I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 403 Forced transfer

Another battlefield is in a house.

Steve and Peggy had just joined forces to defeat hundreds of enemies in a room, and when they were about to leave, they heard the strange sound of bones cracking.

These sounds made the two of them turn around and see a scene they would never forget.

The bones of the body were directly broken by him, and the enemy whose heads were separated was now recovering. The body showed a terrifying bend and straightening, making a numbing sound of bones connecting.

One or two of them were a little confused when they were resurrected for the first time, so each of them was touching their necks and stomachs that had been severely injured just now.

But when they discovered that they were really still alive, with only some pain remaining in their memories, one or two of them had expressions of ecstasy on their faces.

The ability to be immortal is an ability that many people dream of but cannot achieve. Unexpectedly, it actually reappeared in my body today.

This made them look fiercely at Steve and Pepper who had not yet left.

Originally, this man and woman were invincible monsters in their eyes, but it was different now.

"I'm not dead yet, what about you?"

"Where are those bitch couple?"

"It's on the fourth floor, come up quickly."

"I'm really immortal, this is so exciting!"

At this time, the people who were supposed to be dead downstairs were also resurrected and made a direct sound.

When Steve and Peggy saw this scene and heard the words coming from below, their faces became a little ugly.

Their bodies are not like Banner who can directly ignore these high-tech weapons, so it takes a lot of effort to deal with a room full of people.

As a result, he stood up again just after killing the opponent. If the opponent could continue like this, it would be endless.

Steve and Paige had no choice but to take action again. The two immediately disappeared from the spot and their palms turned into blades and directly cut off the heads of the two people.

Before they could continue to kill more people, the corpse that had lost its head directly hugged the two of them with its body.

It only took a few tenths of a second.

Steve and Paige felt instinctive warnings of being targeted coming from various parts of their bodies.

This feeling made both Steve and Peggy's hair stand on end. They didn't dare to stay any longer and immediately dispersed and rushed away.

The moment the two disappeared, their original place was covered by dense lines of fire.

The sizzling sound of the laser scanning the ground, the sound of flesh and blood being penetrated, and the smell of burnt flesh filled the entire floor.

Steve stood on top of a huge steel barrel, looking at the blood spattering below, one after another began to stand up, his face extremely solemn.

After gaining immortality and not fearing death, the way of attacking will be completely different from the original one.

"Is this the method of Gao Tianzun... This is simply a magic trick."

Steve also realized how disgusting the undead army is.

"Retreat first, these guys have gone crazy."

"In such a small house, it affects the space for you and me to hide."

Peggy saw the undead army below them standing up again after being accidentally injured by friendly forces in just a few seconds, and she immediately made a decision.

For now, they are just using firearms. When they get used to it one by one, they will just rush up with bombs and act as self-destruction soldiers.

When Steve heard this, he punched the wall directly. With a "Boom!", the wall shattered and he rushed outside.

Pepper followed closely, and the two left the four-story building.

But as soon as the two of them came outside, they saw a scene that looked like purgatory on earth.

More than a dozen people rushed directly towards the members of the Void Cult with bombs all over their bodies.

The physical fitness of these people is not as strong as that of the Void God Cult, but all of them have been injected with genetic medicine.

Therefore, the instantaneous burst of speed can instantly cross dozens of meters, and the bomb will be detonated directly after getting close.

The roar of the explosion and the shock wave visible to the naked eye spread throughout the void.

This kind of battle, which did not involve death at all, suddenly overwhelmed them in terms of momentum, forcing many members of the Void Cult to retreat while fighting.

At this time, a large number of dark clouds suddenly gathered in the sky, and lightning shone on the earth, accompanied by thunderous sounds that shook the earth and seemed to shatter the eardrums.

It was like the God of Thunder was angry. As the storm roared down, the earth trembled, and the terrifying thunder directly cleared a clearing.

After Thor directly cleared away the enemies within hundreds of meters with one blow, he stood up from the thunder with an extremely solemn expression.

He originally thought that many members of the Void Cult would not encounter too much danger.

But he still underestimated the danger posed by the enemy's immortality.

Even if the members of the Void Cult can block ten thousand enemies with one strength, they can only block enemies that will die if they are fatally wounded.

No matter what kind of attack they receive, they are not afraid of the undead army, but instead keep rushing forward to fight for their lives. Once they die, they will be resurrected on the spot.

You must be extremely careful, otherwise you will be injured and eaten by a swarm of bees.

Thor didn't know how strong Gao Tianzun was, but just the ability displayed by Gao Tianzun made Thor know that Gao Tianzun was not something they could easily deal with.

"You should retreat first and find a safer place to deal with."

"I'm here to deal with them."

Thor roared directly.

"Except Thor, Kyle, Alex, Rennoli, Lacey, and Tony."

"Let's all meet at the location I passed on to you."

"Claudia, please protect them and go to rendezvous."

The foreseer had already predicted the outcome, but didn't know what went wrong.

Only a few minutes into the war, his side was at a brief disadvantage, so he immediately conveyed new instructions.


A cold voice sounded in the communication channel.

Steve and Peggy also knew that this was not a place suitable for a long-term battle, so they quickly joined up with other members of the Void Cult.

"Sorry, I didn't follow the instructions properly."

Just as Steve and Paige left quickly, they heard Sol's apologetic words coming from the communication channel.

Thor knew that the key to his side falling into headwinds was that he did not fully implement the instructions given by the prophet to suppress the four areas, allowing all the enemies who could not come over to gather together.

This allowed the Predictors themselves to carefully plan their distribution and be able to perfectly deal with the situation of an almost precise number of enemies, because the number completely exceeded expectations, resulting in a gap in the battle line.

In just a few minutes, this gap turned into a situation where the plan had to be readjusted.

"My ability cannot be used to its limit now, but I can still predict and make some adjustments in time."

"As for the reason why you delayed the fighter plane, I will listen to it later."

"Now Thor, please take responsibility for me, just the area you originally wanted to suppress."

The prophet heard Thor's words in the air and spoke.

When Thor heard these words and looked at the many enemies who had begun to regroup and stand up, he also let out a roar and began to charge.

His task is to block more than 10,000 people with one person.

Other strong men at the top of the Void Cult also have to face this number.

Most of the people in the Land of Nothingness are desperadoes. They are all driven by the interests of collectors and have been granted immortality by Gao Tianzun. At this time, they are all crazy.

There are not many things in the Land of Nothingness, but there are many dangerous weapons, so after the weapons in their hands were destroyed, everyone immediately went to various places to get weapons and attack again.

These high-tech weapons coupled with their immortality gave them the opportunity to kill gods and fight monsters.

At this time, although Gao Tianzun looked calm on the surface, his heart had already sunk to the bottom.

Just two minutes into the battle, more than tens of thousands of casualties appeared on their side of the battle line.

If he didn't use the method of resurrection, their front would be completely defeated in less than half an hour at most.

It was also because of this that Gao Tianzun had to use resurrection methods immediately.

But his resurrection is not infinite, but requires the consumption of cosmic energy.

At the same time, granting immortality to more than 100,000 people in a short period of time also consumes at least one-tenth of Gao Tianzun's cosmic energy.

According to the past situation, Gao Tianzun doesn't care at all how much cosmic energy he consumes.

But it's different now. Kassadin, the God of the Void, is still watching in the dark.

The more cosmic energy he consumes, the more he will suffer when facing the God of the Void, Kassadin.

"Kassadin, your Void God Cult front has been defeated, why aren't you coming out yet?"

Gao Tianzun said with a dark heart but still calm appearance.

However, Gao Tianzun's question did not receive any response.

Harvey is also observing the situation on the battlefield. Although the battle lines have to move back, the Void God Cult has not yet suffered any casualties.

In addition, Gao Tianzun had only used his resurrection ability and hadn't really taken action yet, so Harvey was not in a hurry at all.

This war is not only to win over the Void Land, but also an opportunity for some positions and leaders within the Void Cult to gain prominence.

Therefore, Harvey didn't mind letting the members of the Void Cult fight a little longer before it was too urgent.

Even though this kind of battle is very labor-intensive, it is still a rare experience.

As the battle line of the Void God Religion moved to the commanding heights.

Steve, Paige, Pepper and Loki successfully reunited.

Loki's responsibility itself is to protect Steve, Paige and Pepper, but because too many enemies came, he was forced to separate from Steve and Paige.

At this time, I was relieved to see that Steve and Paige were safe.

But at this time, a monster with a hurricane wrapped around its body appeared from the side and flew towards it at a very fast speed.

Loki could tell at a glance that he had met one of the Collector's stronger men.

Steve, Paige, and Pepper were obviously not easy to deal with.

Just when Loki was about to take action, howling frost blew from a distance.

There was a layer of ice directly between the sky and the earth, and an ice bridge came from the horizon.

"Ka! Ka! Ka!" A scalp-numbing icy sound came from the ground.

People in the center of the storm were directly frozen by the frost, and the hurricane suddenly stopped.

"What a fool, there really isn't a woman in the Void Religion who is easy to mess with."

Loki grabbed Steve and Paige directly with his backhand, and looked at Claudia, who was exuding an icy aura and her black hair had turned into the color of frost, and looked cold and arrogant, walking slowly. , also a little shocked.

"This is where you guard?"

It was also the first time for Steve to see Claudia take action. After discovering that this woman's power was beyond normal, he was extremely horrified.

"The area I was responsible for turned out to be not this place."

"The task now is to protect your rendezvous and then guard this area."

"So don't be so impatient, hurry up and join us.

Claudia glanced at Loki and the others who had not successfully assembled with the main force, and made a cold voice.

Steve and others, even Loki, hurriedly ran forward when they heard this.

Loki could have directly participated in the battle, but now he has to be the bodyguard of Steve, Paige and Pepper, and he cannot completely let go and kill enemies for the time being.

After Steve ran past quickly, he heard the terrifying sound of freezing again.

Steve looked back and found that a giant frost mountain covering several kilometers appeared behind them. This power was simply terrifying.

But Steve discovered that after Claudia finished doing this, her body staggered down from the air.

Obviously this move cost Claudia a lot of energy.

"Loki, go and help, she doesn't have much strength left."

Steve noticed Claudia's shaky body and spoke.

Loki also noticed Claudia's situation at this time, and decisively separated a clone, heading to the commanding heights with Steve and others, while his own body immediately ran to Claudia's position.

Although his strength is obviously not as strong as Claudia's, and he cannot directly block thousands of people at once, but if there is an emergency later, he can still take Claudia away.

"Are you OK?"

Loki quickly climbed up the iceberg and came to the top of the mountain to look at Claudia who was standing with her hands on the ice sword.

"It's okay, it's just that the power of the void has been exhausted, and some physical strength has been consumed."

"It is temporarily impossible to quickly support other places, but it is not difficult to guard this place."

When Claudia saw Loki coming, she had no intention of driving him away. Instead, she explained her situation.

After her move, although she consumed a lot of money and could not fly directly to support everywhere like before, guarding here also cut off the enemy's hope of attacking from here.

The northwest direction of the members of the Void Cult who are on the commanding heights is absolutely safe, so that they can better deal with the charge of the Undead Legion.

Don't worry about being attacked from multiple sides by enemies in the void, making the situation even more difficult to deal with.

"If you can't hold it any longer, just tell me and I can take you away."

Loki saw that Claudia just glanced at him, staring at the place ahead where the enemy was bound to come like a frost Valkyrie, and said

"I've just exhausted the power of the void. It doesn't mean that I don't have the means to kill people."

"So it's enough for me to be here alone,"

"You are very strong. What you should do most right now is not here, but to support your brother or others."

"They're under more pressure than I am."

Claudia heard this and spoke.

The first update of 4,000 words per day is sent. Thank you ◎He Zhiqiu for the reward.

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