"Sarah and Lalatina have never seen the darkness."

"It's a good thing you thought about that."

"But you haven't considered it comprehensively enough."

"Lacie, Renolly, Kyle, and the Predictor are part of a foursome."

"Although the prophets gradually took over the command of the battlefield, they rarely took action."

"However, the competition between the four people has existed from the past to the present."

"As for Sarah and Lalatina, they don't have that much ambition, so as long as you tell them, they will definitely take over this responsibility."

"But Lacey is determined to become stronger, so she may not agree to take over this responsibility."

"You are the manager who only lives under me in the Void Cult."

"Others will basically follow your instructions, but whether they do so willingly or not is not necessarily true."

"So this time it's not just up to us to make the decision, we also need to ask Lacey for her opinion."

"If Lacey is not willing, then consider other candidates."

"Since you are respected, you have to think about every decision you make."

Harvey said slowly after hearing what Sonia was considering.

Lacey had worked at the Bounty Hunter Tavern and had seen both light and dark.

It is indeed the most suitable candidate, but in the final analysis, we still have to respect Lacey's opinion.

After all, the Void God Religion advocates all free practices outside of the precepts.

On the road to becoming stronger, Lacey still has to see Lacey's opinion whether she is willing to slow down her own strength improvement by taking on this task.

Even if Lacey refused, Harvey wouldn't blame Lacey.

Because Lacey became stronger in order to have stronger strength to defend the reputation of the Void God Religion when it encounters enemies.


When Sonia heard Mr. Kassadin's warning words, she also noticed some deviations in her thinking just now.

"Being respected and sought after can easily subtly affect some judgments."

"You do have the power and prestige to directly make Lacey agree to take over this responsibility."

"You will gradually start to ignore all the feelings of others."

"Even I can't avoid it, so I don't mean to blame you."

"But don't forget what I told you before. While you can gain great power after joining the Void, you will also need to fight against desires in your future life."

“Once there are some imperceptible forks in the road ahead, it’s difficult to go back to the past.”

Harvey said with a smile upon hearing this.

He knows that when one holds great power, it is difficult for anyone to be able to completely withstand the test of power.

But regardless of whether it is difficult to withstand the test, this is also the only way Sonia must endure in the future.

After all, Sonia is the manager in charge of development and many other matters.

As the Cult of the Void grows stronger, the power in Sonia's hands and the compliments she receives will also increase.

If Sonia can resist the subtle influence of this very easy to fall into, she will be able to accompany him for endless years in the future.

But if Sonia cannot handle the growing power and loses her original self amid being chased after everyone, then Sonia will definitely fall behind.

"I see."

Sonia was a little scared when she heard this, and she actually said it unknowingly.

"You don't have to be so afraid."

"Desire is something invisible and difficult to detect."

"No one can guarantee that you will never get caught."

"If there are some obvious deviations between my style in the future and now."

"You have to remind me in time."

"Other people's opinions may not work, but I will still consider whether your suggestions are correct."

"I watch all your actions, and you should also watch my actions and give reminders when necessary."

Harvey saw Sonia's fearful and shrinking eyes and said.

This is not only a test that Sonia needs to undergo, this is also a test that he himself needs to undergo.

As his strength grows stronger, can he always maintain his principles?

This is something that Harvey himself cannot make an absolute guarantee for.

Therefore, Harvey also hopes that Sonia can accompany him further and alert him when there is an unknown time in the future.

"If Mr. Kassadin's future really goes awry."

"I will definitely remind you after you."

Sonia heard the hidden meaning behind Mr. Kassadin's words, and her fearful heart suddenly became firm again, and she nodded slightly to make a guarantee.

And if she wants to achieve what she promises, she must remain consistent without getting lost in the test of invisible desires again and again.

"Well, I believe you."

"Go do your job."

After Harvey saw Sonia's eyes twinkling, he immediately became determined and said with a smile.

His path has become clear, but he will still encounter obstacles on the way forward. Sonia is the retreat path he has set up.

As long as Sonia is not lost, in the future, even if his character and style become stronger and stronger due to power, he can become more careless and no longer look like himself.

Then it is possible for Sonia to get herself back on the original path.

"Well, I'm going to contact Miss Lacey."

"If she doesn't want to, I'll talk to Sarah and Lalatina."

When Sonia heard these words of hope, she was encouraged in her heart. A smile appeared on her face again and she spoke.

As expected, having Mr. Kassadin sitting beside me was more reassuring than anything else.

Otherwise, if she was left to guard and manage Void Island alone, her character and style might have quietly changed at some unknown opportunity, and she would have embarked on a path of no return.

Many people on Void Island went to the Land of Void to move, but Lacey and the others did so because they made a splash in the Land of Void.

So they don’t need to do such small things as moving.

It is now the time for afternoon tea on Void Island, and it is also a time when Sarah is relatively free.

So Sarah is having dinner with Lacey, Kyle, Rennolly, Predictor, Sarah and a few others.

Suddenly Lacey's cosmic communicator lit up.

After the prophet discovered that he could not observe the future, he knew it was Miss Sonia calling, so he became more curious.

"Miss Lacey, who is calling?"

Sarah saw someone contacting Lacey and curiously poked her head out.

"It's Miss Sonia."

Lacey heard Sarah's question and saw the name popping up on the communicator, and spoke.

"Senior Sonia called?"

"Did something happen?"

Sarah was a little surprised to hear that it was Senior Sonia calling.

"Just talk and we'll find out."

Lacey has been on the island for so long, and has only received a total of five communications from Miss Sonia.

Basically, every time, there is something important that I come to see myself for.

Immediately, Lacey directly connected to the communication.

"Miss Sonia, good afternoon."

"Is there anything I can do to help you?"

After Lacey got through, she first said hello and then asked Sonia's purpose.

"Miss Lacey, Mr. Rennolly, Mr. Kyle. Mr. Predictor."

"And Sarah, good afternoon."

Sonia's projection appeared directly in front of Lacey and others, and she said with a smile on her face.

"Good afternoon, Miss Sonia (senior)."

Kyle, Renoli, Predictor, and Sarah also responded quickly.

Facing the respectful greetings from several people, Sonia nodded slightly and immediately looked at Lacey.

"Lacie, Miss, I'm looking for you this time because I want to talk to you about some things about the Land of Nothingness."

"The Land of Nothingness is currently the territory of the Void God Cult, but no one is currently managing it."

"After my consideration."

"Rather than letting members of the Void Cult manage it directly, it is the best choice to support a puppet to help manage the land of void."

"And this requires finding someone to hand over to the puppet in the land of nothingness, and then hand over to me."

"After many considerations, I propose that you are the best candidate."

“But considering that you are determined to become stronger, I plan to discuss it with you.

"I wonder if you are willing to be the person to hand over this?"

"This is not mandatory. If Miss Lacey you have other things you want to do, you can just refuse."

"I can consider other suitable candidates."

When talking about these things, Sonia's words were always like a breath of fresh air and did not make people feel like they were giving instructions, but rather discussing.

Renolly, Kyle, and the Predicter looked at each other in shock when they heard these words.

They all realized that Lacey was going to have a public career, just like Sarah.

Although Miss Sonia has not yet talked about remuneration and rewards, the Void Cult has never been stingy with its members.

So Rennolly, Kyle, and the Predicter also winked at Lacey and asked Lacey to agree quickly. They couldn't get the position they wanted now.

"It is an honor for me to receive such high praise from Miss Sonia."

"But can I ask why it's me?"

"And what exactly is this job responsible for?"

"Whether it will have a huge impact on some of my daily actions."

Lacey was very happy when she heard these words, because her growth and contribution have been affirmed, but she considered that taking on this responsibility may affect her progress in strength.

So Lacey also planned to make a decision after asking clearly.

"Of course you can talk about these things."

"Miss Lacey, you have worked at the Bounty Bar in the past, so you have met some of the most powerful people in the Void Cult."

"You should know a lot about the Lawless and the Predator Legion."

"When you come into contact with some darkness in the void, you won't be too shocked anymore."

"And if something happens in the Land of Nothingness, you are strong enough to solve it directly."

"So all things considered, I think you are the best candidate."

"As for whether it will affect some of your usual actions, there may be some impact but it won't be huge."

"Because all you need to connect is the puppet supported by the void, and then connect it to me."

"You don't need to stay in the Void Land for a long time. You can stay on the Void Island or go out."

"The handover work is not something that needs to be done every day, as long as a reasonable cycle is set."

Sonia also explained these in detail after hearing this.

This is why Sonia initially thought that Lacey would basically agree.

But Mr. Cassadine was right to remind her that this was always her personal idea, and she still had to look at Miss Lacey's opinion.

The third update contains 3,000 words, and all the 10,000 words have been asked for votes.

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