I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 545 Why is she afraid of you?

Tony and Banner continued to explain to Stephen the fundamentals for the survival of big forces, as well as some rules of the universe.

The day passed quickly and it was December 19th.

On this day, Nikrov and Madame Butterfly also arrived at Xandar in a space battleship.

For them, the territory of the Xandar Empire was only there when they first entered the universe.

Other times it never came again.

When entering the planetary route. Nikrov also received some normal inquiries.

Nikrov also explained that he was the designated representative of the Void Cult in the Land of Nothingness.

This time I came to Void Island to take a look, and I plan to leave in half a month at most.

"How long you want to stay is your business, but don't start a fight on Xandar."

Knowing that these two people were related to the Void Cult, the officers of the Nova Corps also directly let them go.

They have also received news that Kassadin, the God of the Void, plans to appear as a saint this year, and there will be some noise, but there is no need to worry.

Nikrov's battleship followed the planet's route and entered Xandar.


"Why do you think Lady Lacey brought us here?"

Next to Nikrov, there was a woman wearing a golden tube top dress with healthy brown skin who looked extremely beautiful and sexy. She asked in a panic.

"You'll know when we get there. There were no mistakes in our work."

"On the contrary, the situation has been well rectified. It is unlikely to be a punishment or anything like that."

Niklov heard this and spoke.

He didn't know the purpose of calling them here this time, but they did whatever Lacey said.

Ask yourself to come to Void Island, then this is the first priority.

"That's what I say, but when you go to Void Island, you should see Hercules Kyle."

"I don't really want to see Hercules Kyle..."

Madam Butterfly heard this and spoke.

Renolly, Lacey, Predictor, and Kyle among the four.

Kyle left the biggest shadow on her, so much so that she would have nightmares from time to time, thinking of the desperate situation where she couldn't help but die.

Although life after becoming a substitute was not as bad as they imagined, the shadow has been left.

She felt that she would never forget the demon Kyle who threatened her.

"If you can't do it then, you can find a way to stay away."

"Under normal circumstances, Ms. Lacey is quite reasonable. She should be able to understand our behavior."

Of course, Nikrov didn't want to see Kyle, who was in charge of life and death. He was also flustered, but he could only comfort some Butterfly ladies with words.

Madam Butterfly's character was not originally so timid, but she was very bold when dealing with strong men.

Because of Madame Butterfly's superpower, she is very good at dealing with men.

But Mrs. Butterfly was so daring that Kyle would scare her whenever he mentioned it.

Driven by the battleship's intelligent AI, the two of them arrived at Falling Star Harbor and flew directly into Void Island.

Tomorrow is the New Year's Worship of the Void God Cult.

So Madam Butterfly and Nikrov also saw many warships and fighter planes in the void universe, and flew into the void island together.

Just when Nikrov's space battleship parked on the helipad on the Void Island.


Lady Butterfly has seen Hercules Kyle in the distance through the window, and there are other people around Kyle that she has never seen before.

This made Madam Butterfly grab Nikrov's clothes directly, and her fingertips turned white.

Nikrov gently patted the back of Madam Butterfly's hand, then opened the ship's cabin and walked down. He directly used his telekinesis to take Madam Butterfly to the location of Lacey and Kyle.

Stephen also learned from Tony and Banner that a large number of Void Cult members would return today, so he also came to the airport to take a look at the excitement.

When Stephen saw a mature man with short white hair who looked extremely sophisticated and handsome, he took people flying into the air.

The aura doesn't look very intimidating, but the meticulously controlled telekinesis shows that this person is not weak.

"That is Nikrov, the former overlord of Tesma civilization?"

"He really doesn't look like an ordinary person."

Stephen looked at Niklov and said.

"His strength is not considered to be the top in the universe, but it is more than enough to suppress and rectify the land of nothingness."

Lacey nodded slightly and said.

"Why do I feel that the sexy and beautiful woman next to Niklov looks a little scared?"

"Are you sure she is the second-in-command of the Voidland Agent?"

"And not Niklov's mistress?"

After hearing this, Stephen looked at it carefully and said a little strangely.

As soon as these words came out, Lacey, Predictor, and Renoli all glanced at Kyle.

Tony, Banner, and Stephen also noticed these glances and looked at Kyle.

"Look at what I do, I'm a handsome and good man with a kind heart."

"Don't slander people casually, or I'll sue you for slander."

Kyle faced these looks with an expression that said it was none of my business.

"She is indeed one of the current second-in-commands in the Void Land."

"As for why I feel scared, I don't know."

Tony knew that Kyle must have done something to Madame Butterfly to make her so scared, but he didn't know what exactly Kyle had done.

Stephen didn't feel much at first, but as Nikrov brought Madam Butterfly closer.

Stephen immediately felt something different. Madam Butterfly's appearance, skin and even expression gave him a feeling of pity.

And after looking at it up close, Stephen found that Madame Butterfly's appearance became even more charming.

This made Stephen rub his eyes and wonder if his hobbies had changed.

He obviously didn't like brown-skinned women, but this woman exuded sexiness from all over her body.

He didn't know why but he felt like he wanted to take a closer look, and his desire was aroused.

"Nikrov meets Lady Lacey."

Nikrov and Madame Butterfly landed in front of Lacey, bowed slightly and shouted respectfully.

"Mrs. Butterfly pays her respects to Lady Lacey."

Madame Butterfly glanced at Kyle timidly, looked at Lacey and whispered.

"What are her powers?"

Stephen felt that his senses and thoughts seemed to be affected invisibly, and it was difficult for him to get rid of this influence. He also looked directly at Kyle and Renelli and asked.

"Her ability is the charm ability of a male killer."

"It can make men fall into the illusion they most want to experience, and even directly manipulate men's thoughts for their own use."

Kyle heard this and said.

This was also the first time Kyle saw Madame Butterfly after two years.

Compared to Madam Butterfly, who was disgraced due to a fall last time and naturally restrained her charm ability.

Madame Butterfly now looks clean and dressed extremely sexy.

It naturally releases an invisible charm.

Of course, this is for a strong man like Kyle, who has experienced mountains of corpses and seas of blood, and experienced the hardships of monster planets, and has tempered his mentality.

The charm that Lady Butterfly released passively obviously had no effect on him.

"Then why does her aura look so weak?"

When Stephen heard about the charm ability, he also understood why his mind was affected by this woman.

"Get up, I came to you this time just to let you watch the Void God Religion's New Year's Worship together."

"Experience the customs and customs of the Void God Religion."

"I won't hurt you, so don't feel so scared."

"And Mrs. Butterfly, you'd better change your clothes. This is not a place of nothingness."

"It's easy to arouse men's desires here, and it's easier for outsiders to deal with it."

"But arousing the desires of other members of the Void Cult is not that easy to deal with."

Lacey looked at the two and said softly.

Although Lady Butterfly has superpowers, which she did not have in the past, Lady Butterfly looks a lot like her past self to Lacey.

They all do not have enough strength to protect themselves and can only rely on their appearance and figure to please or control men. Many times they are often unable to control themselves.

"Yes, I'll go back and change clothes later."

"Thank you, Lady Lacey, for the reminder."

Madam Butterfly was shocked when she heard this and said gratefully.

She is also used to being in a place of nothingness, and can easily resolve men's fantasies about her and then exploit them.

In fact, if she encounters some men whose charm ability is ineffective, Nikrov can also come forward to help her solve the problem.

But on Void Island, the base camp of the Void God Cult, I won’t say whether her abilities are effective.

Nikrov obviously couldn't help himself solve all kinds of troubles.

"Besides that, please remember to be careful about your words and actions on the island."

"I don't want to hear any bad rumors."

Kyle looked at Nikrov and Lady Butterfly and said.

He didn't want these two people to spread some of the things they had done to Miss Sarah's ears.


When Niklov and Madam Butterfly saw Kyle speaking, they nodded quickly.

"You can go."

"Understand the rules of the island, and then stay here for a few days to have fun, and then you can go back."

When Lacey saw that the two of them had listened, she immediately let them leave.

When Nikrov and Madam Butterfly heard that they could leave, they felt like they were being pardoned and immediately returned to the space battleship.

Different from the sexy golden tube top dress she originally wore, after changing her clothes.

Madam Butterfly wrapped her skin tightly, and even put a black veil on her face, for fear that she would encounter any trouble here.

The Void Island may not be as lawless and unscrupulous as the Void Land.

But there are many powerful people entrenched here, and in terms of status, they are much higher than her, the representative of the land of nothingness.

If she encounters any trouble, she won't even have a chance to resist.

But even though Madam Butterfly wrapped herself tightly, her tall and slender figure still revealed her seductive eyes, charming nape and delicate earlobes.

It is still easy to attract men's attention, just seeing these will make men think about it.

This made Madam Butterfly feel a little flustered. Originally, her ability, figure, and appearance were her greatest strengths, but now they have become her greatest weaknesses.

She could only pray that she wouldn't run into any trouble.

The second update of 3,000 words is sent

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