I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 459 Harvey’s Travel

"Yeah, everyone knows that it's easier said than done."

"So there are too many people who only say nice things."

"Those who got through it by fooling around in the first place, or those who wanted to try their luck on a whim, didn't they deserve not to receive the blessing of the void?"

Harvey heard what the middle-aged chef said, and after ordering his meal, he sat down and said with a smile.

The test of the Void God Cult was set by him. Over the years, he also observed the minds of many people who came to seek gifts.

Most of them come here to try their luck, and after learning some things, they just do some superficial work.

Then within half a month, I became impatient and began to question the test in private.

And those who can pass this test are basically those who hold firm beliefs and refuse to leave without blessing.

Claudia said that Harvey did not consider the issue of more men and fewer women in the Void Cult at first.

So when Claudia came to seek the gift, the test lasted the longest.

While the general ordeal lasted a month or two, Claudia's ordeal lasted four months.

The reason why Claudia came to seek blessings is simple: she longs for the power to avenge her hometown.

Harvey was thinking about it because once revenge is completed, it is easy to lose its direction, so he thought about it for a long time.

In the end, he observed for four months before making an exception and making Claudia the first person who believed in revenge and could join the Void Cult.

This is also because Harvey has been waiting longer for the test since Claudia joined.

Belief without action is just empty talk and cannot be realized at all.

And the belief that comes from a true willingness to take action cannot be deceived.

"Although I don't deny that what you said is right, if you say these words, be careful of getting beaten."

When the middle-aged chef saw Harvey's words, he fired a map cannon, looked around, and whispered

He has witnessed with his own eyes that many people have successfully received blessings from the void, and those people are all people with firm beliefs.

Therefore, he will not question whether ordinary people can receive blessings from the void, but they also need to make corresponding efforts.

"This is Void Island, do they dare to hit me?"

Harvey was a little surprised when he heard the middle-aged chef's words.

"They don't dare to hit you or cause disputes on the island, but if they take notice of you, you will be beaten after leaving Void Island, and you may even die."

The middle-aged chef looked around and found that there were not many people around, so he still spoke very quietly.

"Is there still such a thing?"

Harvey was also shocked when he heard what the middle-aged chef said.

He can overlook Xandar, but usually he only overlooks the situation inside Void Island.

So this was the first time he heard that someone would be beaten or killed after leaving Void Island.

"As the Void Cult's reputation grows, more and more people with superpowers come to seek blessings."

"They are used to being arrogant outside. When they come to Void Island to seek blessings, they have to pretend to be grandsons."

"Moreover, they pretended to be grandsons for a long time, but they didn't get the blessing. They returned disappointed and suffocated."

"If you hear something and hold a grudge, you won't dare to mess around on the island, but you can't vent your grievances after leaving."

"So even if what you say is correct, you still have to weigh it carefully and don't accidentally offend others. You may be destined to come back alive."

The middle-aged chef saw that this young man didn't understand these things, so he explained the situation.

This is also the reason why he thinks those people have impure intentions or lack of faith from the beginning.

He might not have come into contact with all of the great figures in the Void God Religion, but he had come into contact with at least 400 of them.

Among them, Lord Enmolix looks more intimidating, while other big figures are basically relatively easy-going in character.

Moreover, Mr. Alex looks scary in appearance and has a weird personality, but when he eats delicious food, he is not ambiguous at all when he praises others.

It can be said that as long as those who have been blessed by the void have different personalities, they all have one essence, that is, they will not bully the weak without any reason.

On the contrary, he is very friendly to those who come to seek blessings, as well as those who work on the island.

Some of them also discussed why this is so.

The final conclusion was that it might be because they knew that anyone could join the Void Cult and receive blessings.


Harvey saw the way the middle-aged man reminded him even though he was clearly afraid that others would hear him. He didn't say anything about not being afraid, but nodded in agreement.

After that, when Sonia comes back, he will have to ask Sonia to send some people to rectify the situation.

Because no matter whether they come to seek gifts or not, they must at least ensure that they did not die because of the Void God Cult.

It's good that the number of casualties is small now. If many people had offended others invisibly because of their few words, many more people would have died soon after leaving the island. ,

It will definitely affect some of the reputation of the Void God Religion.

Although Harvey never claimed that the Void Cult he founded was a force of justice.

He took the lead in defeating the Land of Nothingness, and it was no better than he promised.

There are many people in the outside world who worship the Void God Religion, and there are definitely even more people who fear and fear the Void God Religion.

Although it has a bad reputation, it does not mean that others can let others pour dirty water on the Void God Religion.

"Brother, you have a really big appetite. Have you been blessed by the God of the Void?"

The middle-aged chef also started serving food to Harvey and spoke.

"People often think so, but I was born with a good appetite."

Harvey said with a smile upon hearing this.

"So that's it."

"You are lucky if you have a good appetite."

When the middle-aged chef heard Harvey's words, he didn't have any doubts and said with a smile.

Because joining the Void God Cult is something to be proud of and speak out boldly. If this little brother joins, there is no reason to hide it.

"I think so."

Harvey nodded slightly when he heard this.

The last time he saw this middle-aged chef was when Sonia was counting the harvest in the land of nothingness.

Because of his special status and large appetite, if he eats and drinks indiscriminately, it will easily arouse the suspicion of some members of the Void God Cult.

So he only dared to come secretly when the number of people was small.

"Speaking of which, if you haven't succeeded yet, how long do you plan to stay on the island?"

The middle-aged chef saw Harvey's friendly appearance and there were no customers at the moment, so he sat directly on the table next to Harvey.

"Then naturally I will wait until I feel there is really no hope."

Harvey said with a smile upon hearing this.

"I've been here for nearly five months and still haven't succeeded. Do you think you still have hope?"

The middle-aged chef said with some surprise when he heard Harvey's words.

"Although I haven't received the blessing for nearly five months, my hope may have been lowered a lot."

"But even if my hopes are lowered, at least I haven't given up yet, right?"

"As long as you don't give up, you have the possibility of receiving blessings."

Harvey said calmly after hearing this.

"Is it possible before I give up? It's such an optimistic idea."

"But only people like you can get the blessing of the void."

"If someone like me stays on the island for a few years, I will know that the blessing is real."

"I hope I have been seeking the gift for more than a month, but nothing has happened. I already feel that I am not the one and have given up."

"That's the type of whim and luck you just mentioned."

The middle-aged chef was also a little emotional when he saw the confidence exuding from Harvey.

"Although you have failed, it can make you see yourself clearly. If someone points out your pain points, you will not be discouraged by it. Instead, you dare to admit it. It is not a gain."

When Harvey heard the other party calling him an optimist, he didn't refute it, but said with a smile.

Because he used to think so about those who came to seek blessings.

However, observation after observation made Harvey realize that although not everyone has something like faith, there will never be a shortage of people with firm faith in the world.

"I felt very frustrated at first."

"Why can't I be recognized by Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void? I can get the opportunity to soar into the sky with blessings, but others can get it."

"It wasn't until later that I saw many people who came to seek blessings and successfully joined. Most of them were people with firm beliefs."

"Compared to them, I was just on a whim. It was understandable that I failed, so I slowly looked away."

The middle-aged chef was so praised by Harvey that he touched the back of his head and said with some embarrassment.

He has been working here for more than five years, and his many years of witnessing have given him a rough idea of ​​what the test of the Void God Religion is all about.

You can also see which people have a greater chance of getting Lord Kassadin's approval to join the Void Cult.

For example, the young man in front of him is optimistic, cheerful and confident in his character. There is a high probability that he can join the Void God Cult.

But he knows what kind of people are more likely to join, but that doesn't mean he can do that.

"Is this a reminder to me?"

When Harvey heard these words from the middle-aged chef, his eyes showed some surprise and he said with a smile.

Because these words are close to the essence of the test. If you can achieve this essence and strengthen your beliefs, you can be recognized and join the void.

Of course, this also needs to take into account different beliefs and character issues.

As the saying goes, hard work must be effective in the direction, otherwise it will be in vain.

"Those who can do it in the first place can do it, and reminders that they can't do it are useless."

“Isn’t this what faith is all about?”

"After all, we are both intelligent creatures, and what we are best at is giving up when faced with difficulties."

The middle-aged chef smiled and said.

He didn't know the name or race of this little brother, but everyone was a creature with high intelligence.

"May I have your name?"

When Harvey heard what the middle-aged chef said, he looked at the man and said thoughtfully.


The middle-aged chef smiled and said

"Antoine, I remember."

"I hope I can see you again in the future."

When Harvey heard the name, he also wrote it down and said with a smile.

"It's me who should say this. I work on this island."

Antoine heard Harvey's words and spoke.

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