"Is the power you used in that move just now all yours?"

When Steve heard what Lacey said, he looked back and saw the cracked ground behind him, but he looked at Lacey intact and asked.

"If I were to compete with you with a power that is far ahead of yours."

"Even if you lose, you probably won't really admit defeat."

"That's why I took your kick and felt your near-full strength before I made the move."

"If you use all your strength to fight, you won't even have a chance to take action."

Lacey shook her head slightly when she heard this and said with a smile.

It is no exaggeration to say that the monsters on the monster planet are much stronger than Steve.

But even those monsters were slaughtered like little lambs in front of Lacey.

Steve's growth in strength is not bad, and the time he joined the Void Cult is not very long.

But having evolved at least one hundred and eighty times, it can be seen that Steve must have chosen other ways to accelerate his own evolution.

However, the starting point is different, the experience is different, and the enemies we have fought are even different.

Therefore, Steve's fighting skills are still too immature. Although he knows a lot of skills and may have some grappling skills and some boxing skills, he is still at the stage of using brute force for the time being.

If Steve could practice well on Void Island for a period of time, he would at least have mastered the soft power, which would allow her to let go of her hands a little.

She just noticed Steve's stage of mastering power, so she didn't return most of the power of Steve's attack directly to Steve, otherwise Steve might be directly injured.

"Thank you, Miss Lacey, for your advice."

"I plan to stay here for almost a month. I wonder if I can ask you to teach me the direction of my future evolution and combat skills."

"It doesn't take much time. Just give me an hour or two every few days."

When Steve heard that there was no chance to take action, he recalled the suffocating feeling of just passing death, and he was completely convinced.

I also truly agree with what Tony said that strong people are not distinguished by gender.

Although Lacey is a woman and looks beautiful and harmless, these are just Lacey's appearances.

There are countless things he can learn from his true strength and mastery of combat skills.

"Don't talk about the next month, as long as you are on Void Island and I am also there."

"If you have anything to ask, I will try my best to teach you."

"As for the reward, just use a big meal to replace it."

"If you only plan to stay for a month now."

"The best way to improve at the moment is to practice mastering strength at the training ground like other members of Void Island, and then go to the gravity room for training."

"At least get used to forty times gravity first, and then I'll teach you the details."

"Because your foundation is so poor, I can't teach you even if I want to."

When Lacey heard Steve's request, a smile appeared on her face and she didn't refuse.

Steve has not received professional training. Looking at the entire Void Cult, his strength is average at best, and may not even reach the average level.

Because most members of the Void Cult can fly, the battle becomes more varied and the force can be released more easily.

And what Steve just showed is an attack method belonging to a person who can't fly. Otherwise, he wouldn't be stupid enough to attack directly from the air and not change direction quickly when he sees that he is going to take it.

Of course, Lacey could also see that Steve dared to compete with her because he probably felt that his strength was not as strong as others said.

This kind of prejudice is irrelevant to Lacey because she used to do intelligence work in the Bounty Bar.

She has seen too many prejudices and the helpless situation caused by being weak but unable to change.

So after joining the Void and receiving the blessing of the Void that she would be rewarded as long as she worked hard, she would work hard to become stronger.

And according to the abilities of all the famous bounty hunters that he has learned about, he will follow the direction to become stronger and hone himself.

Knowledge is also the basis for survival in the world of the strong.

"Is my foundation really that bad?"

"I feel like I'm not bad anymore."

Steve heard Lacey laugh and say the shocking words and wanted to defend himself.

After all, beating Pietro, who has superpowers, is as simple and easy as beating a child.

Although he was in almost the same situation when he met Lacey, does this prove that he has a poor foundation?

Shouldn't it be that Lacey is too strong?

"I'm not saying, Mr. Steve, that you don't have the ability or the talent to fight."

"It's just that you haven't gone through some of Void Island's nearly systematic training."

"As a result, your current strength is already good, but your foundation is far behind others."

"The poor foundation can be said to be a weakness, but this weakness can be made up for."

"So don't feel ashamed or discouraged."

"Let's stop talking about the guidance here. We can talk about it in detail after the New Year's pilgrimage."

"You can also try the training I mentioned first."

"Some things can only be true or false only after they are truly experienced."

Lacey heard this and spoke.

As soon as the words fell, Lacey flew up and flew in the direction of Kyle and the others.

"Mr. Tony, I understand why you have such high praise for Miss Lacey."

When Paige saw Steve who was unharmed, her eyes flickered and she spoke.

"Of course, she is a strong person who even I am not sure of winning."

"And she is also famously ruthless in the Void Cult."

"This does not mean that Lacey's character is vicious or heartless."

"It's about having a strong sense of self and being willing to take the initiative to experience hardships that ordinary people can't endure."

Tony watched Lacey flying this way, heard Paige's words, and spoke.

"Lady Lacey is one of the representatives of strong women on the island, and she is not inferior to the male members."

Sarah said with a smile upon hearing this.

"One of the representatives of strong women, who else besides Lacey?"

Pepper asked after hearing this. She now fully recognized Lacey's strength, and she was also a woman. Naturally, she wanted to know the strength distribution of women on the island.

"And Miss Sonia."

"She made me feel suffocated just by unleashing her murderous intent."

Then Loki spoke.

After all, it allowed them to observe him and Thor for several months without being discovered by them. This strength was definitely terrifying.

The most important thing is that when Sonia warned him before, the murderous intention hidden under the beautiful face and gentle words impressed Loki deeply.

Sonia must be able to kill herself with one move, so his body instinctively feels fear.

"It is indeed Senior Sonia, but Senior Sonia is not as scary as you said."

"She is a gentle and responsible person."

Sarah heard Loki's words, nodded and immediately defended Sonia-senpai.

"Miss Sonia is your senior, so of course she treats you gently."

Loki saw Sarah supporting Sonia and calling her gentle, and whispered.

If Sonya was really the gentle and harmless type, then his father Odin would not be so afraid of her.

Loki can easily see through a person's character, but for Sonia, he can't see any details at all.

Moreover, Sonia holds the lifeline for Asgard to join the Void Cult, which makes his father feel difficult to deal with. How can such a woman be described with just one word of gentleness.

“Thousands of people with different views will naturally leave different impressions.”

"But no matter what her personality and behavior are, I can feel her dedication to the Void Religion wholeheartedly."

"You are now also a member of the Void Cult. It is good to know this."

"As long as they don't violate the commandments, neither Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void, nor Miss Sonia will show a harsh side."

At this time, Alex spoke.

When Loki heard what Lex said, he didn't argue with Sarah about whether Sonia was gentle or scary.

What Alex said was absolutely correct, as long as he didn't violate the precepts.

"Lacie, you didn't scare Steve, did you?"

At this time, Lacey also flew in front of her. Kyle looked at Lacey and asked.

"I'm sure I didn't hurt him. As for whether it scared him, I don't know."

"But it seems like he's mentally fine."

"He also asked me to teach him if I have free time in the next month."

"It's just that his foundation is too poor. I'll let him practice hard before talking."

Lacey heard this and spoke.

"As long as there is nothing mentally wrong."

Kyle heard Lacey saying that Steve's basic skills were poor, and he said calmly without paying attention.

By the way, I was thinking about how to comfort Steve later.

After all, when meeting Lacey, a monster known for her skills, it is inevitable to receive some blows.

And when Steve comes back.

"How's it going? Are you convinced this time?"

Tony had no idea of ​​comfort at all, but said directly teasingly.


Normally, Steve would argue with Tony harshly, but he was no match for Lacey. Even if he wanted to be tough, he didn't have enough confidence to support it, so he simply said it.

"I'm convinced, and I'll learn from Lacey in the future."

"Not to mention learning all her skills, as long as you can master 80% of them."

"Once you catch up with the number of evolutions, you can basically walk sideways in every world."

Seeing Steve admitting it so simply, Tony stopped trying to attack Steve and patted Steve's shoulder lightly.

"I don't even have the confidence to be able to walk sideways directly across the worlds."

"Why are you so confident Tony?"

Lacey used to do intelligence work, so she knew there were many strong people in the universe.

At best, his current strength is that he can thrive, but there is still a long way to go before he can go sideways.

"Isn't this a prerequisite, waiting for the number of evolutions to increase?"

Tony didn't feel embarrassed at all when he heard this and said with a smile.

The second update of 3,000 words is sent

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