I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 433 Responsibilities of Defending the Island

"How hard can it be?"

Kyle was thoughtful after hearing the Predictor's analysis.

"If it is true what the prophet said, Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void, plans to set more tests for him."

"The words and actions of other people who ask for grace are just the most common tests."

“As time goes by, the original firm belief in my heart will become increasingly difficult to hold on to.”

"Especially when they see the latecomers receiving the gift before him, the impact on their faith will be extremely severe."

Renoli heard this and spoke.

Lacey asked Wu Maqi to go to the Land of Nothingness to verify whether there were any problems with the handover in the first month.

It wasn't rectification or anything else, so there was no need for the three of them to go together.

Therefore, the three of them are very free now and are watching the situation of the person asking for a favor.

Among them, Star-Lord can be said to have received the most attention. After all, once he joins, he is destined to become the top powerhouse of the Void God Religion, and even the top powerhouse in the universe.

Now that more than a month has passed since Star-Lord came here, Miss Sonia has not come forward to persuade Star-Lord to leave directly.

Then it means that Star-Lord's test is still continuing, but the difficulty may not be as high as usual.

"I see. If he really passes the test specially set by Master Kassadin, then he is also a ruthless person."

Kyle also understood after hearing Rennoli's words.

It is difficult for ordinary faith to go through a year, two years or even longer when praying for blessings.

They all already know Star-Lord's origins and beliefs, and they are eager to get the power to avenge Star-Lord's bastard father.

Lord Kassadin must already know these things.

The desire for revenge is a very common belief in the universe, and it is also the belief that is most likely to fall into confusion and go astray after it is completed.

Therefore, the Void God Cult is eager for revenge. In the end, there are not many people who receive blessings. There is only one person, and that is Claudia.

Claudia was approved to join the Void God Cult after four months of testing.

After Claudia's revenge was avenged, her faith was confused for a while, but later she turned to the faith of hoping to defend her hometown and kept moving forward.

Therefore, if Claudia has nothing to do, she will not stay on the island and spend more time in her hometown to help her hometown revive.

Through Claudia's previous test, it can also be seen that Master Kassadin's test is more difficult for those who have the belief in revenge.

"If he is still here in a year, I will respect him as a man."

Renoli said with a smile upon hearing this.

"It's still a long time, let's take a look."

"It's dinner time. There will be a sports arena today. Let's join in the fun later."

After Kyle heard this, he glanced at the more than 300 people on the Void Temple and jumped down from the tree.

"If Lacey isn't here, who's going to fight a monster like you?"

Rennoli was also speechless when he heard Kyle's words.

Because the media of various competitions in current competitive sports are blessed by the power of the void, they can exert stronger power.

Facing the monster Kyle, Lacey was able to compete head-on with him with her super skills.

Banner's strength was able to catch a few moves, but due to the huge difference in skills, he couldn't fight Kyle effectively.

What's more, Banner is currently doing research with Tony and has no time to participate.

"Didn't Thor break through to seventy times in the gravity chamber?"

"I'll ask Thor if he has time to play."

Kyle naturally had someone in mind if he wanted to join in the fun.

Thor's potential is also extremely terrifying, and he joined the Void Cult less than a year ago.

Because of evolution, Thor has brought out more potential in his body, and relying on the blessing of massive divine power, his strength has increased by leaps and bounds.

The gravity chamber records are also catching up quickly.

"Thor, let's not talk about the issue of physical strength. There are still many shortcomings in skills."

Renoli heard Thor, thought for a moment and spoke.

"If you are lacking something, you need to practice even more."

Kyle said with a smile upon hearing this.

"Then go and ask."

Rennoli also felt that it made sense when he heard this.

Although no one likes the feeling of defeat, you still have to practice.

When several people went all the way to the canteen, Thor and Loki also happened to arrive.

"What did you do?"

"Why didn't we see you in the gravity room just now?"

Thor asked after seeing Kyle and others greeting each other.

Now because they have to enter the gravity room for training, Thor and Loki can take baths five or six times a day.

However, the feeling of exercising was extremely wonderful, so the two of them didn't mind it at all.

"Didn't a demigod come to the island? I went to see that demigod."

Kyle said with a smile upon hearing this.

"Demigod... Star-Lord?"

When Loki heard Kyle's words, he immediately realized who Kyle was talking about.

"Mr. Kyle, it is not a good habit to make fun of people who come to seek blessings."

“All who seek blessings may become our fellow citizens.”

Sarah also came to the canteen at this time, heard Kyle laughing and said softly.

"I don't mean to make fun of you, we just went to see the excitement."

"I found out that it is possible for him to join. He has changed a lot from what I saw before."

Kyle heard Sarah's words of advice and opened his mouth to explain.

"It's certainly possible to stay on the island, at least it won't be the direct expulsion like before."

Loki said casually after hearing this.

"The main reason why you were driven away was because you didn't know how to behave at the time."

Kyle said seriously after hearing this.

"I came sincerely to seek blessings, but before I could ask for blessings, I was told that it was impossible to join."

"It's human nature to feel dissatisfied, okay, how can you say you don't know how to appreciate someone?"

Loki didn't feel embarrassed when he heard this, but defended himself seriously.

"It's indeed human nature, but it's your problem if you don't pay attention to the occasion."

Renoli said with a smile upon hearing this.

"I can't speak to you."

Loki was speechless after hearing this and decided not to talk about it.

A few people walked and chatted before sitting down at a big table and ordering their own meals.

"Sol will open the competitive sports ground in the afternoon, come with me to play."

Kyle looked at Thor and asked.

"I think so, but I was abused half a month ago, and I feel like I need to practice again."

After hearing this, Sol showed a troubled look on his face and spoke.

And it was not Kyle who tortured him, but other members of the Void Cult.

In terms of strength, he is at the top of most Void Cults, but he is not strong enough in controlling power.

He had previously watched a wave of battles between other people in the competitive sports field.

Seeing how they were fighting each other back and forth, I thought I could do it too.

But after actually doing it, Sol discovered how difficult it is to compress his own activity space in a limited venue, control every ounce of his strength, and follow the rules to win.

He originally thought it was the opponent's problem, so he changed more than a dozen people in succession. In the end, he found that it was not that others' skills were too strong, but that his own skills were too weak.

Thor still can't forget the look of disbelief in others' eyes when they beat him.

I thought he was a BOSS, but I didn't expect him to be a rookie.

This made Thor feel depressed for more than a week. In the past few days, he had been relieved through the gravity chamber. As a result, Kyle refused to open any pot.

"Everyone has experienced the depressing feeling of not being able to use his strength because of the rules, and ultimately failing. "

"Don't take it too seriously."

"Knowing that your skills are insufficient means you should practice more."

"This is a necessary process for skill advancement."

Kyle saw Sol's low interest and knew that it was impossible for Sol to practice, so he comforted him with a smile.

Most people in the Void God Religion just use brute force to push everything aside.

This is especially true for a person with natural superpowers like Kyle.

Only when he participated in various trainings on Void Island and suffered setbacks, and realized that his use of power was too simple, did he start to study various combat techniques.

This process is accompanied by failure and depression, but it is a good thing to have a direction for improvement.

So although the mood is a bit complicated, everyone will continue to practice.

Of course, it’s okay to choose to be bad and not practice, as long as you can accept being caught from behind.

"Give me some time, and I will practice with you after I pass the shock gold training."

Thor also knew that Kyle mentioned this to him because he wanted to practice with him on the competitive sports field.

However, let’s not talk about the current difference in strength, but the difference in skills is too great. If he were to fight against Kyle, it would be a one-sided defeat.

He and Loki entered the gravity room directly and skipped the training of shock gold, resulting in the foundation not being fully laid.

Otherwise, he who can normally pass through seventy times gravity would be very skilled and terrifying in the use of power.

This was also an important reason why he received strange looks after losing to other members of the Void Cult in the competitive sports field.

"Mr. Sol, I can understand your idea of ​​staying in the gravity chamber."

"But if you want to improve faster, you should plan your training plan reasonably."

Sarah suggested after hearing this.

"Miss Sarah, do you know how to fight?"

"I remember Kyle and the others said, didn't you ever participate in a single battle?"

When Loki heard Sarah's words, he glanced at Sarah with some disbelief in his words.

"I don't have one, but that doesn't mean I don't know all kinds of fighting skills. I can also do Roujin."

Sarah felt Loki's gaze and said immediately as she felt that her strength was being questioned.

Although she knows nothing about fighting, it does not mean that her fighting skills are not good.

As people from celebrity hotels, they have ample experience in how to study efficiently.

After asking Sonia’s seniors about some experiences, Sarah had already mastered Rou Jin.

It's just that Lord Kyle and Lord Lacey first refused to let her participate in large-scale wars because she was too weak and lacked combat experience.

In the second large-scale war in the Void Land, Senior Sonia asked her to defend the island.

So much so that she has never really fought an enemy.

"Can you be gentle?"

Loki was even more disbelieving when he heard the look in his eyes, and there was some disbelief in his words.

Because he doesn't even know how to do it now, and now he is told that Sarah, who has never fought before, is better than him in fighting skills, how can Loki believe it?

Sarah felt that her strength was being questioned and knew that words could not win people's trust.

So Sarah slapped the table in front of her with her jade palm, and there was a "bang!"

In the water glass in front of Loki, who was a few meters away from Sarah, the water in the entire glass began to vibrate, and then the water was directly rolled up.

Just when the water was about to be poured directly on Loki's head, Sarah's jade palm stirred up a breeze and poured the water back into the cup in front of her.

The whole process went smoothly and the cup was intact.

"Well, that's it, right?"

Sarah heard this and spoke.

But Sarah’s display shocked everyone present for a hundred years.

"Sarah, didn't you say that you have evolved too few times and have insufficient combat experience?"

Even Kyle's eyes widened and he looked at Sarah in disbelief.

"When I first joined the Void God Religion, I asked Senior Sonia about it."

"How to improve your own strength, and then you will learn it after learning for a while."

"Lalatina hasn't fought either, but she can do it."

"There shouldn't be any necessary correlation between lack of actual combat experience and mastering combat skills, right?"

Sarah said with a smile upon hearing this.

"Although I would like to refute it, the facts do not allow me to refute it."

Rennoli saw Sarah's smile and said these words lightly.

I really want to say that Roujin, even if you know the theory, requires a lot of combat experience and training to master.

But Sarah had indeed mastered softness without ever fighting, so Rennoli could not refute Sarah's theory.

It can only be said that Sarah and Lalatina both have the talent for fighting.

"Can you pass the shock gold test?"

Thor still couldn't believe it when he saw Sarah's display.

"I've never tried this."

Sarah shook her head and said after hearing this.

"Then go give it a try after you finish eating."

Thor suggested after hearing this.

"all right."

Sarah smiled and agreed upon hearing this.

"Besides flexibility, what else did Miss Sonia teach you?"

Renault asked with some concern.

Because Miss Sonia is basically busy, she rarely has time to chat with them.

So they all forgot about Sarah, who could often communicate with Miss Sonia.

"As for various combat techniques, you need to master your own trump cards, the direction of evolution, how to use the power of the void, and the knowledge you need to learn, etc. There are many things."

Sarah stretched out a finger after hearing each word and spoke.

Sarah is quite free every day, but it is also because she is too free, so she will chat with senior Sonia from time to time after get off work in the evening.

Senior Sonia told her that if she and Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void, were not on the island.

However, a dangerous situation occurs on the island, and if no one can deal with it, she and Lalatina will be the last resort.

Of course, Senior Sonia also said that this kind of opportunity may never appear, but she still let them study hard.

Even if Sarah was Sonia's apprentice before, she would naturally not refuse Sonia's senior advice.

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