"The Void Cult is probably a force established by Harvey."

"He gave you power, do you want to be a traitor to mankind?"

When Nick Fury saw Tony's tough look, his face was gloomy and his words were also critical.

"Whether I am a traitor to humanity or not is not up to you to decide."

"Go contact those politicians at the United Nations and tell them."

"I want Helen Zhao."

"Let them know enough to let him go, otherwise it won't be so easy for me to talk to them personally.

When Tony saw Nick Fury's appearance, he sneered and directly issued an ultimatum.

Afterwards, Tony hung up the communication directly.

Nick Fury's originally dark face was as black as coal at this moment. He took out a BB camera and his eyes kept flickering.

Thinking about whether getting Captain Marvel back would stop Tony Stark.

Tony's reliance must be the demonic Harvey.

The fact that Tony and Pepper can become so young must be related to Harvey.

Harvey Ambelaka occasionally shows up at Blue Star, but has no intention of causing trouble.

After thinking for a moment, Nick Fury finally pressed the BB camera.

The BB machine lit up and a logo appeared.

He wanted to find Captain Marvel to come back to discuss countermeasures and find out what the Void Cult was.

Make a formal decision on whether to go to war with Tony Stark or not.

If it were to deal with other alien invasions or enemies, he could also assemble the Avengers to find a solution.

But what he wants to stop is Tony Stark, the current leader of the Avengers.

After the Avengers were established and completed their first assembly, the command was no longer in his hands.

Currently, within the Avengers, the only ones he can command are Black Widow, Hawkeye, and Falcon.

These three people helped him deal with a lot of troubles, but the three of them could only deal with ordinary people at best.

If you deal with Tony Stark who only has a steel armor, you can still think of strategies and methods.

But if you want to deal with Tony Stark, who has been given power by the demon Harvey and has already entered the universe, there is no chance of winning.

Nick Fury wonders if Tony Stark can actually stop the launch of all the mushroom eggs on Blue Star.

But he knew that if he wanted to have a face-to-face and equal conversation with Tony Stark, he must have someone who could break the situation.

Tony Stark wants to bring mankind into the interstellar age, which will inevitably bring huge changes to the pattern of human society, and these changes are not what everyone wants to see.

Before Captain Marvel comes back, he needs to do what Tony asks of him.

Lest Tony actually come to ask for someone in person, a conflict would break out directly, causing violent turmoil in the international situation.

As the BB camera lit up, a blond woman in a battle suit on a planet far away in the universe also received the message.


After Carol Danvers saw the source of this request for help, her eyes showed some surprise.

She left a BB machine for help to Nick Fury, but for so many years, Nick Fury had no intention of calling for help.

This means that there has always been no problem with Blue Star. Now that it lights up, it must mean that Blue Star is facing a disaster.

So she flew directly into the sky and broke through the clouds, escaped into the universe and directly turned into the speed of light. In just a few seconds, she exceeded the speed of light and flew to the Blue Star.


On a private island.

"What if Nick Fury really brings Captain Marvel back?"

Banner asked looking at Tony.

"It would be better if he brought Captain Marvel back."

"Nick Fury cannot understand my plan and is afraid of politicians in the United Nations. That is because his vision is too small."

"Captain Marvel, as someone who has traveled across planets in the universe, should be able to understand my plan."

"It doesn't matter even if she can't understand. Unless he is dead, she can't take action against us."

Tony saw Banner's worried look, but he wasn't worried at all.

He will push the modern era of mankind into the interstellar era, which will benefit all mankind, but will only touch the interests of a very small number of people.

Forget that Nick Fury is too narrow-minded to understand, Captain Marvel should understand.

"Do I need to inform Lord Kassadin about this?"

Banner was not that afraid of Captain Marvel in his heart, but he might involve a powerful enemy, so he felt it was necessary to talk to Lord Kassadin first.

"Kassadin understands Blue Star's situation and future better than we do."

"There's no way he doesn't know about the plan I'm about to push, which will make Nick Fury call Captain Marvel back."

"But just to be on the safe side, let me tell you."

When Tony heard what Banner said, his words were extremely certain, but he felt that what Banner said made sense.

Because he is not strong enough to forcefully attack Captain Marvel and ignore the threat of Captain Marvel as nothing.


Jarvis understood what he said and contacted Kassadin directly using the cosmic communicator.

The communication was connected in just a few minutes.

"Bruce Banner, meet the great Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void."

Banner said with great respect after seeing Kassadin appear in golden armor.

"Tony Stark, meet the great Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void."

Tony also bowed slightly in awe.

"Steve Rogers meets the great Lord Kassadin, the Void God."

"Peggy Carter meets with the great Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void."

Steve and Paige also heard the sound and appeared in the hall for the first time, showing great respect to the projection.

Wanda and Pietro heard the sound and rushed over, looking at this majestic figure wearing a white cloak, golden armor and a mask from the side, their eyes full of curiosity.

They all know that the universe-famous Void Cult was founded by Kassadin, the God of the Void.

Tony and Mr. Steve were also blessed by Kassadin, the God of the Void, so they truly entered the world of the strong.

But this was the first time they saw Kassadin, the legendary God of the Void.

Helen Zhao was also at the door of the hall at this time, her eyes flickering as she looked at the existence that Tony Stark, Bruce Banner and others admired.

"Tony, you want to talk to me about Captain Marvel, right?"

Harvey nodded slightly in the face of these respectful greetings.

He wasn't that surprised by Tony's message.

Tony wants to bring Blue Star into the interstellar era, which is a good thing for mankind as a whole.

It’s just that this may not necessarily be in line with the interests of those corrupt politicians at the pinnacle of human society, let alone the philosophy of S.H.I.E.L.D.

After all, S.H.I.E.L.D. sounds like it is for all mankind, but in fact it does things for the United Nations.

So it can be said that it is inevitable that Nick Fury will bring back Captain Marvel.

After Tony's awakening, his strength became stronger than before, but he has not yet reached the truly top level.

The Supreme Mage Ancient One will not hinder the development of this matter at all.

So for the entire Blue Star, Captain Marvel is the only one Tony is afraid of.

Harvey knew that Tony had asked Odin for permission.

In fact, Tony no longer has anything to fear, and he should be asking for instructions now just to be on the safe side.


"I recruited Miss Zhao Helen."

"I don't want to use too harsh methods directly, so I asked Nick Fury to talk to the United Nations."

"If nothing happens, Nick Fury will help me get the person down."

"But I think he will definitely get Captain Marvel back to see if he can stop my plan."

When Tony heard Harvey's words, he nodded slightly and said seriously.

"Just do it."

"I will go to Blue Star in a few days to take a look."

After hearing Tony's request, Harvey did not refuse and directly gave Tony a sedative.

He wasn't that afraid of Captain Marvel before, let alone now.

His Void Reaver Kha'Zix has evolved a whopping 920 times.

If you add in the number of evolutions of Voidwalker Kassadin and Void Terror Cho'Gath.

The total number of times he has evolved has reached one thousand four hundred and seventy.

The evolution points consumed for the evolution of other hero templates are not common.

But it can also make Harvey stronger.

Choosing the template of Korgas is currently the right choice for Harvey.

Because Chogas' ability can bring him a faster evolution speed.

In the future, when he gets other hero templates, he can easily evolve various abilities up to a hundred times.

Now it costs him up to 50 million evolution points to evolve into a Void Predator.

If he hadn't been counting on the hero sublimation of the Void Reaver to see how much power it could bring to him.

The total number of times he has evolved has already exceeded two thousand times.

After all, the energy consumed by evolution increases in increments based on hundreds of times, so there is no need to spend many evolution points at all in the beginning.

"As long as you agree."

"Mr. Odin also supports me in doing this."

"So I don't need to bother you to come to Blue Star to take a look."

Tony knew that Harvey would agree, but when he heard that Harvey wanted to come to Blue Star to visit, he quickly said so.

He just wanted to ask for Harvey's consent, and never thought of bothering Harvey to such an extent.

What Alex said at the time was right. If the God of the Void Kassadin and Miss Sonia were to take action, it would be because of their own lack of ability.

"Even if Captain Marvel doesn't come back to cause trouble for you, I plan to go to Blue Star soon."

"And that Odin guy is still hiding his strength now. He probably doesn't want Zeus to know it too early."

"It's not impossible if he is exposed, but Odin is probably still thinking about truly recovering to his peak."

"No matter what happens, just go ahead and do it with peace of mind."

"You don't need to worry about enemies that are beyond your capabilities."

Harvey saw that Tony thought he was there specifically to help Tony, and he understood, so he explained.


Tony heard that Odin was deliberately concealing his strength and did not refuse.

Anyway, Harvey is here to play at Blue Star. It depends on the situation to support him, but he doesn't necessarily need to take action.

"And if you want to develop Blue Star."

"Go to Wakanda, the people there can help you a lot."

Harvey glanced at the people present, saw Helen Zhao, and gave Tony a reminder before hanging up the communication.

Then Harvey's figure disappeared.

"A trip to Wakanda?"

Tony watched Harvey's figure disappear, listening to the reminder that Harvey gave was a little strange.

He knew it was impossible for Harvey to say nonsense for no reason.

"Isn't Wakanda a very backward country?"

Banner was also a little confused when he heard the reminder given by Lord Kassadin.

"do not know much."

Steve also thought about the information related to Wakanda and shook his head after realizing that he had no memory.

"Jarvis investigates information related to Wakanda."

"Who is the person in charge of Wakanda? Let's go visit him later and see."

Tony found that they didn't know much about it either, so he gave instructions directly to Jarvis.

"Okay, collecting."

"The current president of Wakanda is T'Chaka."

"On the surface it is a poor and backward agricultural country located in eastern Africa."

"But it is actually a country rich in vibranium metal and possessing high technology."

"It contains many technologies."

"What is more special is the vibranium armor made of nanotechnology, as well as advanced medical technology that can cure cancer."

“And the protective net that can hide its national package from the rest of the world.”

"In terms of technological level, apart from not having entered the interstellar era, it can be said that Wakanda is the most technologically advanced country on the Blue Star."

When Jarvis heard this, he immediately concentrated his search area, locating it near the territory of Wakanda, and quickly broke through the information network to release all the information.

Tony's technology is improving, and so is Jarvis's intelligence and computing power.

It is absolutely impossible for the technology on Blue Star to stop his invasion, which is why Jarvis has the ability to force the mushroom eggs to be unable to be launched.

It was with this confidence that Tony dared to promote Blue Star's plan to enter the interstellar era.

Otherwise, the launch of mushroom eggs cannot be stopped. Mr. Tony, Mr. Banner and others will be fine, but human society will most likely return to the primitive era.

"Has it the most powerful technology in the interstellar era?"

"Good guy, you hide it really deep."

Tony's eyes were a little shocked when he saw this information.

If Harvey hadn't reminded him, he would never have thought of asking Jarvis to investigate those seemingly backward countries.

Because today’s talents in human society generally seek development in modern cities.

It would be good if a backward country could keep its people fed. As for whether it has any particularly powerful talents and technology, it is basically not expected.

I never thought that Wakanda, a seemingly backward country, could be so hidden.

“Nanotech treatments that can cure cancer?”

When Helen Zhao heard the topics related to her major, she immediately came over and looked at the information above with extremely shocked eyes.

She thought she was already at the forefront of countless human beings, but she didn't expect that someone would be one step ahead of her.

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