"It's still my problem. I thought it was enough for me, Kyle and you to go."

"I didn't expect it to be such a big fuss."

When Banner heard what Alex said, he knew that his own problems had triggered this series of events, and he said with some shame.

For them, it is indeed reassuring to alarm the top leaders of the Void Divine Religion, but it is not something to be happy about.

Because this is a manifestation of their current lack of strength.

If they are so powerful that Master Kassadin and Miss Sonia believe that they can bulldoze everything directly, that would be the happiest thing.

"Whatever happened is what happened."

"Get ready to win this war."

"This is also the Void Divine Religion's first war to expand its territory."

"So you have to play well no matter what."

Tony heard this and patted Banner on the shoulder, comforting him.

"Can we participate this time?"

Steve also knew that this was a war that might involve space battleships and countless space fighter planes.

If you don't have enough strength in the face of this kind of war, you may just be cannon fodder.

"You don't know how to fly now, so just follow the prophet's instructions. You will have your place."

Lacey heard Steve's words, glanced at Steve, Pepper, and Paige and said.

"I'm ready to go big."

Loki was quite excited because he could do things openly.

"Let's go eat first. We'll set off tomorrow night. There will be less than thirty hours. Eat as much as possible."

Thor heard this and spoke.

A group of people also left Tony's experimental area and rushed to the canteen.

This time, the pre-war banquet was all paid for by Void Island, so all members of the Void Cult gathered in the cafeteria.

They are not afraid of war but they also know that war is ruthless. Maybe some of them will say goodbye after this meal, so one or two of them started chatting freely.


At the same time there is a place of nothingness.

The collector also contacted his brother Gao Tianzun and explained what he had foreseen.

"What's the plan of the Void God Cult?"

"Then how has the future you see changed now?"

Gao Tianzun's expression also changed slightly when he heard this.

He and his brother were still chatting before about how long the Void Cult could stand.

Unexpectedly, the Void Cult was eyeing the territory of his younger brother, the Collector.

"I saw the future through Tony Stark, the Void Herald of the Void Cult."

"So I tried to hold back and then look for a glimmer of hope through countless futures."

"But now I find that I can't predict the future of the Void Cult. It seems to be because of the existence of the Void God Kassadin."

The collector's face at this time was also extremely gloomy.

"Your ability to predict has failed?"

"Isn't this possible?"

When Gao Tianzun heard his brother's words, he felt a storm in his heart.

He knew how strong his brother's ability to predict was. For some weak people and things, he could even directly predict other people's lives.

The time for predicting the future of the stronger ones will be shorter, but you can still see some of the future.

Even the ancient gods of eternity are the same. They will predict the occurrence of some major events before they are about to take action.

Over the years, his brother's ability to predict has never failed.

"Would I joke about something like this?"

"It's so difficult for me to find a glimmer of hope in the future now."

"Brother, you have to help me no matter what this time."

The collector's mood at this time also hit rock bottom.

Originally, even if he encountered various dangers, he could rely on his prophetic advantage to make various responses and then choose a path that he accepted.

But now the ability he relies on most has failed, which means that this time he may die.

Among the many members of the Void Cult, he is considered to be quite powerful, but he had previously predicted the fate of Hulk Bruce Banner, Hercules Kyle, and Yama Alex coming to destroy him.

He knew that the members of the Void Cult were not beyond his prediction.

The source of this is that the fate of Kassadin, the God of the Void, cannot be seen, so that his own future has become unpredictable.

However, collectors dare not think about why Kassadin, the God of the Void, has this ability.

"The strength of the enemy this time may be more difficult to deal with than any of our past ones. After all, your ability to predict is invalid..."

"I'll contact other members of the Universal Presbyterian Church."

"Don't say things that you can't see in the future. I'll deal with them."

"If it doesn't work out, you will be killed by him once, and then I will secretly resurrect you."

Gao Tianzun has been getting along with his younger brother for countless years. Of course, he cannot just sit back and watch his younger brother die. He will definitely try his best to help him this time.

Of course, the God of the Void, Kassadin, only made him fearful at most, but fear was beyond the realm of possibility.

Even if the Celestial Clan came to kill him, he would dare to fight, let alone the God of the Void Kassadin, who was just a guy with a relatively mysterious identity.

"If I am killed, then my place of nothingness and countless collections will be gone."

"Let me give up so many collections..."

The collector also has the support of Gao Tianzun, so he knows that he has some escape routes no matter what.

Because his brother Gao Tianzun has the ability to resurrect people, and he can be resurrected as long as his life span is endless.

But if he loses this battle, it means that everything he has collected over the past tens of millions of years will be given away.

"We'll talk about it after the fight."

"It's hard to say who will win in this battle."

"But as long as your life is still there, everything will be there. If your life is gone, it won't be as simple as giving it away."

Seeing his brother's reluctance, Gao Tianzun also said with hatred.

"All right."

The Collector saw that his brother was a little angry, and knew that everything would depend on the outcome of the war.

Gao Tianzun also hung up the communication and deceived other members of the Universe Elders Council.


Time soon came to the next night.

Just after twelve o'clock at night, all members of the Void Cult gathered at the harbor.

While everyone was waiting, Sonia appeared in front of everyone.

"Miss Sonia, good evening."

He was immediately greeted by awe-filled greetings from many members of the Void Cult.

"The future belongs to the Void God Religion, but we haven't reached that period yet."

“This battle can be said to be a last resort, so this war is bound to have some dangers.

"I'm afraid there will be more forces and enemies involved than imagined."

"But no matter what the enemy is, everyone must come back alive."

"For the glory of the Void Religion!"

Sonia looked at the more than 400 members of the Void Cult who exuded a powerful aura and were all prepared, and said.

"For the glory of the Void Religion!"

When many members of the Void Cult heard these words, their faces became serious, and they responded in unison, and their voices shook the sky and resounded throughout the world.

"Set off!"

Sonia gave an order.

The members of the Void Cult began to board the space battleships that had been reserved.

Sonia herself boarded Tony's battleship directly.

Steve, Paige, and Pepper have met Sonia several times through the communicator.

But it was also the first time that they saw Sonia in person.

After they saw such a beautiful woman exuding dignity and confidence, they immediately gave up their seats.

"No need to be nervous, even though this is your first time seeing me."

"But I have heard about you for a long time."

"Just call me Miss Sonia."

Seeing this, Sonia didn't hesitate and sat directly in the seat they gave way to. She found that they were all looking at her carefully, with a spring-like smile on her face, and she made a soft and pleasant voice.

It was like having magic power, directly calming the tension in the hearts of the three of them.

"Are you personally commanding this time, Miss Sonia?"

Tony had dealt with Sonia a lot, so he was not nervous at all and asked.

"This time I went just in case to lend a helping hand in an emergency. I didn't want to show off."

"Battlefield command matters should naturally be left to those who are good at it."

"So the commander this time is still Mr. Predictor."

Sonia shook her head slightly when she heard this and said with a smile.

The prophet's command ability is unparalleled, and he can give the most accurate instructions to the members of the Void Cult.

This time can also be said to be a command war between the Predictor and the Collector.

Who can predict the most accurate future is crucial.

But according to what Mr. Kassadin said, as long as Gao Tianzun doesn't take action, it won't be a big deal for the other members of the Universe Presbyterian Church to join forces.

"Then I hand over Jarvis' authority to the Precognition?"

Tony asked after hearing this.

Originally, they could make these decisions on their own, but Sonia still had to seek advice when she came in person.

"Mr. Tony, just do what you think is right. You don't need to care too much about me."

Sonia smiled slightly when she heard this and said.

"Okay, then you sit down first."

When Tony heard this, he completely understood. Sonia was just here to sweep the formation and did not intend to lead all their actions.

This is indeed a method that can maximize their abilities.

Tony directly contacted the Renoli people and started chatting with them.

And let Jarvis create a clone to directly enter Rennoli's space battleship.

Let the presage be able to communicate all instructions to all members of the Void Cult instantly through Jarvis.

When Loki saw Sonia present, he was sitting on pins and needles, not daring to speak at all.

Not to mention Sonia's strength, Sonia's authority can be said to be terrifyingly large.

For him, other people in the Void Cult can be offended, but Sonia is the only person he cannot offend.

The second update of 3,000 words is sent

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