinking about people is different from Thor and Loki's appearance.

He views people as superiors, and Sonia's ability is obviously very recognized by Kassadin.

That's why Kassadin felt relieved and let Sonia take charge of the Void Cult.

I just don’t know what Sonia’s background is and what her age is. To be able to have such thinking and ability, she is indeed an extraordinary talent.

And if Odin remembers it well, Sonya's appearance is also a pleasing type.

As the representative of Kassadin, he can do it without damaging Kassadin's face, both in appearance and ability.

Unlike his two useless sons who caused trouble for themselves everywhere.

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