I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 454 Tony asks Sarah for advice

Thor was speechless by Tony's response.

Tony really verified the saying that you must save face and suffer the consequences.

It was obvious that asking Alex to teach him wouldn't waste much time, but Tony refused to do so.

"Just discussing how to use the power of the void."

"It's not like I haven't communicated with other people before."

"And with Alex's character, as long as he admits it and opens his mouth, Alex is willing to teach."

"Miss Sarah was taught by Alex."

Thor originally wanted to ignore Tony directly, but thinking of the relationship between them as good brothers, he still persuaded Tony.

"Miss Sarah knows Alex's special skills?"

Tony's eyes widened when he heard Sol's words.

"Sarah not only knows the Void Flame, but also Miss Claudia's Void Freezing Technique."

"Who else told you that Void Flame is Lex's unique move?"

"As far as I know, Alex can also change the size of his body at will to adapt to the void transformation technique to adapt to more complex combat environments and fight enemies."

"But according to what Kyle said, Alex has never encountered an enemy who asked him to use all his strength."

"You must know that Alex is the person who has evolved the most times apart from Miss Sonia, and is also the most belligerent person."

"Who knows how much he hid."

At this time, Loki held a delicious snow cup and walked out of the villa while eating.

The Void God Religion's current top powerhouses can be said to be more ruthless than the last.

For him, who is still an ordinary member of the Void God Cult for the time being, the difference in strength cannot be said to be a sky or an earth, at least it is a gap in the sky.

Although Tony will soon catch up with Banner, who has mastered the soft strength, it does not mean that Tony's strength is directly exhausted.

But compared to other top powerhouses in the Void God Religion, their strength may already be at the bottom.

So Loki can still understand Tony's eagerness to improve his strength.

"Void Flame, Void Freezing Technique and Void Transformation Technique?"

"Let's talk about these things in detail..."

Tony was shocked when he heard Loki's words and asked quickly.

"I seem to have forgotten to tell you, it was the last time we learned the soft training method..."

After hearing this, Thor briefly explained to Tony.


Tony learned the details at this time, and his heart was filled with turmoil.

The last time he knew that Miss Sarah could be flexible and even better than him in terms of skills, he thought it was already outrageous.

As a result, Thor now told him that Miss Sarah, who was idle every day and had never really fought, not only knew soft power but also various void magics, and her strength should not be underestimated.

And because of his close relationship with Miss Sonia, he is a veritable treasure trove of knowledge for the Void God Religion.

Although you may suffer from lack of experience in the first battle, as long as you are strong enough that the enemy can't do anything to you, then the weakness of lack of combat experience is not a weakness at all.

"Thanks, I'll go talk to Miss Sarah."

After Tony was shocked, he made an immediate decision in his heart, and then left immediately.

"Why is it that Tony is reluctant to find a teacher from Alex, but why is he so non-stop looking for a teacher from Miss Sarah?"

When Thor saw Tony, he left immediately. He was speechless and couldn't understand Tony's thinking.

Logically speaking, isn't it more embarrassing to seek advice from a woman than from a man?

"Whether Tony is looking for Alex or Miss Sarah, both of them will be willing to teach."

"But if you were asked to choose a mentor between Alex and Miss Sarah to teach you to become stronger."

"Are you more interested in finding a teacher named Alex who, although he is absolutely dedicated and dedicated to teaching you, is full of muscles and has a different way of thinking than ordinary people, it will be more troublesome to deal with him?"

"Or should we find a teacher from Miss Sarah, who has a beautiful appearance, a kind and gentle personality, and a gentle and pleasant voice?"

Loki saw that Thor didn't understand, but he understood Tony's thoughts very well and said slowly.

Renolly, Kyle, Predictor, and Lacey can all benefit him a lot in battle.

But why didn't he find anyone else but Lacey?

It's because Lacey has a fiery personality, which is a bit fiery, but she is an out-and-out beauty, and when she teaches others, her personality becomes extremely gentle.

And compared to Rennoli, Kyle, and Predictor, these three people mainly fight with superpowers.

Lacey's starting point is a real ordinary person from the Xandar planet, and her strength is entirely obtained through her own hard work.

It can point out his real weaknesses in close combat.

"Then of course I would choose Miss Sarah."

Sol said without hesitation when he heard this.

“When people are faced with two choices that can also bring benefits to themselves.”

“I tend to choose the option that makes me more comfortable and likes it.”

Loki said with a smile upon hearing this.

It has been a month since they went to the Celebrity Hotel.

He has now completely mastered the foundation of soft strength and started to move forward to the second step of power transmission.

Once he has mastered power transmission, his physical training will be almost over.

Because his power of void has now evolved forty-two times, he has a lot of power of void in his body.

After that, it’s time to change the focus and combine the main attack magic with the power of the void to create your own unique void magic.

"Anyway, there's no need to worry about Tony. It's time to train on power transmission."

So after Loki finished eating the snow cup, he said to Thor.

Compared with the training where when you practice the first step of strength mastery, if you fail to crush the dishes, it will make a huge noise.

This second step of force conduction training will make the noise less harsh.

But it’s also because trees are used as training items.

Although there are vast and green trees on Void Island, if you want to build your own villa, you can apply to Miss Sonia.

After gaining the full power of reclamation, they can directly cut down trees and build villas, but building villas and training them are completely different things.

They spent more than two months training to master strength, and broke tens of thousands of dishes.

If they dared to cut down 10,000 trees on Void Island, Miss Sonia would be furious.

So they have to change places to practice well.

The same is true for other members. Anyway, the islands near Void Island also belong to the Void God Cult, and the trees are flown over to be repaired directly.

When Thor heard this, he grabbed Loki and flew away using Mjolnir.


It's afternoon now.

After Tony asked people here, he finally found Sarah on the way to the Temple of Records, who was leisurely pushing a car towards the temple.

Except for having breakfast with Lalatina, Sarah usually bought the food directly in the Record Temple and ate it slowly.

Only a few times, people like Kyle or Tony would eat in the cafeteria.

Along the way, Sarah also smiled and greeted other members of the Void Cult.

This can be said to be her daily routine.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Tony."

At this time, Sarah noticed Tony flying in the air, smiled and waved hello.

"Good afternoon, Miss Sarah."

"Can you take a step to speak?"

Tony landed directly next to Sarah, and after saying hello politely, he spoke.

"Okay, I'm planning to go back to the Temple of Records."

Sarah saw Mr. Tony suddenly saying to talk somewhere else, but she didn't refuse.

Because she knew that Mr. Tony had a more face-friendly character.

So Sarah just pushed the cart and picked up the pace.

Tony also hurriedly followed. Along the way, he noticed that Sarah's speed was already very fast, reaching ten meters per second.

This speed is actually nothing compared to their speed, but when Sarah is pushing the cart, this speed will cause violent shaking and cause the food on the cart to spill out.

But Tony found that the entire cart did not move in Sarah's hands at all, and there was no spillage of food on it.

Tony took a closer look and found that Sarah was not being lifted, but that the rollers were indeed rolling on the ground.

The shock caused by the rapid push of the cart was directly resolved by Sarah.

Saul said before that Sarah's skills were above them, and Tony only had a vague idea.

Now that he saw it with his own eyes, Tony knew that this lead was not as simple as just a tiny bit.

Sarah was already on her way back to the Temple of Records, so it only took a few minutes.

Tony followed Sarah to the Temple of Records.

Tony didn't dare to talk casually along the way, for fear that his words would distract Sarah and knock over the food.

He came to see Sarah for advice. If Sarah's food was spilled, it would be a trivial matter to charge him with the account.

The problem is that spilled food may affect Sarah's mood.

Tony knew that Sarah had a kind and gentle personality, but no matter how gentle she was, it would definitely not be easy to talk to her if she was in a bad mood.

Sarah pushed the food directly to the back of the temple, and then quickly appeared next to Tony.

"Mr. Tony, please sit down."

Sarah knew that Mr. Tony was definitely not here to take notes for her, because Mr. Tony would not leave until at least he witnessed the birth of the Void Cult's first space battleship.

This is what Mr. Kyle told her, and even if Mr. Tony temporarily changes his mind and plans to return to his hometown early.

If she comes to make records for herself, there is no need to go to the Recording Temple to make records. She just needs to inform her casually.

Therefore, Sarah did not immediately ask Mr. Tony what was going on with her.

"Miss Sarah, I heard that Thor and Loki have learned something about you."

"So I came here this time to discuss with you about void magic."

After Tony heard this, he sat down directly on a comfortable seat and said straight to the point.

"Of course Mr. Tony can discuss it with me."

"But what Mr. Tony learned from Mr. Saul."

"Then you should also know that there is a lot of void magic that cannot be revealed for the time being, right?"

Sarah heard that Mr. Tony used the word "discuss" instead of "ask for advice", so she didn't care and said with a smile.

"Of course I know this, but Alex's Void Flame should not be in the scope that cannot be disclosed."

"I am here just to talk to you, Miss Sarah, about the Void Flame."

Tony nodded when he heard this and said.

"Then Mr. Tony, you go ahead."

Sarah also sat directly on a seat away from Tony, smoothed her skirt demurely and sat down gracefully, and said with a smile.

"In fact, I am studying related experiments on the transformation properties of the power of the void."

"At present, I have also mastered the flame. It's just that I have been obsessed with technological research in the past few years, so I can't study it in depth."

"Even if I don't want to admit it, I have to admit that my flame is relatively single compared to Alex's."

When Tony heard this, a purple flame appeared in his right hand and he spoke.


"I also believe that if you are not entangled in technological research, you can have a deeper understanding of the power of the void."

Sarah heard the competitiveness mixed in Mr. Tony's words and gave her affirmation.

After all, Mr. Tony has devoted too much effort and time to the technological research of the Void God Religion.

But even so, Mr. Tony still ranks among the top powerhouses of the Void God Religion, so there is no need to question Mr. Tony's genius.

"If I had enough time, I would prefer to explore alone rather than asking for advice from others."

"But Miss Sarah, you should also know that I will return to my hometown Blue Star in two to three months at most."

"I have a lot to do on Blue Star."

"So the most I have is the few months I have on the island."

"So I want to ask you how the nature of the Void Flame changed to give the Void Flame so many characteristics."

When Tony saw Sarah affirming him without hesitation, he felt happy and at the same time truly expressed his intention.

"I understand, I will teach you."

"If you are smart, you should know that when the power of the void transforms into different elements, it has been given a layer of characteristics."

"It is no exaggeration to say that if you don't know the method, you will encounter a huge difficulty if you are groping alone because you don't know where to start."

"I think you have already encountered this difficulty."

When Sarah heard this, a bright flame also appeared in her hand, exuding warm light and heat, and she said slowly.

"Well, I tried incorporating other characteristics, but the fire characteristics in my hand would be overwritten, as if they were incompatible."

"But among the people I know, Alex is perfectly compatible with it, so I keep trying."

Tony looked at Sarah's hand, which was like a warm open flame, and his eyes flickered a little, and he told the difficulty he was in.

"Mr. Tony, what do you think of the power of the void?"

Sarah has taught many people and mastered many kinds of void magic, so she knows that teaching Mr. Tony is not just about teaching void magic.

But to truly let Mr. Tony understand how to create his own void magic.

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