I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 465: He who knows the current affairs is a hero

Tony wants to lead mankind into the interstellar era, but that doesn't mean Tony is willing to humble himself for it.

He is Tony Stark, the Herald of the Void.

He is not a big figure in the universe, but he has already made a name for himself.

So the only person who could make him beg in a low voice was Harvey, and he was also the last one.

He knew that he wanted the humans on Blue Star to become a community with a shared future for mankind.

You will definitely encounter many obstacles, and you may even be criticized by thousands of people.

Those who know the current affairs are heroes. If they are ignorant and unknowable forces and people, Tony will not tolerate them.

There are smart people and stupid people in the world. Ignorant people don't know how to see the situation clearly and don't want to get on the ship flying to the universe.

It is absolutely impossible to expect him to beg others to hook up with him shamelessly.

"You said you've sent someone to find me?"

"Do you think this place is so easy to get into?"

"Assuming you are really Iron Man, do you think that because you are regarded as a hero by countless people, you are really above the law and technology?"

"As far as I know Tony Stark, the antiques you made don't have such strength."

"Blue Star's future belongs to the era of nanotechnology."

Helen Zhao also smiled when she saw Tony Stark looking so arrogant.

She admits that Tony Stark is a genius, but she thinks she will not lose to Tony Stark in terms of intelligence.

It's just that their respective research and development paths are different.

“Blue Star’s future is not nanoscale, it can only be regarded as one of its branches at best.”

"The future of Blue Star is the interstellar era."

"And the future of the universe belongs to the strong."

"You haven't set foot in the universe and don't understand the real situation in the universe, so I don't blame you."

When Tony saw Helen Zhao looking so confident, there was some appreciation in his eyes.

He recognized Zhao Helen's talent, so he had to let Zhao Helen work for him.

"Speak as if you've been to the universe."

Helen Zhao sneered when she heard this.

"When you meet me, you will see the vastness of the universe."

"Blue Star's technology still has a lot of room for improvement."

Tony said with a smile when he saw that Helen Zhao didn't believe that he didn't care.

"You can't see me in person, and I don't have that much time to chat with you, the fake Tony Stark impersonator."

Seeing the arrogance in this man's words, Helen Zhao showed some displeasure in her eyes and said unceremoniously.

"Banner, I told you before. Don't be tough. If this woman sees it with her own eyes, she won't believe it."

"You lost the bet, you owe me a big meal."

"And take her to a private island. It's more suitable to talk there."

Tony saw Helen Zhao's attitude of not caring at all, and said with a smile.

"Obviously there's something wrong with your attitude when we first started talking, but forget it, it's up to you to think about the development anyway."

Banner said with some helplessness.

Helen Zhao heard a male voice coming from behind and looked back in disbelief.

A young and handsome man did not know when he appeared behind him.

"Miss Zhao Helen, come with me."

"Our time is precious, you will understand it when we meet you."

Banner saw Helen Zhao discovering him and said with a smile.

Then, without waiting for Helen Zhao to respond, Banner knocked Helen Zhao unconscious and took her away.

According to what Alex said, sometimes special means need to be used.

If he slowly persuaded Helen Zhao to leave with him, some alarms would be triggered and trouble would continue.

Therefore, Banner took away Helen Zhao without any explanation, and his body turned into a black shadow and directly broke through the wall and left.

Tony also directly asked Jarvis to clear the communication data with Helen Zhao, put on his armor and got up to go to the private island.

Tony's private island on the other side.

Steve was pounding away at the vibrating metal while sweating like rain.

Now after half a year of training, he has mastered the flexibility and has completed the ten-minute test.

However, Lacey said that people with their starting point need to be more strict with themselves if they want to catch up with Tony and Banner.

Otherwise, it will never be possible to catch up with the natural gap caused by the starting point.

So Steve set the time for an hour.

Because Lacey can do this.

But you must know that constantly attacking concussive metal is similar to being in a high-intensity fierce battle every second.

The more Steve exercises, the more he realizes what kind of monster Lacey is.

But at this moment, Steve was highly concentrated when he suddenly sensed some changes in the wind at high altitude.

This made Steve immediately pull away and look up at the sky.

Under Steve's sight, a huge space battleship began to emerge.

"The good guy is finally back."

After Steve saw the battleship, a smile appeared on his face.

He received the news that Tony and Banner planned to return.

Because Tony and Banner have made major breakthroughs in their research on the Void Cult.

I will stay on Blue Star for some time to come and think of ways to develop Blue Star.

"No matter how many times I see it, the space battleship is really domineering."

Pietro also saw the arrival of this space battleship and said with some excitement.

He also learned about it from Mr. Steve and Mrs. Paige.

Mr. Tony Stark has fully mastered the core technology of making space battleships.

It can be said that the time for mankind to enter the interstellar era is already on the agenda.

"The Void Cult is really a mysterious force."

Wanda looked up at this giant space battleship with great admiration in her heart.

Mr. Tony Stark is a genius, but according to Mr. Steve.

What allowed Mr. Tony Stark's talents to flourish was thanks to the Void Cult, which brought him to the big stage of the universe.

The hatch of the space battleship opened wide, and Tony Stark in battle armor fell from the sky.

At this time, a space fighter plane also quickly flew down from high altitude and stayed on the island.

Banner walked out with a woman in his hand.

"Banner, who is this woman?"

Steve's eyes widened when he saw Banner returning with a woman in a coma.

"Mr. Banner, are you starting to use brute force to snatch women?"

"According to your knowledge and skills, it shouldn't be difficult to lure this woman back directly."

Pietro said when he saw Mr. Banner's attitude of bringing this woman here by force.

"This is Helen Zhao, a genius scientist in genetics."

"Tony and I plan to have a chat with her to see if she can learn how to make genetic pharmaceutics."

"I made a bet with Tony whether she would directly agree to cooperate with us."

"I lost the bet, so I just brought her over to talk."

Banner heard this and said.

As soon as these words came out, Steve, Paige, Pietro, and Wanda looked at Tony.

"Although the scientific fields she tackles are different, this woman is a rare talent."

"Take necessary measures when necessary."

"You should understand this section Steve."

Facing these looks, Tony said calmly.

"That's what I said, but if you want her to help her wholeheartedly, shouldn't you do it slowly?"

Steve heard these words and spoke.

“The more confident a person is about his or her own talents, the better he will be before he truly realizes that there is someone else out there.”

"The pride in my heart will never be erased."

"That's the type of woman this is."

Tony heard this and spoke.

"This is judged based on her past growth experience and deeds."

Jarvis's voice also sounded at this time.

"Okay, these are things you have to consider anyway."

"If you need any help, just tell us."

When Steve heard this, he thought it made sense, so he didn't ask anything.

Tony's words just now included not only Helen Zhao but also him.

Before he truly saw Lacey's strength, he didn't really believe that women could be that strong.

But now he can be said to be convinced.

"Well, we will find a way to deal with these."

"I'll catch up with you later. Banner and I want to talk to this woman."

Tony nodded upon hearing this.

Banner knew this well when he heard this. He laid Zhao Helen flat on the grass, and green life energy appeared in his right hand.

In just a moment, Helen Zhao opened her eyes.

What she was looking at was the elusive man she saw just now, who came behind her at some unknown time.

But this was not what Zhao Helen paid most attention to. Instead, he lay on the ground and looked at the huge and outrageous air battleship in the sky, his eyes widening.

"Miss Zhao Helen, let me reiterate to you."

"Blue Star's future belongs to the interstellar era."

Tony said in an arrogant tone when he saw Helen Zhao's unbelievable look.


Hearing these words, Helen Zhao sat up after regaining consciousness, looked at Tony Stark in the armor, and scanned the surrounding environment.

She didn't know how long she had been unconscious, but she was completely taken away from where she was by the man named Banner.

She is currently on a small island, surrounded by people she doesn't know.

This situation can be said to be very bad. Even if she dies, the outside world may not be able to investigate.

But fortunately, the other party valued her talent, so she wouldn't be in any danger for her life for a while.

After Zhao Helen learned about her current situation.

She knew that even if she didn't want to cooperate, others would have plenty of ways to make her cooperate. The only one who would struggle and be tortured would rather die than surrender.

"Are you really Tony Stark?"

So Helen Zhao stood up, looked at Tony Stark and said.

"Replacement guaranteed."

"I have no ill will towards you, it's just your talents that caught my attention."

"Humanity needs too many things if it wants to move towards the interstellar era, and genetics, which you are good at, is one of them."

"So I need you to cooperate with me."

When Tony heard this, a smile appeared on his face, he stretched out a hand, and his tone became softer.

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