I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 357 There is something wrong with your logic

On the ground, Tony was also killing the Hydra Corps. These people were scum with no bottom line and a cancer among mankind.

So Tony killed without hesitation at all.

"Mr. Tony, we have detected that the other party intends to use the two brothers and sisters with abnormal physical data who are suspected of being superpowers to deal with you."

"No action has been taken yet."

"And one of the Hydra people said that you are the enemy of the two brothers and sisters."

Jarvis also directly conveyed the plans of Wolfgang von Strucker and Dr. List.

When fighting on Blue Star, as long as the opponent has modern technology, Tony can be almost omniscient, and all the opponent's plans are carried out under Tony's eyes.

"Am I their enemy?"

"What are their names?"

When Tony heard Jarvis's words, he didn't stop moving, but he also felt a little confused.

"The search is ongoing and the names are Wanda Maximoff and Pietro Peter Maximoff."

At this time, Jarvis also carefully scanned the appearance of Wanda and Pietro, then quickly searched in the information database, and then explained their identities.

"I've never heard of their names."

"And didn't you say that they are less than twenty years old? They are only two young people at most."

"I don't deal with young people, how can I have a grudge against them?"

"Can you find something more specific?"

When Tony heard these two names, he searched the memory in his brain, but no matter how much he thought about it, he could not recall the memory related to it, and he felt helpless.

Pepper said before that Dr. Killian hated him for some unknown reason. He obviously didn't know him at all.

"No relevant information found."

When Jarvis heard these words, he also expressed that he could not help.

"Then let's wait and see when the two of them come out to find me."

Tony heard Jarvis's answer and continued the killing.

As for whether the other party will run away, it is not within the scope of Tony's consideration at all.

Not to mention that the other party is suspected of having a grudge against him, and now that he has obtained superpowers, he will probably come to deal with him.

Even if the other party runs away, if you know the other party's name and appearance.

Unless these two people return to their primitive lives, they will just appear in any slightly modern city on Blue Star.

They couldn't escape Jarvis's sight.

At this time, a Hydra soldier fired an RPG directly.

The rocket launcher made a "whoosh!" sound and flew directly towards Tony.

Facing a weak weapon like the RPG, Tony's body appeared directly in the air like a ghost and grabbed the RPG directly.

The RPG fell into Tony's hands. Before it exploded, Tony flicked the RPG backhand and flew back through the sound barrier.

With a sound of "Boom!", more than a dozen Hydra soldiers were immediately blown away, and clouds of smoke rose up from the explosion.

If he didn't want to eliminate the cancer within human beings and make his future plans more secure, Tony would be too lazy to fight against opponents of this level now.

The Hydra Corps originally had the desire to fight, but now they see that Iron Tony Stark simply ignores RPGs.

"Run away, this is not Tony Stark at all."

"This is a mechanical monster!"

With only more than 800 people left in the Hydra Corps, the defenses in their hearts collapsed completely, and they started to run away while shouting.

"Has Jarvis, the leader of this stronghold, shown no sign of contacting other Hydra strongholds?"

Tony's armor shot out hundreds of aurora beams, piercing through one Hydra soldier after another, and he asked.

"Originally there wasn't, but now there is."

"Tracking the location of the other end of the communication."

Jarvis heard Mr. Tony's inquiry and reported it.

Tony Stark's action of taking the RPG just now caused Wolfgang von Strucker's inner defense to completely collapse.

According to Tony Stark's killing method, he knew that the other party would definitely not let him go.

"Destroy all research information quickly and convey it to people in other strongholds. Tony Stark has returned to Blue Star."

"Let them all be careful and don't expose themselves again."

Wolfgang von Strucker gave direct instructions.

Hydra's technological research information must not be allowed to Tony Stark, otherwise it will make Tony Stark even more powerful.

With an order, the Hydra scientists in the research room also started burning them with fire.

When Dr. List heard this, he immediately started contacting people from other strongholds.

Most of them won't survive, but Hydra's organization is not just them, there are several other strongholds that are deeply hidden.

As long as they don't act rashly and are caught by Steve Rogers in order to steal Loki's scepter brought from the universe like they did, then they won't be exposed.

"Tell me when it's better."

"There is no need for this scientific research base to exist anymore."

Tony heard that the other party had begun to notify, and knew that his goal was about to be achieved.

And just after Tony spent tens of seconds to kill the last Hydra soldier, the ground was full of smoke and broken traces of fire.

Just as Tony was slowly walking towards the scientific research base, suddenly a figure quickly passed by a thousand meters away and punched Tony directly in the chest.

Pietro still knows some information about his enemy Tony Stark.

Tony Stark's suit relies on the Ark reactor on his chest to operate.

As long as the Ark reactor is damaged, Tony Stark will be completely an old man who has passed middle age, and there will be no room for fighting back in front of him.

But Pietro's confident punch made a "bang!" just when it was about to hit.

Pietro found that his fist was caught by a steel hand, which made Pietro show an incredible ghost expression and looked at the steel straight man's armor in front of him.

"Boy, I originally wanted to know about the past relationship between me and you two brothers and sisters."

"But looking at the position of your attack, you intend to kill me directly."

"This must be the first time you and I have met, and you are going to kill me."

"Is there any grudge between us?"

After Tony casually caught Pietro's attack, he directly used words to induce him.

Because Wanda and Pietro are experimental subjects, although they don’t know why, they hate him and want to take revenge on him.

But really speaking, these two people were not considered to be members of Hydra, so Tony gave the brother and sister enough time, intending to get to know each other and then see how to deal with them, but this Pietro was quite murderous.

"Because the arms you made killed our parents, killing you would be an easy task."

Pietro was originally unbelievable, but after hearing Tony Stark's words, he said it without any politeness.

"The weapons I made, the hatred left before 2008?"

"But my arms-making business is more about selling to the military than to terrorists."

"I never thought about ruining your family."

"But I just sell weapons, but how they are used depends on the person who buys them."

"Let's not talk about it. You are overestimating your ability to come to me for revenge."

"You don't go to avenge the people who fired arms and killed your parents, but you come to me to avenge you."

"This starting point is not quite right."

Tony heard the key words mentioned by Pietro, thought for a moment, and spoke.

"If you hadn't sold the arms, how would they have had the weapons to launch a war and destroy our originally cozy home?!"

When Pietro heard Tony's words, he didn't care at all.

"Not to mention arms and weapons, kitchen knives and conventional items such as chainsaws that can be bought casually can also be turned into weapons to kill people."

"If someone kills someone with a kitchen knife that was originally made just for cooking."

"Can it be explained that the original intention of the person who made the kitchen knife was to sell it to other people for killing?"

"Your logic is not quite right."

"Leave aside the fact that I am not your enemy at all."

"Even if I am your enemy, you still don't understand the information clearly."

"To come directly to me for revenge is a foolhardy act."

Tony saw that Pietro couldn't listen to this song, so he increased the strength in his hands as he spoke.


Pietro only felt a huge force coming through him, and his fist was like a steel pliers squeezing his bones. The pain was so severe that he couldn't help but scream.

"You two should have heard about the New York War a few years ago.\

,""Then you should realize that you two are not the only ones with superpowers in the universe."

"With your extremely fragile body, you can't be said to be an ant in the universe, but at most it can be regarded as a slightly larger ant."

After Tony learned what happened, he looked at Pietro who was screaming and said coldly.

At this time, Wanda couldn't help seeing her brother injured, and quietly came behind Tony, waving her fingers and planning to directly hypnotize Tony and lead him into a nightmare.

But when Wanda's magic was unleashed, purple flames boiled over Tony's body, directly cutting off the hypnosis. .

When Wanda saw Tony Stark completely transformed into a flame monster, she felt in disbelief. In just a moment, a steel arm directly strangled Wanda's neck.

"The reason why you two hate me is flawed."

"But since you two are not from Hydra, I will give you a lesson."

Tony saw the power of void in his body resisting on its own, looked at the extremely young woman in front of him, and said.

When the words fell, Pietro and Wanda were knocked unconscious by Tony. They planned to take them back to understand the situation and then think about how to deal with it.

If they were willing to let go of their hatred, Tony wouldn't be able to spare their lives.

If the two siblings persist in their obsession, then no wonder he is ruthless.

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