I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 344 Can you see it but not feel it?

Whether it is Thor or Loki, when they see Tony's improvement in strength, and the strength shown by other members of the Void Cult.

The two of them had long had the desire to join the Void Divine Cult, but they both knew that there was no chance, so they also felt regretful.

But their father has joined the Void Cult, and is becoming younger and younger day by day under their gaze, which indicates the terrifying power symbolized by the blessing of the Void.

If you come here successfully and get the blessing this time, you will be able to obtain far more strength than before.

Therefore, it is inevitable to be in awe of Kassadin, the God of the Void.

After Sonia arrived at the temple, she also climbed the steps step by step.

"The Void Cult does not have many rules. On the contrary, it is relatively free. Lord Kassadin has already explained this to you."

"But Lord Kassadin didn't explain the commandments to you in that conversation."

"So when you come to Void Island, I must take you to see clearly and remember the precepts of the Void God Cult."

"Everyone is equal before the commandments, so please remember the commandments."

"If someone violates the commandments, no matter who they are, they will be judged."

Sonia said as she walked up.

No matter who this person was, Odin, Thor, Loki, and Frigga were all shocked.

After a few people successfully climbed the stairs, they saw a stone tablet.

There is a doctrine and three commandments on the stone tablet.

Odin looked at the three commandments that need to be followed, not to eat his own kind, not to eat living things, and not to be dominated by desire. These three commandments are extremely simple and it is not difficult to abide by them.

"What does it feel like to be dominated by desire?"

But after Odin saw the last one, he asked.

"Mr. Odin, I think you have experienced the taste of evolution. It is a very wonderful feeling."

"According to what Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void, said."

"The path of evolution is not fixed, and there is no truly correct path."

"As long as you can evolve anything you want, you can make up for everything you lack and everything you desire."

“It’s easy to get addicted to the taste of each evolution as the power of evolution continues to grow stronger.”

"If you indulge in desire and desperately accelerate your own evolution, there are many ways."

"But if you indulge your desires without restraint, the final result will be a monster that only knows how to evolve."

"So you must properly control the surging desires in your heart and keep yourself rational, otherwise you are not far from death."

Sonia said softly upon hearing this.

The Void God Religion does not pursue no desires and demands, but follows corresponding precepts, abides by the bottom line of human behavior, and then pursues what it wants.


Odin heard that there was more than one way to possess, and when he thought that Kassadin said that the simplest way was to eat, he understood and said gratefully.

If you don't know these commandments, you will definitely try to eat and devour all kinds of things.

The scope of the precepts that do not devour members of the same race refers not only to other members of the Void Cult, but also to various races that are also intelligent races.

If even the same intelligent creatures are continuously devoured, it will indeed lead to faster evolution, but the humanity that the 4-intelligent race should have will slowly be lost in the process, and finally turn into cruel monsters with no humanity.

The path of evolution has infinite possibilities, but this process is also a process of cultivating the mind.

Odin can be sure that when the Void Cult has more members, people who violate the commandments will inevitably appear.

Perhaps because of this, Kassadin, the God of the Void, had already set these commandments at the beginning of the establishment of the religion to alert the members of the Void God.

Not only can this be completely eradicated, but it can also greatly reduce the possibility of violating the precepts.

"Has anyone in the Void Cult ever violated the rules?"

Frigga asked after seeing the three commandments and hearing these words.

"Not yet, but the judgment hall is in the temple."

Sonia shook her head slightly when she heard this and said.

"Then the first person will be miserable..."

Loki said with lingering fear after hearing that no one had offended him yet.

Everyone knows the principle of shooting the first bird to warn others.

"Mr. Loki, I have heard some stories about you."

"If you are lucky enough to be recognized by Lord Kassadin and join the Void Cult."

"Your father, Mr. Odin, will forgive you for your stupid actions because you are of his blood."

"But the Void God Religion will not condone this kind of behavior once it violates the precepts."

"We will face the pursuit of all members of the Void Cult."

"So please remember to abide by the commandments."

"There is no airtight wall in the world. If you don't want others to know about it, don't do it unless you do it yourself."

Sonia heard Loki's words, glanced at Loki and said.

She didn't understand Odin and Frigga, but Lord Kassadin would examine them.

As for Thor and Loki, Sonia knew a little about them.

There's nothing good to say about Thor's character. Mr. Tony, Mr. Banner, Mr. Rennoli and others all spoke highly of him.

But Loki had a history of causing trouble to his own nine worlds, so even if Loki caused trouble to other worlds, it would be okay.

Because there are many different purposes of conquering various worlds, trying to seize various treasures, or other purposes.

But Loki can be ruthless enough to take action against the worlds under his own influence in the Nine Realms.

To put this in perspective, it means that members of the Void Cult violated the commandments by attacking their own people.

This kind of thing is absolutely not allowed to happen in the Void Divine Religion. If it happens, it must be judged.

"Not anymore……"

When Loki saw Sonia specifically telling him this, he quickly expressed his stance.

"I'm just giving a reminder. Whether you want to comply or not is your personal matter."

"Okay, I will take you to see Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void."

Sonia took a deep look at Loki, and then a smile appeared on her face.

Loki felt a little scared when he saw Sonia, who looked at him coldly just now, but then smiled again.

The pressure brought to him by that glance just now made Loki feel like he was going to die at any moment.

Sonia's strength is indeed as Tony and Banner said, and her strength is also bottomless.

Later, Sonia took Odin and others to the mountaintop villa.

"Lord Kassadin, Mr. God King Odin and his family have arrived."

Sonia led them directly into the villa and up to the living room on the third floor.

Thor, Loki, and Frigga saw Kassadin, the God of the Void. They could see him, but they couldn't feel any presence, and their eyes shrank.

"Well, Sonia, go ahead and prepare something for the reception."

"I'll talk to them"

After hearing this, Harvey turned around and said.

Sonia nodded slightly and left first.

The second update of 2,000 words is sent

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