I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 394 Go back and ask Master Kassadin for instructions

If others are willing to follow the rules, Tony is willing to follow the rules. If others are not willing to follow the rules, then he will tell them what the rules are.

Tony is not going to coddle the other party if he wants to deceive and deceive others.

"Definitely. If it's false information, no one else would dare to sell it at a high price."

"The Collector's full name is Tanariel Tifon, the leader of the Tifon Group."

"His abilities are unknown, but his wealth is famous in the universe."

"So the group has a fleet and many powerful bodyguards, including a large number of bodyguards with super powers."

"The land of nothingness is a mixed bag of fish and dragons. There are all kinds of desperadoes, human traffickers, gamblers, smugglers, and exiled homeless people everywhere."

"The land of nothingness and the outside world can be said to be completely different lawless zones."

"As long as you cultivate enough in the land of nothingness, you can make money that cannot be made in the outside world."

"You just have to cross your own bottom line as an intelligent species first."

Jue Wenyan also gave a guarantee to the person he was looking for, and at the same time he also started to popularize some scientific knowledge.

"If you don't talk about anything else, do you think the Nova Corps will not take care of human trafficking?"

When Banner heard this, he also knew that the Land of Nothingness was, to put it bluntly, a gathering place for a bunch of scum.

"The Nova Corps has protected many planets, but the scope of its influence has not yet reached the point of covering the entire galaxy."

"It is well known throughout the universe that the Land of Nothingness is the territory of the Collector."

"And the universe also needs some places for desperadoes to move around."

"For example, the Predator Legion often goes to a happy and lively planet."

"Even if the Nova Corps can take care of these things, they won't."

Gamora heard this and spoke.

Although she was afraid of Tony Stark and Bruce Banner, she also knew that as long as she did not contact Thanos, her life would not be in danger, so she was not afraid to the point of not speaking.

"Not to mention the universe, there are lawless zones on Blue Star specifically for some desperadoes to hang out."

"The universe is so vast, there are even more lawless areas that are beyond human control."

"Even when some planets were destroyed, no one cared about it."

"Thanos destroys the unprotected planets, so don't worry too much."

Tony said after hearing Banner's concern.

Thanos is like this, specifically picking planets far away from Xandar to attack.

In that case, even if the Nova Corps wants to take action, it will be difficult to take action because Thanos has not really come to the door.

It’s hard to say whether the Nova Corps can completely defeat Thanos, but Tony learned about the technology of the Nova Corps.

If the Nova Corps wants to defeat Thanos' subordinates and their forces, it must be the same as defeating Sun Tzu.

The technological level is not at the same level, and the Nova Corps will surely kill as many as they come.

Therefore, Thanos's scope of activities is currently outside the world protected by the Nova Corps.

Tony used to be very afraid, but now his strength and knowledge have increased a lot.

Tony knows that Thanos is very strong, but he is definitely not the best in the universe.

It's not like Kassadin, the God of the Void, whom I dare not imagine being an enemy of.

If Thanos dares to take the initiative to attack Xandar, he will attack the Void Cult and steal the gems.

Then Tony admits that Thanos is a character.

But if Thanos doesn't dare to act without getting the Infinity Stones, Thanos' upper limit will be just that.

Tony used to think that Thanos was invincible, but thinking about it, it was entirely because he was too weak in the past.

Kassadin also said that Thanos dared to attack Blue Star only after Odin died of old age, and the Supreme Mage Ancient One was dying in the past few years for unknown reasons. ,

Only after the two of them died did Thanos dare to personally step into the Nine Realms.

But now the Supreme Mage Ancient One may still die, but God King Odin is unlikely to die so soon, and is on his way back to his peak.

In front of Odin, who is at the peak of his power, all Thanos' plans and conspiracies are nothing but a joke.

After a few more years, even if Thanos doesn't dare to cause trouble for Blue Star, Tony will lead people to find trouble for Thanos.

Completely eliminate Thanos, a scumbag who seems to be extremely powerful in the universe and destroys all civilizations, but in fact is a scumbag who bullies the weak and fears the strong and has no dignity of the strong.

Who doesn't know how to bully the weak and fear the strong? When he becomes stronger, he will let Thanos give it a try. What does it feel like to be bullied?

"My kindness is not as big as the Buddha."

"What I'm thinking is that since the Nova Corps can't care about it, should we seize control of the Land of Nothingness and let it change its owner directly?"

“Abolish human trafficking and everything else will be business as usual.”

Banner heard Tony's words and spoke.

The improvement of strength has long since separated Banner's character and thinking from their original appearance. He still has good intentions but his methods of doing things are no longer rigid.

Many people in the lawless zone died without mercy, but those who were forcibly trafficked were innocent.

Occupying the lawless zone of the Void Land can bring countless wealth and channels, which is also beneficial to the development of the Void Divine Religion.

The Kree Empire is difficult to attack, but attacking a lawless zone is certainly not a problem.

It doesn't require too many people. As long as he, Kyle and Alex are there, they should be able to conquer the void.

He didn't know how powerful the Collector was, but there was no Collector among the known top powerhouses in the universe, but the Collector was very rich.

In the universe, money symbolizes power and power, but it is not the highest level of power.

"Master Kassadin, the God of the Void, asked me to go to the land of void."

"I should also be asked to observe the Land of Nothingness and see the operating rules and situation of the Land of Nothingness."

"In the future, it will be easier to conquer the Land of Nothingness and then quickly take over the Land of Nothingness, but not yet."

"Miss Sonia has not expressed her willingness to expand the territory."

"It's not the time to start stretching out the hands of the Void God Cult yet."

"Lix is ​​so belligerent and follows the rules. Don't be led astray."

Tony said seriously when he heard Banner's words.

Tony had no scruples at all about talking about these things in front of Gamora and others.

Because among the six members of the Guardians of the Galaxy, Star-Lord is the only one who has the potential to become a truly strong person.

With a long lifespan, even if he does not join the Void Cult and awaken early, as long as Star-Lord lives into the future, his strength will not be low.

As for the others, it can only be said that they have some specialties and are good in front of ordinary people, but their strength is limited to this.

In the world of the strong, it can be said that people's words are ignored. It can be said that no one cares about the words and actions of the weak.

In many things, only the strong and equal can stop the fate of the weak from perishing. Otherwise, the life of the weak is just a matter of life and death in front of the strong.

Tony wants to kill the six Guardians of the Galaxy. He can do anything to the Guardians of the Galaxy because they have no room to resist.

The reason why they didn't die was not because they couldn't kill, but simply because of Tony's character. He didn't want to dominate the life and death of those who were not his enemies, and he wouldn't suddenly have murderous intentions or have any evil thoughts.

Gamora's appearance is good, but she is only good-looking among ordinary people, and cannot catch Tony's eyes.

Star-Lord, Gamora, Nebula, Groot, Rocket, and Drax were also shocked when they heard Banner say that they had taken over the Void directly.

The collector's name is also famous in the universe, and ordinary powerful people and forces simply don't dare to take the collector's idea.

However, the Void God Cult has Kassadin, the God of the Void, who is among the most powerful men in the universe, sitting at the helm, so it is not surprising to have such thoughts.

"Okay, let's take a look at the details of the Land of Nothingness first."

After hearing Tony's advice, Banner did not go forward. He had to wait for some more opportunities to save those who were trafficked.

Tony and Star-Lord continued to chat and learned some news about the void.

Xandar is not that far away from the Land of Nothingness, only a few hundred thousand light-years away. It is estimated that it will only take about half a day to reach it.

So soon, Tony's space battleship arrived outside a planet that looked extremely strange.

"Why is this planet like this?"

Tony asked with some confusion when he saw this head-like planet.

"This is the corpse of an ancient god who died hundreds of thousands of years ago. The collectors occupy it mainly to mine various materials that were not corrupted by the death of these gods."

When Gamora heard this, she simply explained.

"The corpse of the ancient great god after his death?"

"What is the identity of this ancient god?"

Tony heard that Gamora was not killed by the Collector, but was possessed by the Collector.

"I don't know much about the specific information."

"I only know that the materials contained in this planet where the body of the great god was transformed symbolize rich research value."

“So there are a lot of people who are sold to mine the land of nothingness for the rest of their lives.”

"If there is anyone who has the lowest limit in the land of nothingness, it is undoubtedly the collector."

"Not only does it collect all kinds of weird and weird collections, but it also directly turns people into specimens."

"After all, it's not just the people who traffic people. There must be a market for people to continuously traffic in species from different civilizations."

"And collectors are the biggest buyers."

Gamora shook her head when she heard this and explained.

"It sounds like I want to kill this scumbag even more."

"You really can't do anything?"

When Banner heard Gamora's words, his eyes showed a cold light.

"The purpose of our visit this time is to buy things, not to kill collectors."

“These things will be discussed in the long run later.”

Tony doesn't like the behavior of collectors either.

But just before Tony dissuaded Banner from taking action and never stepped into the void.

A large number of space warplanes flew out of the void, and space warships were taking off one after another.

The front of Tony's space battleship was surrounded by water, and rows of weapons were also directly aimed at Tony's space battleship.

Tony and Banner were shocked when they saw this posture.

"Mr. Tony, the enemy's intention to attack has been detected."

"It has been detected that these fighter planes belong to the Tifeng Group. Should we start a counterattack or evacuate?"

"Scans show that there are still a large number of space battleships about to take off, so my suggestion is to evacuate directly."

"The warships are not equipped with enough armaments to deal with such a large fleet."

Jarvis also made a direct sound at this time.

"Why are they attacking us?"

"Did Jarvis detect that you were hacked?"

Although Tony's space battleship was about to be attacked, he showed no sign of fear. Instead, he took the initiative to ask Jarvis for more information.

"No unusual data intrusion was detected."

"The enemy may know your thoughts through other means."

"Although we don't know the full situation, we can detect that the owner of the Void Land does not welcome our arrival."

"Should I evacuate now or take the initiative to counterattack?"

Jarvis answered immediately after hearing this.

"Tony Stark, the Void Herald of the Void Cult, and Bruce Banner, the Hulk."

"You are not welcome in the land of nothingness. Go back and forth wherever you come from."

At this time, a huge humanoid projection appeared on the surface of the planet in the land of nothingness.

Collector Tanariel Tiffon warned Tony Stark to leave with a livid face.

"You don't welcome our Void God Religion, can you tell us why?"

When Tony Stark heard what the Collector said, his eyes flashed and he asked.

"There is no reason. The land of nothingness is a lawless zone and a dark paradise."

"You Void God Cult people who walk in the light are not welcome."

"You take your Yangguan Road, and we take our single-plank bridge. There is nothing involved with each other."

When the Collector heard this, he did not tell the real reason, but directly used other remarks to drive Tony Stark away.

Because he had foreseen three months from when Tony Stark and Bruce Banner entered the void and left.

A scene where a bald man, a green-skinned giant monster, and an even bigger red monster led a group of terrifying monsters to kill him.

The three of them all had nearly indestructible bodies and world-destroying powers that he couldn't understand. The others were also fierce men.

And he happened to recognize these people, they were Hercules Kyle of the Void Cult, Hulk Bruce Banner, and Yama Alex.

This future is the one that takes place after Tony Stark and Bruce Banner step into the void.

If the original cause cannot be changed, then the future can be said to be fixed.

The Collector also wants to change this future with other ideas, but Tony Stark and Bruce Banner are about to reach the void.

There was no time for him to think of other ways, so now he could only drive Tony Stark and Bruce Banner away and think of ways to save his life.

"Since you don't welcome us, then we just leave."

"Jarvis let's go."

Tony's eyes flashed when he heard the Collector's words, and he had a lot of guesses in his mind. However, the current situation was inferior to that of humans, so he did not intend to forcefully enter the land of nothingness, but left voluntarily.

When Jarvis received the news, he immediately turned the battleship's direction and quickly headed back the way it had come.

"Jarvis, return to Void Island."

"Either this collector has the ability to predict the future himself, or one of his subordinates has it."

"No matter who owns it, he already knows the plan of our Void God Cult."

"Even if we plan to stop, the other party will start targeting the Void God Religion."

"So go back and ask Master Kassadin for instructions."

Tony said with indifferent eyes.

The first update of 4,000 words per day will be sent

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