I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 496 I will definitely live up to my heavy responsibility

Three days later.

Asgard held a grand succession ceremony.

"Starting from today, Thor Odinson, the God of Thunder, will become the new king of Asgard, replacing me in charge of Asgard's Protector and others."

Accompanied by Odin's proclamation.

Under the gaze of countless Asgardian soldiers and people.

The sky and the earth began to roar, the sky was covered with dark clouds, and thunder shook.

With a sound of "Boom!", a terrifying golden thunder struck down from heaven to earth.

The world was plunged into dazzling golden light.

The terrifying momentum shocked countless people in Asgard.

Amidst the golden thunder, Thor Odinson, the god of thunder, stepped out, and a bridge of thunder appeared in the sky, demonstrating his great power.

Countless people and soldiers in Asgard looked at the tall figure walking down the sacred bridge above, and their hearts were constantly shaken.

Odin saw that Thor's control over the thunder was so exquisite, and his eyes were filled with wonder.

Sure enough, his vision was correct, and Sol's talent was not inferior to his.

"I will live up to my father's expectations and do my best to continue the glory of Asgard."

Thor came to Odin, knelt down on one knee, and took over the power that symbolized the throne from the hand of the god king Odin.

His voice was like thunder resounding throughout the heaven and earth, and it was so righteous that it shocked people's hearts.

The Valkyrie Valkyrie heard the deafening and domineering voice that shook her soul. She raised her head and looked up at the majestic figure on the altar, and her heart was extremely shocked.

She could clearly feel that the strength of Thor Odinson, God of Thunder, was much stronger than that meeting in the Land of Nothingness after more than a year.

"Guardian Heimdall, swear allegiance to the new king Thor Odinson, God of Thunder. The king's order is above all else."

Heimdall was on the side of the altar. When he saw Thor taking over the authority, he immediately knelt down on one knee and performed the knight's salute, declaring his loyalty.

Although Sol is currently young, his demonstrated strength cannot be underestimated at all.

And he knew Thor's character, he had a pure heart with justice.

Now that Thor has been practicing outside for some time, his character has become more calm. Coupled with Thor's current power, there is no doubt that he will become the new king of Asgard.

"We swear allegiance to Thor Odinson, God of Thunder. The king's orders are more important than anything else."

The gods of Asgard and the soldiers and generals of Asgard also knelt down in unison as Heimdall swore allegiance.

Thor's reputation in Asgard has always been second only to the god-king Odin.

Now that he has been personally appointed by the God King Odin, it can be said that he takes over the throne as expected.

"Loki Odinson, the God of Trickery."

"I will appoint you as the Protector Prince, and serve Asgard as Thor's right-hand man. Are you willing?"

Odin also had a satisfied smile on his face when he saw this neat pledge of allegiance, and then his face turned serious.

As the light of the stars suddenly appeared, Loki's figure also appeared. When he landed on the altar, he was two positions behind Thor and knelt down.

"Loki obeys."

No matter what he thought in his heart, this gesture left an impression on countless people of Asgard.

At least on the surface, it has been proven that Loki has no objection to the appointment.

"Asgard will be in the hands of your brothers in the future."

"I hope you brothers will not disappoint me by joining hands, let alone the people of Asgard."

"Don't forget that the king is born with his people. Without his people, there would be no king."

A gratified smile appeared on Odin's old face, and as he spoke, he handed a sword of authority into Loki's hand.

Next he and Frigga will begin to retire.

As long as he fakes his death and brings out Hela, Thor and Loki will go through a disaster and win more hearts and minds in Asgard.

He can truly retire peacefully and do everything he wants to do.

The heavy responsibility that had weighed on him for tens of thousands of years was entrusted to the hands of his two proud sons, which meant that he was free from now on.

After the grand throne inheritance ceremony, there was a week-long celebration.

After God King Odin left the altar and was no longer in the sight of the soldiers and people, the old appearance on his face immediately began to regain his youth.

The body that no longer looked so straight due to old age immediately straightened up and became stalwart.

"We are free."

Immediately, Odin directly hugged Frigga's waist.

"If you are happy, you will be secretly happy when you go back."

"If you let your sons see it like this, you may feel unbalanced."

Frigga snuggled into Odin's arms without any resistance. When she heard Odin's extremely happy words, she rolled her eyes at Odin.

"There's something unbalanced about this."

"I, their father, have been king for tens of thousands of years."

"Although Asgard today is not in its heyday, it can still be considered a peaceful country and a peaceful country."

"It's not like we left a mess for them to clean up."

"And as my sons, it is their responsibility to inherit their father's legacy."

"If they want to abdicate and have the ability, they should get married as soon as possible and pass on the throne to the next generation."

"Then I won't have any complaints against them."

Odin said with a matter-of-fact expression.


Thor and Loki's hearing is now many times stronger than before, and they were speechless after hearing what their father said.

It's not like the two haven't thought about getting married and having children early, and then letting the next generation take over Asgard.

It's just that getting married is a lifelong matter, and it doesn't just happen.

Although Asgard's rules are not so strict that you must only marry one wife.

But Thor, as the new king of Asgard, is respected by countless people.

As a king, he can legitimately marry only one woman, and his wife will also become the Queen of Heaven.

Although as the new king he can change the rules of Asgard, he is not a god without ethics like Zeus.

People want face as much as trees want bark, and God values ​​his reputation even more.

And the comparison between the new king and the old king has always been inevitable.

His father and queen who had just stepped down were there as examples.

If, as the new king, his private life becomes chaotic, wouldn't that be a joke to countless people?

Loki is not a king, so there is no problem in marrying multiple wives, but there must be a woman who meets his vision.

At least for now, what Loki wants to do more than get married is to hone his void power and magic.

If you have some thoughts about women, just go to Xandar Star Celebrity Hotel to enjoy yourself from time to time.

And even if he wanted to marry, it is estimated that his brother Thor would not agree.

Once he, the prince, gets married, Sol will be greeted not only by the urging of his father and mother, but also by the entire nation.

Neither of them is willing to give in, so the matter of resigning will have to be left to the future.


Above the Blue Star.

Harvey watched Asgard's Thor and Loki take over the important task of protecting Asgard.

The growth of the two is indeed obvious, and Sol's strength is now truly top-notch.

But there is still some distance to go before the peak.

The current difference lies in the difference in divine power.

Normally, once Odin dies, all of Odin's power is passed on to the God of Thunder.

Thor relies on the arrogant power of Odin, and as long as he slowly masters it, he will rise to the pinnacle of the universe.

But since Odin is not dead, it is naturally impossible to pass on Odin's power to the God of Thunder.

Thor still has some way to go before he reaches the top. After taking over the throne, he will learn more magic and power.

I just don’t know what Odin plans to do with Hela.

Of course, no matter what Odin does, Harvey can just watch the show and be done with it.

Harvey is also watching the situation of Stephen Strange. Doctor Strange is still working as a doctor with superb medical skills.

However, Stephen Strange, who has not yet been beaten by society and has experienced a low point in his life, is really arrogant.

But I have to say that Stephen Strange wants a luxurious house, a luxury car, and a luxury car. His life is not considered leisurely, because he has the work of a doctor to do.

Stephen Strange himself is a winner in life, and he relies entirely on his own abilities to achieve success.

It is a rare hero who has become a winner before acquiring super powers. He has arrogant capital and abilities.

Then Harvey left it alone for the time being, since the time hadn't come yet anyway.

The Ancient One was waiting for Stephen Strange to have the character to become the Sorcerer Supreme after his ordeal.

Harvey is also waiting. Currently, Stephen Strange is not qualified to join the Void Cult.

Harvey drove directly out to go to the game that was released last year.

Although it is also possible to shop directly online, it is still idle when you are idle, and it is also fun to buy physical goods directly.

The cheongsam cost Harvey more than eight million U.S. dollars at one time.

The old guy mobilized the whole family, but in one day, he still couldn't get the 10 million US dollars.

But since Sonia, Sarah, and Lalatina all like cheongsam and silk satin.

So on his way to buy the game, Harvey stopped by and added an advance payment of 20 million.

Sonia would not wear the more revealing cheongsam out of the house, but not all cheongsams are revealing.

Sonia also wears dignified and elegant cheongsam and clothing.

Because Lalatina is busy managing various factories and traveling between Void Planet 001 and Void Island, she doesn't have much free time, but she also likes it.

Among them, Sarah is equivalent to the facade of Void Island.

Sarah dressed up beautifully. Not only was she happy, but she was also able to make more members of Void Island happy.

Anyway, spending a little money on Blue Star’s consumption can bring so many results.

Of course Harvey doesn't mind bringing some things back when traveling between Blue Star and Void Island.

I just don’t know if Tony’s advancement of the interstellar era will affect Blue Star’s game industry.

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