I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 407 Mud can’t hold up the wall

Before Lord Kassadin left just now, he just said that Gao Tianzun surrendered.

It is not said that the Collector also surrendered, so this means that the Collector did not join their side.

They are still enemies of each other. Since they are enemies, they must be resolved.

"Mr. Saul."

"I also understand a little bit about your neglect of military aircraft."

"Although some mistakes have occurred, everything cannot go as planned on the battlefield."

"And the members of the Void Cult were only slightly injured at most and did not die."

"So this matter is not a crime."

"When you get back, you can just entertain all the members of the Void Cult."

"Now you and Mr. Loki, go find the person you are looking for."

Then Sonia looked at Thor and Loki and spoke softly and melodiously.

"Okay, I will hold a week-long banquet when I get back to make amends."

"Thank you very much Miss Sonia for your tolerance."

Sol said gratefully when he saw that Miss Sonia didn't care about his guilt, and the guilt in his heart was reduced a lot.

Because of his mistakes, the members of the Void Cult were in many dangerous situations.

Fortunately, it didn't lead to a big mistake. Otherwise, as Alex said, he would only regret it if he mourned other compatriots at the celebration banquet.

"Don't worry, just go ahead."

Sonia smiled slightly when she heard this.


Gao Tianzun returned to the land of nothingness with a dark expression.

"Brother, did you drive Kassadin away?"

The collector also asked quickly after seeing Gao Tianzun coming back.

"Are you chasing me away? I was killed by you."

"My life is not mine now, so why don't you drive me away!"

"I will never help you again, just ask for your own happiness."

At this time, the Collector could say which pot was not being opened, which made Gao Tianzun's mood even worse. He cursed loudly and slapped the Collector's hand away.

Isn't he happy staying in the cosmic garbage dump of Sakaar, a place where other people basically don't care about him?

Not only did he almost die by actively participating in this matter, but he also directly handed over the control of his life.

From now on, he can no longer do whatever he wants like before.

"Brother, what do you mean?"

"Isn't it okay if I hand over my collection?"

"Save me."

This was the first time that the Collector was beaten by his brother in so many years, and he was very frightened when he heard these angry words.

"I can't protect myself now, how can I protect you?"

"Bless yourself. Even if you survive, our brotherhood will end here."

Gao Tianzun glanced coldly at his brother, whom he had known for many years, said coldly, then turned and left.

Because collectors' hobbies are to collect all kinds of weird things.

Over the years, he has helped collectors clean up countless messes.

He was able to deal with the enemies he encountered in the past, so he never felt there was any problem.

But now it seems that collectors just can’t hold up the wall and will only get themselves into trouble.

There are so many hobbies in the world to choose from, but I chose the one that is most likely to be missed.

Money is easy to collect, but treasures are not so easy.

As the largest collector in the universe, the Collector holds a large number of treasures with strange and weird abilities.

Any strong man who is confident enough in his own strength will take advantage of his younger brother.

His strength can travel across the universe, but when he meets the few peak experts in the universe who are famous for their strength, he still has to be a grandson.

It was just the years of indulgence and luxury that made him forget about it.

So much so that he hit the iron plate of Kassadin, the God of the Void.

If he swears an oath of eternity, he can also travel directly to other parallel universes through time and space, break away from the shackles of the oath, and remain free from now on.

But Kassadin was not fooled at all. Now his soul is branded, if he leaves this parallel universe.

As long as he is discovered by Kassadin, his soul will be scattered to death without a burial place.

The cause and result of all this is because he has been helping his younger brother who can't stand up to the wall.

Therefore, Gao Tianzun will no longer help the collector at this moment, and he is too lazy to deal with other people's affairs.

Just like the other members of the Universal Presbyterian Church, they just do their best to help others in a symbolic way when they ask for help.

The collector saw Gao Tianzun speaking such heartless words, and saw the bald giant Hercules Kyle, Hulk Bruce Banner, and the red giant Yama Alex coming to the land of nothingness again in the projection.

"It's over, everything is over..."

The collector's face also showed a look of despair.

He knew that something was wrong with him. If he was willing to hand over his collection and negotiate with the Void God Cult.

He may have lost some cherished treasures, but he is still alive, but now there is no room for maneuver.

After Kassadin, the God of the Void, accepted his brother Gao Tianzun as a slave, he did not come to him directly but left.

This means that in the eyes of Kassadin, the God of the Void, Gao Tianzun's existence and abilities have value, but he has no value in living.

Now it is impossible for him to hand over the collection in order to survive. As long as he dies, all his collection will still fall into the hands of the Void Cult.

Many crazy people in the land of nothingness, after Gao Tianzun withdrew the immortality granted to them.

In front of the many Void Cults led by Alex, Banner, and Kyle, they were as vulnerable as a piece of clay.

In just over ten minutes, he made his way straight into the depths of the void and reached the collector.

Alex, Banner and Kyle teamed up and captured the Collector in just a few rounds.

"This is the consequence of offending the Void God Religion."

Alex put his foot on the Collector's head and said indifferently.

"You said you would have left the collection here earlier and just ran away."

"I don't have much strength but I still miss your collection. I respect you as a man."

"But it's a pity that the land of nothingness will change hands starting from today, whether you like it or not."

Kyle looked down at Alex and said with a smile.

"You shouldn't get involved in human trafficking."

Banner looked at the Collector and said coldly.

Alex crushed the collector's head with his foot.

The Collector is not as terrifyingly immortal as Gao Tianzun, he just has a long life.

On the other side, Thor and Loki also found Valkyrie, who was seriously injured and leaning under a rock, under the guidance of the Prophet.

"The Land of the Void is over, and Gao Tianzun has surrendered to the Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void."

"Valkyrie, come back to Asgard with us."

"We, my father, and even the people of Asgard will definitely give you the highest treatment."

Thor squatted down and looked at Valkyrie and said with an extremely sincere attitude.

"Does the highest preferential treatment mean that after I go back, I will die like other sisters because of your family affairs?"

When Valkyrie heard these words, he endured the severe pain from the broken bones and sneered.

"My father said that he never expected that Loki and I's sister is Hela, the goddess of death."

"You, the Valkyrie Legion, who once served Hela, can be so cruel as to kill you."

"Otherwise, I will never let you go to capture Hela, but you will do it yourself earlier."

"Loki and I only recently learned about this long-standing truth."

"But when my father talked about these things, he felt a lot of apology and nostalgia for you."

"Although the Valkyrie Legion has disappeared, all the dead members have been recognized and entered the Hall of Valor."

"After entering the Hall of Valor, you cannot interfere with reality, but your soul is still there."

"As long as you return to Asgard with us and let my father know, you can be reunited with your sisters when you die in the future."

"If my father doesn't know your existence, then you won't be able to enter the Hall of Valor after your death, and you won't be able to reunite with your sisters."

Thor saw that Valkyrie still had a lot of complaints against Asgard, and Akatsuki spoke with emotion and reason.

"You said all my sisters have entered the Hall of Valor?"

Valkyrie was shocked when he heard these words.

Valkyrie had only heard some legends about some things about the Hall of Valor.

"Don't worry, I brought you back to make up for the mistakes I made in the past.

"We have no ill will towards you"

"After all, we and the people of Asgard grew up listening to the legend of your Valkyrie."

"Although the truth of your demise has been concealed, your contribution to Asgard in the past still has great achievements."

"It's all recorded in the history of Asgard."

Loki saw that Valkyrie still didn't believe it, so he spoke.

"If you still don't believe it."

"I can help you contact my father, Odin."

"At that time, you can ask my father Odin personally why he sent you to capture Hela."

"If you wish."

"Now you can come back to Void Island with me. I'll find someone to help you treat it first, and then you can talk to my father."

"It's not too late to talk about whether to return to Asgard or not."

Sol's attitude was extremely sincere when he heard this.

Now he, Loki, his father and mother have all joined the Void Cult.

Asgard does not need Valkyrie to return to increase Asgard's combat power.

After all, as long as my father is alive, Asgard is impregnable.

The main reason why he wanted to take Valkyrie back was because he was the last member of the Valkyrie Legion.

In the past, it was thought that the Valkyrie Legion was destroyed and there was no way to compensate.

Unexpectedly, there is still one left in the world, and Thor naturally hopes to compensate Valkyrie.

"Why are you going back to the base camp of the Void God Sect?"

Valkyrie was also full of confusion when he heard that he was returning to Void Island.

"These things are a long story, and you're hurt now."

"I will talk to you about the specific situation after I find someone to help you treat it."

After Thor saw that Valkyrie's attitude and words had softened, he directly picked up Valkyrie and spoke.


Valkyrie was suddenly picked up and was stunned for a moment, and his body froze.


"I've already negotiated it."

"Send a space battleship to the land of nothingness. The one in my hand cannot directly withstand the cold invasion of the universe."

Thor said directly to the transmitter.


Jarvis also directly responded to Thor's words when he heard the summons.

The second update of 3,000 words is sent

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