I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 366 The hidden crazy woman

If only there was an Asgardian god on Blue Star.

Then human beings may be unable to help but rely on the strong, causing the current development of human beings to go backwards.

It is also possible that humans will discover the universe and pursue it more crazily, leading to greater disasters.

The history of mankind has created a world that is not completely peaceful but relatively peaceful.

It has been a pretty good era for humans on Blue Star.

Of course, there is a saying that the only thing human beings cannot learn is how to learn lessons from history. Instead, they will continue to repeat the stupid mistakes of the past like the wheel of history.

However, no matter how repeated these are, they are all matters within human beings.

If the gods of Asgard interfere too much, their nature will be different.

There have been no alien invasions on Blue Star in the past, but during the Battle of New York.

The Chitauri plan to attack Blue Star on a large scale. This kind of disaster is not a natural disaster or a man-made disaster caused by humans. It is a disaster caused by an alien invasion from outside the planet.

Thor, the God of Thunder, who had disappeared for many years and was regarded by countless people as just an Asgardian who made up legends, immediately came to support.

Although he was able to handle that battle so well, a large part of the credit lies with Tony.

However, the information that Thor brought and the successful persuasion of Loki was also crucial for Loki to change his ways and stand on the side of mankind.

Otherwise, even if New York can win the war, the price paid will definitely be huge.

Steve's original thought was that since the god of Asgard appeared again, he could be more proactive in helping humans.

But the gods of Asgard did not do this. Tony also said that gods always belong to foreign aid.

Those who want to protect Blue Star must rely on humans themselves, which allowed Steve to understand these truths.

Even though Steve considers himself human, it cannot be denied that the power he possesses exceeds human cognition.

Too much interference from this kind of power beyond cognition will invisibly unbalance the situation among various countries because of the subjective consciousness of the strong.

Therefore, Steve mostly lives in seclusion on a private island and lives peacefully with Peggy. He will only take action when necessary.

"That's it. Thank you Mr. Steve for your teaching."

Although Pietro didn't fully understand what he heard, he still knew that if he started to protect Blue Star, he wouldn't need to run around all day long.

"You still have a lot to learn, but as long as the direction of the road is correct, just keep walking slowly."

Steve said with a smile when he heard Pietro's respectful words.

Although Steve doesn't want to be a nanny, it feels good to teach people like an instructor or mentor occasionally.

"With you guys watching, I can't make a mistake even if I want to."

Pilot put his hands on his head and followed Steve to the villa, smiling.

Then time passed day by day.

Steve usually doesn't preach to Pietro and Wanda, but lets Pietro and Wanda explore their own powers.

Occasionally Steve would give some direction suggestions and some conjectures and possibilities for them to try.

This made Steve feel like he had two more talented apprentices.


In the blink of an eye, the time came to December 17th.

Thor and Loki have already set off for Void Island with Odin, taking many tributes prepared.

It was early in the morning.

Tony, Pepper, and Banner also came to the private island in a space battleship.

Pietro and Wanda also heard the sound, woke up, and saw Tony Stark's space battleship through the window.

When Pietro saw the beautiful woman holding Tony Stark's shoulders, he felt a little guilty.

Why is it that both Steve and Tony Stark's wife are so beautiful?

"Ready to go."

Tony also called out directly after arriving.

"Pietro, even if I leave the island, I will still send food, so you can just spend Christmas on the island."

"If you plan to go out for Christmas, that's up to you, but be careful not to use your superpowers randomly outside, or you'll come back and see how I settle the score with you."

Steve also took Paige out of the villa. Steve looked at the villa and said loudly.

"Even if I go out, I won't use my super powers randomly."

"Because we have so much money now that we don't even need superpowers."

When Pietro heard this warning, he responded loudly.

Steve heard Pietro's showy response, and he and Paige walked directly onto the space battleship with a few boxes.

As the hatch closed, the space battleship began to take off directly.

"It seems like you're managing them both well."

Banner said with a smile after seeing Steve.

"The two of them are young and not bad-hearted."

“Now I don’t have to worry about money, and it’s not that difficult to discipline.”

"The only problem is that Pietro's training has paid off, but Wanda's magic has not."

"The only way to use it is to fire some magic bullets, and then it has the hypnotic ability."

"And the effect of hypnosis is not very powerful."

Steve said with a smile upon hearing this.

"As for magic, it's up to Loki."

"But those two offended Loki. It's not easy for Loki to teach Wanda."

"So take your time."

"Steve, have you brought the Mind Stone that I asked you to bring?"

Tony heard Steve's words and spoke.

"Here it is."

"Even if you don't tell me, I still know that this thing can't be left casually."

Steve nodded after hearing this, took a box from Paige's hand and opened it, which contained the Psychic Scepter.

The spiritual scepter has been placed in the basement of the villa. Steve was on Blue Star before, and Peggy was always on the island, so there was no need to worry about anything going wrong with the spiritual gem.

Normally, they left the private island, and there was no problem leaving the Mind Stone there, because no one would go there.

But now Wanda and Pietro are still on the private island.

So if you want to go to Void Island with peace of mind this time, you must bring the Soul Gem with you.

"Have you let them two see the Mind Stone?"

Banner asked after hearing this.

"The two of them are still learning and have not yet taken over the responsibility of protecting Blue Star."

"So I haven't told them about the wireless gems yet. I'll talk about it when the time is right."

Steve sat down directly and shook his head.

If Pietro and Wanda take over the responsibility of protecting Blue Star, then they must know about the Infinity Stones.

Because the greatest possibility of attracting powerful enemies in the future on Blue Star comes from the Infinity Stones.

But at most, the most they can do is let Wanda and Pietro take a look at the Infinity Stones. As for their storage, they have to think about it again.

Although Steve already knows that the Mind Stone is relatively weak among the Infinity Stones, even if a single Mind Stone is weak, it is still an extremely precious treasure.

"As long as you have a plan for these, you should keep the Mind Stone first."

"After Banner and I are free, let's see if we can study the Mind Stone."

Tony heard Steve's idea and had no objections.

It's not that Tony doesn't want to research the Mind Stone right away.

His father researched the Space Stone and created a new element.

Asgard even directly developed the special black technology of Rainbow Bridge with the help of space gems.

Then researching the Mind Stone will definitely lead to something special.

It's just that Tony has so many things to study now, he doesn't even have time to study the Reality Stone, let alone the Mind Stone.

"Are those two just now the siblings Wanda and Pietro brought back from Hydra that Tony mentioned before?"

Pepper asked at this time.

"Well, although there were some misunderstandings at the beginning that caused some friction, after the misunderstanding was resolved."

"Pietro was excluded from compulsory education, so he is bold and not very polite."

"But his sister Wanda is probably more polite because girls are naturally reserved."

When Peggy heard this, she also knew that Tony had told Pepper something about Hydra, so she explained it with a smile and said some good words for the two people.

"It seems very polite, but when it comes to violence, it's really cruel and can kill you."

Tony heard this and said something.

Wanda planned to hypnotize him at that time, as if she wanted him to sink completely in the dream. If he had not joined the void, Wanda might have succeeded directly.

So Tony will not look down on Wanda because of her beautiful, harmless appearance.

Women are emotional creatures, and when they are kind, they are truly kind.

When he is ruthless, he is really ruthless, and he doesn't care about any consequences and even feels pity.

Wanda looks harmless to humans and animals, but her actions are so ruthless. Maybe Wanda is also a hidden crazy woman.

"No, Wanda's character is much more sensible than Pietro."

When Steve heard this, he directly guaranteed Wanda.

Tony didn't even say anything to Steve after hearing this, which caused some unnecessary quarrels over this matter.

If possible, Tony certainly hopes that Wanda is not a crazy woman, otherwise he will not dare to entrust Wanda with the responsibility of protecting Blue Star in the future.

"Okay, okay, we can go to Void Island tomorrow morning."

"Let me give you some knowledge about some of the rules on Void Island, and there are some people who need to pay attention."

Seeing Steve's vow, Banner agreed more with Tony's words, but he didn't bother too much and took the initiative to change the topic.

He and Tony had been to Void Island several times, but this was the first time for Steve, Paige and Pepper to go.

There are not many rules on Void Island, but they must first know some celebrities on Void Island to avoid any embarrassment when they meet tomorrow.

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