I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 509 As long as I am here, you will never get ahead

Harvey and Gao Tianzun are also watching the battle here.

"Why can't I give birth to an heir with such pure blood?"

"Looking at the situation, it seems that there is no need for you to take action, my lord."

Gao Tianzun saw the power that Thor, the God of Thunder, unleashed, and his eyes and words showed appreciation.

His cosmic power is something he is born with, not acquired.

So even if he wanted his own bloodline heirs to have the power of the universe, he had never been able to do so.

"It would be best if the two of them could work it out."

"That's the result Odin wants to see most."

Harvey said calmly after hearing this.

Thor's strength has become much stronger, and his potential has been stimulated more, but it is almost impossible to completely overwhelm Hela.

It would be good if Thor can now be evenly matched with Hela.

But even if they were evenly matched, if Thor severely injured Hela once, it wouldn't be considered Thor's victory.

Because Hela is immortal, Harvey is also waiting and watching to see if he should take action.


The sea is churning with huge waves.

At this time, the big hole on the island suddenly appeared and turned green.

Thor and Loki shrank their eyes and immediately retreated.

Just as the two left, a green light burst into the sky, the seawater evaporated directly, and the sky and the earth were reflected directly into green.

The rocks within a five-kilometer radius of the island shattered into pieces and turned into powder.

The rocks and soil further away also rose up with terrifying energy shattering.

The world seemed to be distorted at this moment.

Hela's hair was hanging upside down, her face was extremely ugly at this time, and the killing intent bursting out of her eyes made the world suddenly drop by more than ten degrees.

Even if she is not at her peak now, her strength and majesty should not be questioned or provoked by a young boy like Thor.


The energy in Hela's body exploded, and a roar came from her mouth.

A sound wave spread out, and there were bursts of explosions in the sea.

A large number of green energy bombs slanted out and fell like a heavy rain, attacking Thor and Loki below.

Thor and Loki were tossing and turning in the air, neither of them chose to directly fight with their strength.

Because their father revealed a piece of information to them, even if Hela's strength is no longer at its peak, the amount of divine power in her body is still huge.

Therefore, if you can fight in a roundabout way, never waste your divine power and confront Hela head-on, otherwise they will only die.

The thirty-square-kilometer island was constantly shattered into powder as Hela's energy poured out.

This scene is extremely terrifying. If Thor and Loki hadn't been able to fly, they would have fallen into a desperate situation with no way to stand and no escape after this move.

But even if they could fly, Thor and Loki were resisting and dodging at the same time.

A chaotic green shock wave spread out.

Thousands of miles apart, Tony, Steve, and Banner heard this almost crazy scream.

At this time, I also felt this terrifying coercion and pressure.

The three of them looked at the world in the distance that seemed to be wrapped in a big ball of green energy, and their expressions were extremely solemn.

The goddess of death, Hela, is at the top of the universe in terms of strength. Even if she has not returned to her peak, her strength is extremely terrifying.

Hela has been sealed for two thousand years, and there is already a lot of resentment against Asgard in her heart.

Now that Odin is dead, Thor and Loki, two young boys who are no more than two thousand years old, actually run out and try to stop her. How can Hela bear it.

Hela saw that her attack was not effective, and her hands formed a semicircle and countless giant swords came out in response.

The sharp edge of the sword gave Thor and Loki a tingling feeling of being pierced even before it struck.

"What a ghost."

"After exploding so much divine power, there is still so much spare power."

"How could this guy's artifact differentiation be so strong?"

"Is her power really unlimited?"

Loki also shed some cold sweat on his forehead when he saw this scene.

He knew that Hela's move was just the differentiation of an artifact from one of the Asgardian magics.

The artifact can be used as the main body to differentiate into many weaker divine body clones to kill enemies.

Loki can do this trick, but he can't do it at all.

Hela's divine power is too huge, so even if the same divine weapon is differentiated, it can be called a destructive level.

"You protect yourself, I'll take care of it."

Thor saw this move and knew that he couldn't dodge it even if he wanted to.

Because all these weapons are controlled by Hela personally, they will fly again if they fall down once.

Therefore, we can only deal with it by directly destroying Hela's differentiated weapons.

Loki quickly pulled away upon hearing this.

He wanted to help, but he knew that his current strength was not enough to participate in this real decisive battle.

After seeing Loki retreat to a safe position.

"Hela, Asgard will not tolerate your involvement!"

Thor also roared not to be outdone. He no longer avoided the power of thunder pouring out, and a sea of ​​thunder where thunderstorms gathered appeared between the sky and the earth.

The thunderstorm collided with the green light erupted by Hela, reflecting the sea and sky into two colors of gold and green.

The impact caused the island below to completely evaporate, setting off a huge wave of tens of feet.

Before it could be knocked down, it was directly carried away by the impact and rushed into the distance.

It was as if two gods were engaged in a furious decisive battle, unleashing vast divine power.

Thor held Mjolnir in his hand and stepped down step by step. There was a sound of thunder, and he rushed over with golden thunder like thundering waves.

The thunder directly bombarded the Sword of the Night Sky, and the two collisions were offset.

Thor also arrived in front of Hela in an instant, picked up Mjolnir and swept away directly.

"My stupid brother, Asgard was conquered by me and the Old Immortal."

"Now it's time to return the property to its original owner."

This time, Hela faced Thor's extremely fast attack, holding the Sword of the Night Sky in both hands, and slashed forward without any retreat.

Melee combat has always been an area of ​​pride for her.

Thor's age is less than two thousand years old at most.

And Asgard fell into a false peace because of that stupid old immortal.

Thor was like a flower growing in a greenhouse. How could he confront her, a strong person who had grown through the baptism of war and blood?

Just at the moment of the fight, Hela's eyes shrank. She felt that her power was gone, as if her power had been absorbed, and she could not shake Thor's hammer at all.

She has mastered Mjolnir for many years and knows that the power of Mjolnir cannot be so powerful, so what is going on now?

Hela looked at Thor's hammer, which was shimmering with purple light while being wrapped in golden thunder.

After noticing the existence of purple light, Hela's brain kept thinking about what kind of energy it was.

Thor had already swung Thor's hammer to break through Hela's swords, and hit Hela directly in the face.

"Boom!" With a sound, Hela flew sideways.

This time the attack was more ferocious than the previous one. Hela's face was smashed and she sank into the sea.

Hela, who was at the bottom of the sea, felt the same strange energy as Loki begin to penetrate into her body.

As a result, Hela was unable to recover from her injuries quickly and felt heart-wrenching pain.

This energy was like nothing she had ever seen or heard before.

In addition to divine power and magic, the only power Asgard has control over is dark energy.

But Hela is certain that this is definitely not dark energy, so what exactly is it?

What happened to Asgard in these two thousand years?

Just when Hela was driving the divine power in her body to drive away this strange energy.

"If you have the qualities to be a king, it doesn't matter if I hand over the throne to you."

"But you are cruel and have no regard for family. You are not worthy of being a king at all."

A sound like roaring waves and thunder penetrated directly through the sea floor and reached Hela's ears.

In the following moment, Hela saw where a golden thunder passed, and the sea water dispersed directly, and Thor arrived in front of her in the blink of an eye.

Thor's eyes were full of indifference, making Hela feel like she was seeing the old immortal Odin who sealed and expelled her.

At this moment, Hela truly believed that Thor was the son of Odin, and the look in their eyes when they were angry was exactly the same.

"What you rely on is your immortality."

"I know it's difficult to kill you, but immortality never means there will be no pain, right?"

There was no sympathy for family affection in Thor's eyes, and he stretched out his left hand and directly grabbed Hela's foot.

Although he didn't have much contact with her, he already knew about Hela's madness.

There is no family affection at all in Hela's eyes. What she advocates is the pure law of the jungle. She also has an overwhelming desire for conquest and arrogance in her heart. She likes to use force to overwhelm others.

It is absolutely impossible to persuade her with words.

Therefore, there is only one way to convince Hela, and that is to fight violence with violence and shatter the pride in Hela's heart.

Hela heard these words and saw Thor's actions, and felt some bad feelings in her heart. She immediately summoned the Sword of the Night Sky and stabbed Thor.

But when it stabbed Thor, Thor was covered in purple thunder.

The Sword of the Night Sky sank directly into the purple thunder.

The thunder became more violent at this moment, as if it came alive, and made a sizzling and harsh thunder sound, as if sighing for the delicious energy.

This scene made Hela feel unbelievable.

"Hela, I don't care if you are immortal or not."

"It doesn't matter how strong you are at your peak."

"As long as I'm here, you will never get ahead."

Thor's left hand was wearing a gauntlet made of purple thunder, and he directly crushed the bones of Hela's leg, his voice was extremely indifferent.

He has never forgotten the vision Miss Sarah told him at that time.

Miss Sarah said that the Void Cult currently does not have void magic related to thunder, so she hopes to see it from him.

This can be regarded as pointing out the direction for Thor to move forward with void magic, creating his own void magic [Void Swallowing Thunder] that can swallow energy and turn it into his own nourishment.

The second update of 3,000 words is sent

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