I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 516 Kind words, heart-piercing thorns

"Will Blue Star be able to fully integrate with the universe within six years?"

Thor and Loki were also a little surprised when they heard Tony's plan.

"This is of course the best plan. If it doesn't work, we will change the period of full release."

Tony said with a smile upon hearing this.

"If you don't want to go the wrong way, it's best to wait a little longer."

"If you go the wrong way, it will waste more time trying to correct it."

"The Xandar civilization has taken the wrong path many times in a row, creating one dark history full of blood and tears."

"Learning from the past is a guide for the future."

"On whether to speed up development and how to speed up development."

"Tony, you'd better read the history of Xandar civilization before taking any definite action."

Banner heard this and gave advice.

Of course, it can also be said that it was the Xandar civilization that stepped on mines many times in the past and went through periods of dark history that led to the creation of the Xandar Empire that advocates peace today.

However, as human civilization learns from its predecessors and moves forward, it can artificially and proactively avoid those thunderstorms, and then create a future concept for all mankind.

"Of course I know."

"Before, I was too busy during the day, so I could only watch it slowly at night."

"So I only read four volumes in two months."

“Now that the layout is gradually taking shape, it’s not so busy.”

"Give me an extra month, and I will definitely be able to finish it."

Tony nodded upon hearing this.

It is also because the work at hand is much easier now, so Tony has time to chat slowly with Thor and Loki.

If it were the days when he first took control of the United States.

The most he can do is ask Jarvis to help broadcast the battle. If the situation is urgent, he will rush there immediately, and go back to work after finishing it.

Fortunately, Pepper helped him negotiate with various forces, which relieved him a lot of burden, otherwise he might not have finished his work yet.

"If you want to help, you can let me know."

"We are gradually getting more comfortable with official business in Asgard."

"Although I'm busy, I can still find time to help you."

Thor heard this and spoke.

This time Tony and Banner did not help, but they were fully prepared.

If he can't stand it, Tony and the others will immediately do it.

The skimming formation was also a help, allowing him and Loki to have greater confidence to deal with it.

"Of course."

"You are now the Lord of the Nine Realms."

"And your strength is now the strongest among us."

"If there is any trouble that is difficult to solve, I will definitely come to you for help."

Tony was not polite at all when he heard this.

"If Blue Star encounters an overly powerful enemy, please inform me as soon as possible so that I can call my father back."

Sol also had a smile on his face after hearing this.

A group of people chatted from the afternoon to the evening and started eating dinner.

"Mr. Sol, why don't you eat?"

Pietro was a little strange when he saw that Sol did not sit at the dining table, but looked out the window with a lifeless expression.

"I'm not hungry."

As soon as these words came out, Sol's body stiffened, and then he said in a dull voice.

"But you are also a member of the Void Cult, right?"

"And looking at you like this..."

Pietro felt even more confused when he heard Sol's words.

"Pietro, don't talk too much, just eat yours."

Steve saw that Pietro's kind inquiry hit Thor's current pain point, and he immediately said.

"I also want to ask Mr. Sol to have dinner with me..."

Pietro was scolded by Steve, but he also looked innocent.

"Stop talking nonsense and eat your food."

Steve said with a serious face after hearing this.


After hearing this, Pietro also started eating honestly and did not dare to say any more.

Sol left the villa directly and sat on a rock on the edge of the island's cliff, looking at the golden sea illuminated by the setting sun in the distance.

Smelling the fragrance coming from the villa made Sol feel more hungry in his already not so hungry stomach.

It’s really hard to bear the feeling that delicious food is right in front of you, but you can’t eat it.

However, Thor didn't dare to take any chances and said that he secretly had an extra meal.

Because this was Lord Kassadin's punishment to spare his life, and it was also the hardship he had to endure after breaking the commandments.

Only by remembering this ordeal deeply can we deeply realize the hard-won strength within our body.

If you don't encounter a desperate situation where you have to use your trump card to protect what you want to protect, but you can't give in.

Even if he beat Thor to death, he would not use his trump card anymore.

His physical body has died. If the father goes to find Gao Tianzun, he may be resurrected directly.

But if he violates the commandments again, it is absolutely impossible for Gao Tianzun to resurrect him.

It's just that Sol has already had this realization, but he feels increasingly hungry.

"If I had known this, I would have eaten more this afternoon."

Thinking that he would have to endure it for two more days before he could eat a meal, Thor regretted spending the afternoon chatting.

"What happened to Mr. Saul?"

Pietro asked in a low voice when he saw Sol leaving the villa and going outside.

"He is undergoing an extremely rigorous but necessary practice."

Steve heard this and said.

"Well, so don't ask or pry."

"Let him complete this practice alone."

Although Tony didn't mind occasionally poking Thor's sore spots, he didn't tell the real truth at this time.

"Although it is harsh, Thor's will will become stronger after undergoing this test."

Banner heard this and said.

"God, sometimes you don't even know where your limits are unless you push yourself."

Loki also spoke one after another.

"Then Mr. Loki, why don't you do this training?"

Wanda asked curiously after hearing this.

"Because I haven't reached his level yet."

Loki opened his eyes and told lies as easily as drinking water.

"Is this also related to realm?"

When Wanda heard this, she took it seriously and asked thoughtfully.

"He is experiencing the tempering of his state of mind, and the tempering of his state of mind is the most important thing."

Loki nodded upon hearing this.

When a lie is told, more lies are often needed to cover it up.

However, Loki's words were half true and half false. The realm was false, but the tempering of the state of mind was real.

The punishment Master Kassadin gave Thor was to polish Thor's state of mind.

To prevent Thor from knowingly committing another crime because of the shortcut he could take quickly.

Even if Lord Kassadin doesn't kill Thor immediately, he will let him go for a while.

If Thor goes all the way to the dark side, he will surely step into the judgment hall of the Void Cult and face divine punishment.

It is because he knows that the price of Thor's trump card is too high, and the outcome must be destruction.

So Loki never thought about how to create void magic with devouring properties so that he could evolve many times quickly.

"Is it a mental training? What is it specifically?"

Wanda now also feels that her strength is getting stronger, but this is the result of her becoming more familiar with power.

In fact, I didn't go through any special training and relied entirely on my own exploration.

Mr. Sol's strength not only impressed Pietro, but Wanda also admired him immensely.

Now that she knows that Mr. Sol is undergoing training, Wanda also wants to gain some training experience from Sol.

"Controlling desires and sticking to the bottom line is the state of mind."

A normal person might be confused by Wanda's question, but Loki was honest and made a few random remarks.

"Can you put it simply?"

Pietro muttered after hearing this, not understanding the meaning.

"To put it simply."

"Even when you are extremely angry and irrational, you always know what behavior is the bottom line that cannot be crossed."

"Then when you are about to hit the bottom line, you never cross it but gradually regain your composure. This is your state of mind."

"If you can't control your desires and actions, then you can't be called a strong person, but a monster who only knows how to abuse your power."

When Tony saw that Pietro didn't understand, he was not surprised and said casually.

Although Tony knew at a glance that Loki was just talking nonsense to fool Wanda.

However, this is a training that members of the Void Cult will definitely experience and contend with in their future lives.

Pietro and Wanda are not members of the Void Cult, but this is also useful to them.

Because this is the state of mind that a strong person needs to have, otherwise he will not even have the most fundamental bottom line, and he will be no different from a monster.

"As expected of Mr. Tony, his words are simple and easy to understand."

When Pietro heard this, he understood immediately and praised with a smile.

"But this is a bit difficult. Even a strong person with a good temper will get emotional sometimes."

"Not to mention those strong people with bad tempers are more likely to become emotional."

Wanda said thoughtfully after hearing what Mr. Tony said.

"Yes, this is not a simple matter."

"Because no one can be completely heartless and desireless, this will be a lifelong practice."

"The stronger the person, the harder this training will be."

Banner nodded and said.

"Mr. Sol is so strong, so he needs to hone himself more."

Wanda also understood when she heard the words, and she sensed Mr. Saul who was blowing the wind outside like a meditator and spoke.


Steve nodded upon hearing this.

Thor's current physical strength is not enough to become the top powerhouse in the universe.

But Thor undoubtedly already has the trump card to become the top powerhouse in the universe.

As long as it is used, Thor, the top powerhouse in the universe, can directly kill the opponent.

Even as long as the top powerhouse in the universe has a look-down attitude at the beginning, Thor, the top powerhouse in the universe, may be able to trick the opponent.

Even if the peak powerhouse in the universe does not lose when the devouring mode is turned on, he will still have his skin peeled off.

This too powerful trump card made Thor have to calm down his heart again, so as not to become forgetful and dominated by powerful power. .

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