I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 425 I’m good at intimidating me

There are still a lot of superpowers left in the land of nothingness. Their strength cannot be said to be very strong, but it is enough.

But all of them are lawless, so you really have to choose carefully if you want to choose one.

Lacey roughly selected a few people and planned to let the prophet test them.

"Predictor, go and test this person named Nikrov and Mrs. Die."

"Look at their reactions and choices when faced with various options."

"A puppet doesn't have to be just one person."

Lacey showed the information about a blue-skinned alien and a brown-skinned beauty to the prophet.

According to the data, these two have been hanging around in the Land of Nothingness for hundreds of years.

Although they have not climbed to the top or even the middle ranks, the identity of these two people is that one is a black market businessman responsible for selling arms, and the other is the female owner of a large store that provides beauty services, and they are both superpowers.

The two people's superpowers should be able to climb higher, and they have many opportunities to climb higher during their hundreds of years of existence.

However, because the two of them have always hidden their abilities, they only have a small reputation here.

Maybe he didn't reach a high position, so he didn't do anything heinous.

The black market merchants and the female bosses who run beauty service shops are all human beings.


The prophet saw the appearance of the two people and found that one had the superpower of charm and the other had the power of mind control, so he agreed.

Then the prophet directly released his ability, and suddenly the future of the entire land of nothingness was under his control.

The prophet quickly searched for traces of these two people.

I found that these two people were actually operating an industrial spaceship among a group of lawless people. They didn't seem to be used to it at all.

It's just that when the prophet realized that they saw him, he immediately panicked and planned to escape.

However, the Predictor would not let them run away. He raised his hand and shot down the two industrial spaceships with two shots.

Originally, the prophet thought that they would jump over the wall in a hurry, but the two people did not take action against him.

Instead, he directly began to beg for mercy, saying that although he would provide money to the collector, he was not considered a confidant and was willing to pay for his life.

After various "friendly" exchanges with the prophet.

The prophet also knew the personalities and details of these two people.

To put it bluntly, unless there is a last resort and he is on the verge of death, he will never take action.

Faced with the task of being an agent in the Land of Nothingness, the two of them also kept evading the task, saying that they were not the material at all, and asked them to hire someone else.

However, after the prophet forced out their superpowers, the two were forced to accept it.

"They have good character and strength. They are two good people, and they don't have that big ambition."

"To put it bluntly, he is the one who makes the most of the situation."

"As long as the Land of Nothingness is still under the control of the Void Divine Religion, these two people should not be so stupid that they forget everything."

It only took less than tens of seconds for the prophet to penetrate thousands of futures. Facing the questioning eyes of Lacey, Rennoli, and Kyle, he spoke.

"How did you get them to agree to be this puppet?"

Lacey heard the prophet's words and knew that these two people were qualified candidates, so she asked.

"The information is completely consistent, but it's a little troublesome."

"We must first arrest them, imprison them and continue to intimidate them."

"Resuscitate them after scaring them into despair and wanting to kill themselves."

"They were forced to take the initiative to survive."

"In the end, they will accept their fate only if they can't live or die."

"Otherwise, even if they are caught and they know they are going to die, they will always hide their abilities and will never agree to be this puppet."

The prophet heard the words and explained the method of persecution.

It can be said that these two people have an extreme desire to survive, and they like to pretend to be pigs and eat tigers.

It was also because of this that the prophet needed to understand thousands of futures before he found the future that the two agreed to.

If Wu Maqi's information hadn't stated that the two of them had superpowers, he might have actually been deceived by the two.

"I'm good at intimidation."

When Kyle heard this, a smile appeared on his face, and he was eager to try.

It's just that he was merciful if he didn't kill them directly by threatening them.

"Then let's catch them first."

Lacey heard the prophet's words and knew why he said it was troublesome.

These two people obviously knew that at best they were working for the Void God Religion, but at worst they were just two puppets.

Therefore, if the two of them were not on the verge of death, there would be no way they would agree.

If a normal person goes to find these two people, after some testing, he might actually be fooled by these two people who like to pretend.

But the Predictor is here, unless the Predictor's precognitive ability can be disabled like Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void.

Otherwise, all the futures of other people are under the control of the prophet.

"Let me go and find out where they are."

Renoli heard this and spoke.

"In the repair brigade ten kilometers southwest of here, in the industrial spaceships numbered 857 and 860."

The prophet heard the words and explained the location.

Upon hearing this position, Renoli disappeared instantly.

And Niklov and Mrs. Die were muttering in the industrial spaceship, thinking about how to escape.

But there is also a feeling of joy in the heart, just in case the Void God Religion will not change the rules of the Void Land.

The most they can do is pay a little more tax, and they can still prosper here.

But suddenly, Nikrov felt that the air at an altitude of five kilometers away seemed to be passed by a terrifying monster, and the clouds and mist exploded.

This made Nickrov's face change. He who possesses this ability must be Supersonic Rennoli.

This monster from the Void Cult is already famous in the universe for its strength and reputation.

If they ran, it would definitely be impossible for them to escape.

He couldn't fight and run, so Niklov could only bet that Renault and the others would clean up the Land of Nothingness and it wouldn't affect them.

In just a few seconds, a silver-haired figure descended from the sky and caught Nikrov's eyes.

Madame Butterfly, who had brown skin and a proud figure, shrank slightly when she saw Renault's appearance.

"Don't come to me, don't come to me."

Madame Butterfly could only pray in her heart.

Rennoli knew that he had to arrest the two of them first to intimidate them, so he didn't waste any time. He instantly appeared behind the two people's spaceship and slapped them with a palm.

"Bang! Bang!" Two industrial spaceships weighing dozens of tons were directly knocked away by two palms.

After Renault's two palms directly knocked the two people's industrial spacecraft away, he struck three consecutive palms in the air.

In just one minute, their spaceship accurately dropped a hundred meters in front of Lacey, Kyle, and the Predictor.

However, even though Niklov and Madame Butterfly were seriously bumped due to the bumps in the spacecraft, the two of them had no idea of ​​using their superpowers.

"Several adults, I don't know..."

Niklov climbed out of the industrial spaceship in disgrace, and was about to say something to defend himself.

"He's caught."

Rennoli's voice came from above the two of them.

"Dear gentlemen, I'm just a businessman. Although I run a shop here, I can't be considered a loyal subordinate of the collector."

"Please don't vent your anger on ordinary people like me."

When Niklov heard Renault's words, his heart sank. He knew that Renault and the others were targeting him and Lady Butterfly, and he quickly begged for mercy.

"Yes, I only run a beauty shop that serves men. I only pay normal protection fees to collectors every year."

"You must know that in such a lawless zone, it is inevitable to pay protection fees if you want to survive."

"It's not like you're working for a collector."

Madam Butterfly also quickly distanced herself from the relationship with the collector.

Lest Lacey and Rennoli think that they are the remnants of the Collector's gang, they want to clean them up.

"Are you working for the Collector?"

"I found out after interrogating him personally and put him in jail."

After hearing this, Kyle looked extremely serious and said directly.

When Madame Butterfly and Niklov saw Kyle acting so domineering, their hearts sank to the bottom.

In particular, Mrs. Butterfly felt that Kyle's eyes were looking at her sensitive parts intentionally or unintentionally, and her hair stood on end.

It's okay that Nikrov is a man, but the plight of female prisoners is truly miserable.

However, Madam Butterfly knew that if she wanted to survive, she could only endure it and could not take action. If they did, their abilities would not be enough for them to save their lives in front of these four monsters.

Kyle grabbed the two of them directly in his hands like chickens and walked underground to the collector's mansion.

The collector's mansion is a good place, with all kinds of things, including some special interrogation cells.

"Kyle, why are you here?"

A man who was moving collections was a little surprised to see Kyle coming.

"We received instructions from Miss Sonia to come and rectify the Land of Nothingness."

Kyle heard this and a smile appeared on his face.

"Does that mean these two people?"

The man who asked the question was a handsome man with blue skin. Hearing these words, he glanced at the two people captured by Kyle.

"Yes, these two people are one of the targets of the rectification."

Kyle said with a smile when he saw the other party being so polite.

"do you need my help?"

Because Madam Butterfly left her in disgrace, this man didn't think much about Madam Butterfly. He just heard about the rectification of the Land of Nothingness, so he wanted to see if he could contribute.

"I will do it if necessary, and maybe I won't ask you to help me, but I'll ask you to have fun."

Kyle grinned upon hearing this, and the words he spoke were like the whispers of a devil.

"Make me feel good?"

The cyan-skinned man was thoughtful when he heard Kyle's words.

"Don't worry, let's see if this woman is worthy of her cooperation."

"You'll understand later."

When Kyle heard what he said, he didn't say it so absolutely. The purpose of intimidation is to make people still have some hope despite fear.

Even if people have little hope in a desperate situation, they will still pursue that little bit of hope in order to survive.

The second update of 3,000 words is sent

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