I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 411 Celebration Banquet

It's different from Sonia and Harvey's side.

Many members of the Void Cult were all attending a grand celebration banquet in the cafeteria, and everyone was enjoying the rich joy after the war.

While talking about the enemies he encountered and how he defeated them, etc.

However, after this battle, many compatriots of the Void God Cult have reached a consensus on who is the top powerhouse in the Void God Cult.

It can be said that the strength of the eight members of Thor, Rennoli, Lacey, Kyle, Predictor, Tony, Banner, and Alex has been recognized by the whole team.

The prophet himself did not directly participate in the war, but was in charge of the whole process, but no one doubted the strength of the prophet.

Because in the past, when the prophets fought against others on the island, they had already demonstrated the terrifying power brought by their ability to predict.

If the prophet is really forced to take action himself, then it is not because of the lack of ability of the prophet.

It was their overall lack of strength that brought the situation to the brink of collapse and allowed the enemy to attack the Predictor.

In addition to these eight people, below are Claudia, Damm, Barnett, Primo, and Philip who are officers in the Nova Corps.

Although Claudia and Dam did not show the power of being able to block thousands of people in this critical battle, they were able to resist thousands of people with one person.

Not only does Miss Claudia have frost superpowers, she is also a monster with extremely terrifying physical strength, so there is no doubt about her strength.

Damm, Barnett, Primo, and Philip let them all know how powerful the power of the void is when combined with the power of the new star brought by the new star armor. With one person, they can stop thousands of undead legions. The power of terror.

As for Miss Sonia's weight in their hearts, it is irreplaceable.

Some of them saw Miss Sonia's terrifying ability to tear apart mountains and earth with just one blow, and they were even more impressed.

Sol also had a serious chat with Alex here.

"Thor, I recognize your strength, but your mentality towards war is arrogant."

"Our Void Cult does have the strength to be arrogant, but having strength does not mean that arrogance is necessarily right."

"Whoever I kill is like killing a chicken, but I always maintain the mentality of going all out to face this war."

"Because I can keep myself safe, but others can't."

"The responsibilities we bear allow us not to be arrogant even if we can be arrogant."

"I can understand your delay due to unexpected circumstances, but what you did is wrong."

"If you really want to protect that Valkyrie, the first time you find that you can't be convinced."

"What you should do most is not to reason with her, but to knock her unconscious and have her taken away."

Alex looked at Thor and said with an extremely serious attitude.

"Wouldn't that be too unreasonable..."

Thor was also dumbfounded when he heard what Alex said.

"Sometimes it's better to be unreasonable than to lose your life."

"If you hadn't stopped her earlier, that girl would have died in my hands."

"Even if you don't die in my hands, the longer you stay, the other members of the Void Cult will see that girl pointing a sword at you."

"Maybe I'll take action directly. With her level of strength, anyone can kill her."

"If she is dead, even if you have a lot to talk to her about, you won't be able to talk about it, right?"

"So knowing exactly what you should do to protect other things most efficiently is a skill you must learn."

"Even if this may lead to complaints or other impressions, these can resolve misunderstandings."

"The key to protection is whether it is really protected, not whether the means are reasonable."

When Alex talks about almost killing Valkyrie, he doesn't feel guilty at all.

Because everything he does is in compliance with his tasks and responsibilities, he will eliminate all people and things that hinder his tasks as quickly as possible.

Even if others say he is a devil or cold-blooded, or even if he is disliked by other compatriots of the Void Cult, he doesn't care.

Everything he did was worthy of his heart, worthy of the Cult of the Void, and even more worthy of the Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void.

"Okay, from now on I will do it according to the situation of the battle, even if I am considered unreasonable."

"I will also take the most efficient approach."

Thor heard that Alex's attitude in handling some things was a little rough, but he had to say that what Alex said was still very reasonable.

If Valkyrie died, it would indeed be impossible for him to communicate with a dead person.

As long as people are alive, they have plenty of time to negotiate and resolve misunderstandings caused by their own methods.

Just like Alex, he directly attacked Alex and directly threatened himself, but now the two of them can still sit together and communicate.

The fundamental reason is that Alex made a judgment immediately and warned himself not to do it again.

Valkyrie, whom he wanted to protect, suffered some injuries but was able to protect him.

As for the other members of the Void Cult that Alex cared about, there were no casualties due to his delayed fighter plane.

So he had no reason to hate Alex, and Alex didn't worry about the mistakes he had made.

"If you Asgardians want to join the Void Cult, you should first get the approval of Miss Sonia, and then you can let the great God of the Void, Mr. Kassadin, review it, right?"

Seeing that Sol really listened, Alex spoke with increasing appreciation for Sol.

"……How did you know?"

Sol was stunned when he heard these words and asked.

"Of course I do."

"The people of my Mowgli planet need to be reviewed by me first and found to be pious enough, and then reported to Miss Sonia."

"After Miss Sonia's review and approval, and after informing Lord Kassadin, my tribe will be able to get the opportunity to be reviewed and tested by Lord Kassadin."

Alex said with a smile upon hearing this.

He didn't think there was anything wrong with this rule, but thought it was correct, so Alex always treated Sonia with great respect.

In Alex's view, he is the administrator of the Void Temple on Mowgli.

God King Odin is the manager of Asgard. Although their strengths are different now, their status is the same.

As long as he is given time, he will definitely catch up with Odin, so he dares to call Odin by his name.

However, there is a difference in identity between him and Sonia, because Sonia is in charge of the Void Island, the core of the Void God Religion, and there must be a difference between the main hall and the branch hall.

And Miss Sonia is also the only person who can directly convey Kassadin's will.

"She has so much power...she is so secretive."

Loki was a little stunned when he heard that Sonia was actually in charge of some inspection powers on Mowgli.

If you don't know, just look at Miss Sonia patrolling the island from time to time, and then initiating votes in the community to build something, and treating others like a spring breeze.

You would think that Sonia is the person who is mainly responsible for development and is very easy to communicate with.

But in fact, Sonia has a lot of power, and her personality is not as harmless as she appears.

At least Loki, as the person who was threatened and warned, was fully aware of Sonia's terror.

He didn't even dare to talk nonsense in front of Sonia, lest Sonia kill him with one move in anger, and prevent the people of Asgard from joining the Void Cult.

"Let's not talk about big or small power."

"If you want the people of Asgard to join the Void Cult."

"Those of you who have already joined must show your loyalty to others."

"Let Miss Sonia believe that Asgard's soldiers joining the Void Cult is a good thing rather than a bad thing with hidden dangers."

"You now also know how powerful the void blessing from Lord Kassadin can bring."

"As the leaders of Asgard's branch of the Void God's Cult, it is also crucial for you to be able to manage the people under your control."

"The other thing is to convey what Asgardians want to do in the future."

"Whether you will abide by the will you expressed, all of this can improve Asgard's evaluation of Miss Sonia."

"Thus, it can pass the hurdle of Miss Sonia and be personally inspected by Lord Kassadin."

When Alex heard this, he also expressed his own experience.

Although the compatriots on Mowgli have evolved in different directions, there is no need to question their loyalty to the Void Cult. As long as they are given an order, he will take the lead in the charge.

Therefore, the number of compatriots on Mowgli Star will slowly increase, and when factions will emerge in the future.

The people of Mowgli will also join the Void Cult on a large scale and become a cutting edge for the Void Cult to expand its territory.

"It turns out there is such a way."

Loki suddenly realized after hearing this.

Father, he and Sol also discussed how to make up for the bad impression he left on Sonia in the past.

However, after discussion, it was found that there was still no trace to find, but now that Lex said it, Loki suddenly became enlightened.

"Lix, you know a lot about the Void Cult."

Thor also understood a lot of things immediately, and looked at Alex and said with some admiration.

"The great God of the Void is here when we are in a desperate hell on earth."

"Not only did he save us, but he also gave my dying old man new life and gave all the people of Mowgli the opportunity to join the great void."

"It is my duty to contribute to the Void Cult."

"So understanding this is a given."

Alex said with a smile upon hearing this.

"Mowgli used to be a hell on earth?"

"What happened to you in the past?"

Sol asked in surprise when he heard what Alex said.

"It's nothing. He's just a rubbish god with unworthy virtues. He's been worshiped and worshiped for many years but doesn't show any miracles."

"As a result, disasters on Mowgli's planet occur frequently, and the homes of our people are destroyed and transferred again and again."

"Finally our King turns to the universe for help."

"We were lucky enough to encounter the help of the great Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void, and solved the disaster that almost destroyed our planet Mowgli."

"And it just gave us new life."

"But Thor, your deeds are in line with the standards of a god."

After hearing this, Alex briefly talked about his past, looked at Thor and said with a smile.

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