I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 421 The Nature of the Test

But thinking about what constitutes piety is not something that can be accomplished overnight.

So Star-Lord was not in a hurry. Now that it was getting late, he left anyway. He wanted to get used to the life on the island first.

Star-Lord followed the map and went all the way to the cafeteria. There were as many as fifty chefs but not many diners.

Star-Lord went directly to the ordering area.

"Why are there so few people here?"

Star-Lord asked a chef who looked very clean and tidy in a white chef uniform.

"Looking at you, you should be a guest asking for a favor, right?"

The chef said with a smile when he saw that Star-Lord would actually ask this question.


Star-Lord heard this and nodded without denying it.

"Before, this place was very busy every day, and it was so busy that I couldn't get enough of it."

"I've had a lot of free time in the past few days."

"I don't know the specifics, but I heard that he went to the land of nothingness."

"After all, it's occupied by the Void Cult."

"I'll have to take a look after all."

Because there are currently fewer members staying on Void Island, it is rare for their group of chefs to have some free time.

It doesn't matter to them whether Star-Lord, the guest, orders food or not.

Because they received the money from Miss Sonia.

As long as someone orders food, they cook it, and if no one orders food, they prepare the ingredients. It doesn't matter how many people order from them.

The change of owner of the Land of Nothingness caused a stir in the universe.

They were the ones who directly participated in the celebration banquet of the Void God Sect.

Therefore, knowing that occupying the land of void is definitely a happy thing for the Void Cult.

"Have you taken over the Land of Nothingness?"

"So there will be fewer members of the Void Cult on the island in the future?"

Star-Lord was thoughtful when he heard this.

"Probably not."

"After all, Void Island is the base camp of the Void God Cult, unless there is a big move to prepare for star migration."

"Otherwise this will basically not change."

"As long as this is still the base camp, it will only be a matter of time before those big figures from the Void Cult come back."

A middle-aged man with a strong build and two meters tall said with a smile.

They have been working here for five years.

The money they earned here made them rich directly, and they got used to the life here.

We haven't reached retirement age yet, so none of us are planning to give up this lucrative job and go home to retire.

"Who are the important figures in the Void Cult?"

Star-Lord said as he also started ordering food, intending to have a good chat with them.

"For ordinary people like us, those who join the Void Cult are all big shots."

"But they are all very easy to get along with and won't deliberately make things difficult for ordinary people like us."

"Just feel at ease on the island."

The chef was not surprised to see the small portions ordered by Star-Lord. He looked at the dishes on the order and said with a smile.

Those in the Void God Sect have big appetites, but others are at a normal level. It’s easy to finish a few dishes without finishing them.

"You must have been working here for a long time, right?"

"Do you know any of the guests you have come into contact with who were originally ordinary people and later joined the Void God Cult?"

Star-Lord looked at the chef next to him starting to prepare the food, which was a little strange instead of the one in front of him, but he had already ordered the food anyway, so there was no need to be embarrassed to ask for some information.

“I know so many people I’ve said hello to.”

"It is true that you believe in Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void, join the Void God Religion, receive blessings, and soar into the sky."

"However, the number of members who can successfully join the Void Divine Cult was probably only one in a thousand at the beginning, but now it is no more than one in a thousand."

"Not everyone can be the chosen one."

“So I’ve seen too many people who are ambitious and ambitious and leave with regrets.”

When the chef heard this, of course he knew what Star-Lord meant and said with a smile.

He can be said to be one of the witnesses who has seen the Void Divine Religion’s assessments become increasingly strict step by step.

He also wanted to join the Void God Cult and gain a long life, but he also knew that this would not be an easy task that could be achieved by accumulating time.

"So what is the general style of people who can join the Void God Religion?"

The point of Star-Lord asking about the big shots is not to know who the big shots are. He will know this after he stays here for a while and observes.

What he wants to know is the overall character and style of the Void God Religion, which may be able to provide him with some help.

"You're not the first person to ask this, and you won't be the last."

"But I can tell you that the personalities of the big figures in the Void God Religion are all kinds of different."

“There are domineering and arrogant people, there are gentle, kind, lively and beautiful people, there are even more knowledgeable and extraordinary people who talk, and there are big people who don’t regard money as money and are extremely generous.”

"There are all kinds of great people with various personalities, including aloofness, aloofness, and arrogance."

"So there is no character style that can be used as a reference."

"The only thing they have in common is their unquestionable belief in the Void Cult."

How could the chef not know the thoughts of a guest like Star-Lord, he said slowly.

The New Year's Worship is also the busiest day for the Void God Cult. On that day, members of the Void God Cult scattered all over the universe will come back to worship.

Thanks to the gift of the Void God Kassadin, I feel the cultivation of the Void God Cult.

"Although I don't know if I can join, but thank you for the information."

When Star-Lord heard these words, he looked at the chef and said with a smile.

Then Star-Lord found a seat and sat down.

Through the words of the chef combined with the words of Sonia, the God of the Void just now.

No matter what, you must believe everything you see and show your piety.

What these words mean is that one’s beliefs will not be shaken by the words of others and all factors around them.

Believe everything you believe in your heart, believe that the blessing of Kassadin, the God of the Void, is real, and fear the void as great.

There may not be only one path to embodying piety, but it is the key to being recognized and blessed by Kassadin, the God of the Void.

It depends on whether you can be sure that you are really pious enough.

This cannot be proven with words or tricks.

Instead, he firmly believes in his inner desire and always has faith in Kassadin, the God of the Void.

Many myths and stories on Blue Star also reflect this. As long as you are pious enough, you can receive God's gifts.

Thinking of all this, Star-Lord's thoughts suddenly became enlightened.

Others may have a variety of factors that influence their beliefs and beliefs.

But Star-Lord won't, because this is his only chance.

At this moment, in the villa on the top of the mountain.

Harvey suddenly received a reminder from the void.

[Peter Jason Quill applied to join the Void. 】

This made Harvey unexpectedly directly observe Xandar Star.

Just when Harvey thought that Star-Lord was not on Xandar after searching.

Harvey discovered that Star-Lord had arrived at Void Island at some point and was now eating in the cafeteria area.

"When did Star-Lord come?"

After Harvey saw Star-Lord, who could easily be covered up in the crowd, he looked at Sonia who was eating and asked.

"At 3:10 this afternoon, he got on the airship and arrived at Void Island."

"Checked in at 3:40."

"Then we arrived at the Void Temple at 4:30."

"I also saw traces of him in the crowd just now."

“While others were easily swayed from faith by words, he ended up staying.”

"Maybe it's because I just arrived today, so I don't know how cruel the test is."

When Sonia saw the name mentioned by Mr. Kassadin, she immediately released a projection to retrieve the information and explained the detailed information.

Piety is something that cannot be faked.

Even if a person can pretend for a month or two, what about three, four, or even half a year?

Time is the most difficult stage of testing.

"Yes, time is the basis of witnessing everything."

"Whether he can withstand the cruel test of time remains to be seen."

Harvey heard a little smile on his face.

He received Star-Lord's application, but had no intention of passing it immediately.

There are too many people eager to join the Void, and Star-Lord's destiny should not be lower.

After all, he is of demigod bloodline, but Harvey does not lack void energy now.

Therefore, what Harvey values ​​​​is whether a person's faith is pious enough and how he behaves. All this requires patient observation.

More and more people come to ask for gifts, and these outsiders have formed a large testing ground.

Environment and other people's words can easily shake a person's beliefs.

Some pretended to be in the Void Temple, but after leaving the Void Temple and returning to their residences, or even leaving the island directly, thinking that they would not be discovered, they began to show the evil in their hearts.

Looking at the universe, a big stage with countless creatures, there are too few people who can fully realize their beliefs and stick to their beliefs.

Whether Star-Lord's faith is stable or not is something Harvey wants to observe.


Sonia heard that Mr. Cassadine had begun to pay attention to Star-Lord, and smiled and nodded.

She knew that this sentence meant that she did not need to worry about Star-Lord, Mr. Cassadine would look into it.

Receiving the attention of Lord Kassadin is a good thing for many members of the Void Cult.

Because this means that the ability has been further recognized by Lord Kassadin, and rewards and responsibilities may be given.

But for the members of the Void God Cult who have not yet joined, this is not a good thing.

Because they don't know that their every move is under the surveillance of Lord Kassadin.

Intelligent creatures basically have different faces both openly and secretly.

If Star-Lord does very well on the surface and thinks he can pass the test, he would be totally wrong.

However, if Star-Lord attracts attention, he can pass the test and gain Mr. Cassadine's approval.

If you successfully join the Void, then there is no need to question Star-Lord's piety.

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