I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 537: Showing off skills failed but was shown off instead

Pietro already knew that this year Mr. Steve and Mrs. Paige decided to go to Void Island to celebrate the New Year.

Stephen can join directly and follow along.

But he has always wanted to go but has never been able to go. It is really irritating that there are so many people.

Pietro wanted to say that the apprentice of the Supreme Mage was amazing, but he couldn't.

Because the Supreme Mage Ancient One is a powerful person at the pinnacle level of the universe, it is indeed remarkable that her apprentices can reach the top level of the universe no matter how bad they are.

Stephen also said hello to Steve and others.

"What methods does the Supreme Mage know?"

Banner looked at Stephen and asked curiously.

"It might help you understand more if you take a look."

As soon as Stephen finished speaking, he stretched out his palms to slap Banner and Steve directly on the chests.

The power of the void burned directly on Steve and Banner's bodies.

The two of them reacted immediately and wanted to control it.

But suddenly, even if the two of them restrained themselves, the power of the void exploded directly.

"Bang!" exploded, but only two clicks were heard. Stephen's palm was directly impacted by the force of the void, causing the palm to fracture.


The severe pain caused Stephen to scream in pain and break out in cold sweat.

"Sorry, I forgot to control the power of the void."

After seeing this, Banner apologized and released life energy to treat Stephen.

"An energy-laden attack that suddenly attacks us will trigger an instinctive counterattack."

"But it's also our problem. We didn't take the initiative to control the power of the void immediately."

Steve also felt a little embarrassed looking at Stephen who was sweating in pain.


Tony looked at Stephen, who was screaming in pain, and his mind was filled with dark thoughts.

Stephen wanted to show off his skills, but he wanted to do it as soon as he said hello.

So much so that when he failed to show off his skills, he actually hurt himself, and his mind was filled with dark thoughts.

However, under Banner's healing, Stephen's hands recovered in just over ten seconds.

"What is your ability?"

Stephen felt that his body was more comfortable than before he was injured, and that his injuries had recovered so quickly. He looked in disbelief and grabbed Banner's hand and asked.

"It's about controlling life energy. It can be used to speed up self-healing and heal other living things."

Banner heard this and said.

"What kind of injuries can be healed?"

Stephen also asked immediately when he heard about controlling life energy.

"Although it is rarely used, as long as it is not at the end of its life and there is still one breath left, it should be able to cure it."

When Banner heard how serious the injury could be healed, he thought about it carefully and said.

After he learned this ability, he actually didn't use it many times.

After all, there were basically not that many compatriots from the Void Cult who were seriously injured.

The most seriously injured person he had ever healed was the Valkyrie, so he was somewhat confident in his healing ability.

"Can damaged nerves be healed?"

Stephen couldn't believe it when he heard about this BUG-level healing ability.

"Although I have not tried it and cannot say that all injuries can be 100% cured, but it is not easy to treat damaged nerves."

Banner said without any hesitation upon hearing this.

"My dear! Can I learn this ability?"

Seeing Banner's attitude of answering immediately without hesitation, Stephen exclaimed and quickly asked if he could learn from it.

In the eyes of a surgeon like him, this kind of healing ability is simply a magical skill. If you have this ability, you need a bicycle and you can learn some medicine and just use magic to do it.

"I can teach you if you want to learn, but it will take many evolutions."

Banner also looked happy when he heard that Stephen wanted to learn from him.

This means that his Blood Cow School is very likely to have the first compatriot who is willing to learn from him. This is not an easy thing.

"Approximately how many times will it take to evolve?"

Stephen was also ecstatic when he heard that Banner was willing to teach him.

"Because I can directly transform into Hulk. Hulk is born with a powerful body and super healing ability."

"So after I evolved my recovery ability more than fifty times and my physical body fifty times, I mastered how to mobilize life energy."

"Judging from your life energy, you should be able to master life energy by evolving your physical body about two hundred times and your recovery power over a hundred times, totaling 300 times."

"It's great to have a stronger physical body and evolve your recovery ability."

"As long as you are not fatally wounded in one blow, you can recover even if you are stabbed in the heart."

Banner looked at Stephen carefully after hearing this. After discovering Stephen's extremely weak life energy, he also gave a rough number of evolution.

At the same time, he attracted Stephen to learn from him.

"It takes more than three hundred evolutions to master it, so I won't learn it for the time being."

Stephen was originally very interested, but when he heard that it would take three hundred evolutions to do this, he immediately stopped thinking about it.

He knew that if he wanted to master the power of the void, he would have to evolve a lot.

Only if he masters the void magic driven by the power of the void, and combines it with the magic he masters, can he maximize his strength.

Therefore, in addition to Stephen evolving his physical body at the beginning, after strengthening his physical body to a point where it is not very strong but not very weak, he basically evolves the power of the void with all his strength.

It has been eight years since Tony received the blessing of the void and he has only evolved more than five hundred times.

Even if he is willing to endure hardship, it will take at least two or three years.

The further he evolved, the slower his speed would be. If he had initially set his direction on Bruce Banner's path.

If he obtains self-healing ability in this way, it can only guarantee his survival to the maximum extent, but it cannot guarantee that he can deal with all kinds of troublesome demons.

Although Stephen has not yet mastered the power of the void, let's not talk about the magic of element conversion that Tony showed him.

Just now, he wanted to knock out the souls of Steve and Banner, but his instinctive resistance directly hurt him.

Just by mastering the power of the void, you can protect your soul.

In the future, when he fights with other mages and even demons, he will have a strong support.

And the beauty of the power of the void doesn't stop there.

"If you don't learn, you won't learn."

Banner saw that Stephen looked shocked just now, and immediately changed his tune after understanding it. He also directly shook off Stephen's hand and cursed.

He thought he could finally enjoy the feeling of teaching people, but this was the result.

"Sorry, although as a doctor I really like the ability you have shown."

"But I initially decided to evolve the power of the void."

"So we can't use so many precious evolution times at the beginning to evolve in the direction you mentioned."

Stephen saw that Banner's mood seemed to be getting worse due to his own reasons, and he apologized very simply.

"You don't have to mind too much."

“I understand that everyone’s path to evolution is different.”

When Banner received Stephen's apology, the anger on his face softened and he spoke.

"But what did you want to do just now?"

Steve looked at Stephen and asked.

"I want to punch the souls out of both of you."

"I didn't expect it to be directly counterattacked by you two."

Stephen heard this and explained.

"Can people leave their bodies?"

"Kama Taj's magic sounds special."

Steve said with a surprised look on his face.

"This is a kind of magic specifically for people whose bodies are far beyond their own."

"There are many different kinds of magic."

After hearing this, Stephen also showed off the various magics he has mastered now.

For example, a series of magic such as transposition, manipulation of the world in the mirror space, space teleportation, transformed weapons, etc.

Not only was it an eye-opener for Steve, but Tony, Banner, Paige, Pepper, Pietro and Wanda also expressed their admiration.

"So strong."

"As expected, magic is much weirder than physical flow."

"I feel like I can learn this kind of magic."

"Among these magics, mirror space and space teleportation are the most useful. Can these two magics be taught?"

"After we learn it, we can travel back and forth between Blue Star and Void Island at will."

Everyone has truly experienced the convenience of Kama Taj’s magic.

"Space teleportation requires magic talent and qualifications. Only after becoming a master of Kama Taj can you receive the hanging ring and use it."

"After learning magic, you must abide by some rules of the magic world."

"If you are willing to accept it, I will definitely not be stingy in teaching you."


"Mirror magic belongs to the Supreme Mage, so it cannot be taught to you."

Facing these words, Stephen also spoke.

After more than a month of latent cultivation, evolution and reading, I understood.

Stephen learned that mirror magic originated from the Book of Weishan Emperor. This book can be said to be a treasure of the town in Kama Taj, and ordinary people generally cannot read it.

Gu Yi taught him directly.

He didn't understand it at the time, but now he thinks about it when he was teaching himself the magic of mirror space.

It already means that Ancient One has regarded him as his personal disciple.

"What are the rules in the wizarding world?"

Tony also asked after hearing that some rules had to be followed.

"The most important rule in the magic world is not to easily disrupt the laws of nature."

"It can only be used when encountering some special characters or enemies in the magic world."

"And magic cannot be used to seek profit."

"If you are discovered, you will face trial from the magic world, and even be hunted down."

Stephen heard this and said.

"What kind of breaking of the rules is this? Can't you use your abilities?"

"Then what's the use of imitating him?"

Tony was speechless when he heard these rules.

"Yes, why don't you show your abilities in the magic world?"

“It’s not too much to at least seek a better life for yourself.”

Pietro also looked incomprehensible when he heard this.

Although a gentleman loves money and acquires it in a reasonable way, he has not done anything harmful to nature.

Not to mention not breaking the law, isn't it normal to use your abilities to seek more money for yourself?

Just like he and Wanda worked for Tony, they could get money by guarding the Blue Star.

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