I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 520 The dark star appears, the void is eternal

Sonia looked at Mr. Kassadin this time, and the shadow behind her completely transformed into the huge mantis-like creature she saw when she received the blessing.

Apparently Mr. Kassadin's strength has been further restored.

The only difference now is the size of the body, but the strength has been restored to its essential level.

How powerful is Mr. Kassadin now?

To be honest, Sonia didn't understand either, because her knowledge was not broad enough to know everything.

However, Mr. Kassadin should not be too far away from returning to his true peak state, which is undoubtedly good news.

Sonia looked at the vast dark star in the sky with awe in her eyes.

Inside the Void Island.

"It's really spectacular. This should be the work of Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void, right?"

Sarah raised her head and looked at the extremely beautiful world shrouded in purple light before her eyes, her beautiful eyes gleaming with excitement.

"This must be Lord Kassadin's handiwork."

"Only a great being like Lord Kassadin can achieve this."

Lacey nodded slightly upon hearing this, her words full of confidence.

"Lord Kassadin's strength is recovering more and more, and it shouldn't be too far away before the Void God Religion begins its journey."

Kyle's words were filled with anticipation.

"This call from the void should have been conveyed to all members."

"They should come back this time."

Renault felt his heart involuntarily excited.

"Lix will definitely come back, but it's hard to say for Tony and the others."

"I heard Miss Lalatina say that Tony is quite busy over there."

"Otherwise we would have gone over to play with him."

The prophet heard this and spoke.

Several of them originally planned to go over and have fun with Tony this year.

But because Miss Lalatina told them, Tony didn't have much time to entertain them.

Therefore, several people did not go to Blue Star and cause trouble to Tony.

"Mr. Tony said that he is now on his way back to Void Island."

"They asked me what happened on Void Island, how should I reply?"

At this time, Sarah's cosmic communicator received some messages and spoke.

If he just told her that he was coming back, she would definitely know how to respond.

But Mr. Tony asked her, what is happening on Void Island now, how should she express it?

“I just knew something good must have happened.”

"How do I know what happened?"

When Kyle heard this, he had the attitude of if you ask me, I would ask who.

It's not that he doesn't want to say it, but that his knowledge is just that. He cannot fully understand the greatness of Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void.

"Good guy, contact you directly, Miss Sarah, instead of popping up in the group community."

"Let him come back and see on his own."

Rennoli discovered that Tony was not speaking in the group community, but was secretly contacting Miss Sarah, and said directly.

"I don't know how long this vision will last."

"So you record the video of me and send it to him to see."

But Lacey still asked Sarah to reply.

Those of them on Void Island can witness the appearance of the great vision with their own eyes.

Tony is already on his way back, obviously starting from Blue Star as soon as possible.

It’s just that Blue Star is far from Xandar Star, and even if it goes at full speed, it will take eight hours.


Sarah was originally filming and recording the wonderful scene in front of her, so she also sent it to Mr. Tony.


Tony and others who were on the way also received Sarah's message, and they clicked on the video together.

Tony, Banner, Steve, Paige, and Pepper also started talking with their eyes shocked.

"I have seen this dark star before."

"Nonsense, who is a compatriot in the void and hasn't seen it before?"

"The energy released is greater than the Xandar Star. Is this power about to return to its peak?"

"Why don't these purple lights look evil?"

"Obviously, the purple thunder released by Thor makes people feel evil and ominous."

"How does Thor's control over the power of the void compare with Master Kassadin?"

"Can't we hurry up?"

"I really want to see it with my own eyes, not through images."

This time the call from the void was indeed much more violent than the last time.

Kassadin, the God of the Void, created a huge formation that looked quite impressive.

"I know you are very anxious, and I am also very anxious to see if I can analyze some data on the spot, but I am not in a hurry."

"I'm already going full steam ahead."

Jarvis felt a little numb when he heard that he wanted to go faster.

At present, the universe has not yet achieved precise locking and crossing of ultra-distant wormholes to complete point-to-point shuttles.

The technological wormhole jumping technology developed by Mr. Tony is definitely not bad. It can complete the round trip between Xandar Star and Blue Star in one day.

The only ones with the ability to directly teleport to any place in the universe are the few peak powerhouses in the universe who also have space gems.

"I hope the vision won't disappear so soon."

Steve also knew that Jarvis had done his best.

"I feel like it will last for a long time."

Tony observed the vast dark stars in the image.

"If they are all gathered on Void Island, Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void, should be recovering more power."

Banner also noticed the flow of light released by the dark star from the image.

All flowed to Lord Kassadin's residence on Void Island. This was obviously some kind of mysterious ritual.

"I've asked Miss Sarah to record the entire process. I won't be able to go back when the time comes. There are still videos to watch."

Tony nodded when he heard this and said.

A group of people are full of expectations and want to go back to Void Island to see in person the great wonders of heaven and earth caused by Kassadin, the God of the Void.


Less than half an hour after the summons from the void appeared.

Odin and Frigga, along with Thor and Loki, have returned to Xandar.

"The void appears."

Loki was located in the universe, looking at this dark star that was vaster than Xandar Star, and said.

They don't know what this dark star is called, but according to their father, the dark star is the origin of the void.

"Sure enough, the void bloomed and the general trend sweeping the universe was destined the moment he arrived."

Odin noticed the deep and mysterious terrifying power in the Dark Star and felt a little emotional.

"Isn't this the power of the void?"

Thor observed the countless purple rays of light constantly falling on Xandar Star, looked at the dark star, felt the nature of the power, and found some differences.

This kind of power was extremely huge, but he did not detect any dangerous aura from it.

"This is of course not the power of the void, but a deeper and more powerful force."

"But I haven't seen anything that I don't understand what it is."

"Based on Kassadin's origin, it should also be a power from other cosmic dimensions."

"I just don't know if we can have a chance to master it."

Odin shook his head slightly when he heard this and said.

Kassadin's power of the void is very powerful and has unlimited possibilities.

But that's obviously not the end of Kassadin's power.

It's not that Kassadin wasn't strong before, it's just that Kassadin, who is less than a kilometer in size, is far from returning to his peak strength.

Based on everything I saw when I joined Blessing of the Void.

Kassadin's body is much larger than the galaxy.

A being of that size can destroy a galaxy with one blow, and it's no problem destroying the universe.

Now that the dark star, which symbolizes the origin of the void, appears, it means that Kassadin may have regained some of his peak power.

"Mr. Kassadin probably has no intention of destroying this universe."

"His style was domineering but not brutal."

Frigga heard this and spoke.

As a member of the Void Cult, even if Mr. Kassadin destroys the universe.

They will definitely be worry-free, but this universe is the land that gave birth to and raised them.

None of them would want to see the destruction of the universe if they could.

"No one can guess his thoughts, but in terms of contact, Kassadin's philosophy does not advocate destruction."

"After all, Kassadin's philosophy is also the philosophy of the Void Cult."

Odin was not too worried when he heard this.

The philosophy of the Void God Cult is to stay rational at all times and not to cross the boundaries of the commandments.

"Miss Sonia is still thinking about how to develop the Void Cult."

"Even if we start to conquer the universe, it is unlikely to destroy this universe."

Thor heard this and spoke.

Since becoming the king of Asgard, I have gained a lot of knowledge.

Thor already knows that the universe is not the only one in which they are located. The universe is boundless and not unique.

Their universe can be considered relatively peaceful, while other universes have always been in flames of war and destruction.

"Well, this is also a landmark signal."

"Let's go back to Void Island to have a look."

Odin heard Thor mention Miss Sonia and nodded slightly.

If Kassadin's idea is to destroy the universe, then there is no need to go to such trouble to establish the Void Cult.

Since it is built, it will definitely find a way to protect the Void God Religion and make it exist longer.

Then Odin took Thor and others directly to the Falling Star Harbor, and then flew all the way across the sea to Void Island.

There are many members who have returned to Void Island just like them.

Odin and the others returned to Void Island, and after hearing Sarah's words of welcome back, everyone felt like they were back home.

"Miss Sarah, how long have you had this sign?"

Frigga's eyes were full of love when she saw Sarah, and she came directly in front of Sarah.

"It started thirty-eight minutes ago, and all of a sudden it happened like this."

"Senior Sonia came forward just now."

"Inform everyone that Lord Kassadin is regaining his strength."

"All members of the Void Cult are strictly prohibited from coming within thirty kilometers of Lord Kassadin's villa."

"So as not to disturb Lord Kassadin."

A smile appeared on Sarah's face when she heard this, and she explained the situation in a pleasant voice. =

"Did Miss Sonia say how long it will last?"

Thor asked after hearing this.

Of course they didn't dare to disturb it, but they were also curious about how long this would last.

"Senior Sonia didn't say how long it would last."

"But Senior Sonia is guarding."

"I have also posted a notice in the community."

Sarah shook her head when she heard this and said she didn't know.

"We are in an important period of recovering our strength. We must not be careless until the source of the void disappears."

"Whoever dares to disturb us will definitely die."

Odin knew it well when he heard that it was strictly forbidden to step within thirty kilometers.

When he enters Odin's sleep, unless there is a very important event, his sleep must not be disturbed.

Kassadin should not be sleeping, but trying his best to absorb power from other cosmic dimensions to restore his own power.

Even if he disturbed Kassadin at this time and woke him up, he would probably die on the spot.

"So we're on guard."

Miss Sonia personally gave the order, indicating that this was a very important moment.

So Renoli, Thor, Predictor, Lacey, and Sarah were all guarding the harbor.

The purpose is to convey the news thoroughly even if the possibility is very low, so that no one can disturb you.

"Have other outsiders been driven out?"

Odin heard several people guarding him and spoke.

Members of the Void Cult do not need to worry about daring to have any ideas at this time.

So outsiders are the only uncertainties.

"Outsiders can't get close to the villa where Lord Kassadin is, so there is no need to drive them away."

"What we need to prevent is someone who doesn't know that they can't pass by."

"So staying here is the most important thing."

The prophet heard this and spoke.

"Then you guys watch here for a while, and let's go get something to eat first."

"Come over later and talk to you, or I can be the guardian."

Odin completely understood this and spoke.

With his god-king Odin personally acting as the guardian, it won't be easy for anyone to come.

"There is no need to trouble you, Mr. Odin."

"Sir Alex heard the news and is now leading the team back. The time is almost here."

"As long as he and his compatriots on Mowgli are here, we don't need to guard him."

Sarah said with a smile upon hearing this.

As long as Mr. Alex, the most fanatical and loyal person in the Void Cult, is here, it is a guarantee of peace of mind.

He will resolutely implement all the instructions of Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void, and Senior Sonia, and defend the Void God Religion.

At this time, a huge space battleship appeared from the horizon.

A huge figure, as bright as a flame, stepped directly out of the battleship through the sky.

As he got closer step by step, the aura became more and more amazing.

Alex's figure did not become larger, he was still four meters tall, but his aura directly formed a scarlet wind pressure that enveloped the world.

"As expected of the supreme and great Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void."

"Under your leadership, the Void God Religion will surely last forever!"

Alex stepped into the land of Void Island, turned around and looked at the dark stars in the sky, and a voice full of fanaticism resounded through the sky.

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