"Who else is there besides me in this alliance you are talking about?"

"Did Asgard agree?"

Gao Tianzun wished Zeus had a father in his heart, but he obviously couldn't say this.

"That guy Odin has retired and is about to die."

"If his son Thor can handle that crazy woman Hela."

"We can let him join in then."

"But it's unlikely that Thor can defeat Hela."

Zeus saw that Gao Tianzun also had some ideas and said.


Gao Tianzun was also stunned for a moment when he heard that Odin was about to retire and die.

However, he soon realized that Odin's joining the Void Cult had never been announced to the universe.

That's why Zeus said that Odin's current retirement is waiting for death.

And Hela, the goddess of death, has already let Thor take care of it. Although the method Thor used is not a conventional method, Hela will never be able to defeat Thor in one-on-one.

Counting Sol's trump card, Gao Tianzun didn't dare to have a close confrontation with Sol.

If he is also devoured with the energy to fight two, Thor's strength will quickly reach the top of the ranks of the strongest in the universe.

However, this information has not spread throughout the universe.

After Gao Tianzun thought clearly, he spoke.

"Although Odin is on the verge of death and has returned to the soul realm, Asgard is still a force that cannot be underestimated."

"You can figure out how to convince them."

"Let's talk more about other powerful people in the universe."

"Otherwise, the number of us would not be enough."

Of course it is impossible for Gao Tianzun to cooperate with Zeus, but he still needs to deal with it.

Suppose Zeus is really that capable and convinces Odin as well.

Agree to invite Eternity out to deal with the words of Kassadin, the God of the Void.

Of course, Gao Tianzun would not mind sitting back and enjoying the fruits of his labor, freeing himself from the stigma of being a slave.

"Refreshing! I would like you to come forward and lobby for the Universal Presbyterian Council."

Zeus was very happy to see Gao Tianzun agreed.

"When the time comes to the Universal Presbyterian Church, I will definitely convince them to come forward."

"The premise is that you can convince me that the helper you are looking for is reliable enough."

"Otherwise I don't want to face Kassadin again."

"Last time I gave in, my brother and the land of nothingness were gone."

"I don't want this time, the consequence of me joining forces with you is that I am forced to leave this universe."

Gao Tianzun saw Zeus' happy look and warned him.

Let Zeus sort things out, otherwise he will never get involved.

"The gods of Olympus plus the Pantheon, the Council of Gods, the gods of Asgard, and your Universe Council of Elders should be enough."

When Zeus heard this, he patted his chest and looked relieved.

"You can only represent the Olympus gods now. As for the Pantheon, the Council of Gods, and the Asgard gods, it's hard to say whether those guys will agree."

"I asked the Universe Elders Council for help before, but those guys just sent some innocuous rubbish."

"So much so that I lost face, and the other guys in the Universe Elders just lost some manpower."

Gao Tianzun saw a sneer on Zeus's face as he looked confident of winning.

"My face is still good."

"If Kassadin, the God of the Void, really takes advantage of it, he will knock on the door."

"Everyone knows the truth about the death of lips and the coldness of teeth."

Zeus was not worried at all when he heard this, and a sneer appeared on his face.

Zeus is not afraid of the Pantheon, the Council of Gods, Asgard and other forces who will not agree.

Only the Universe Presbyterian Church and Gao Tianzun were the ones he found difficult to get Longgang's help.

Because those guys from the Universe Presbyterian Church, except for the Collector, their territories are relatively remote.

And it is basically a lawless zone. Some have affected some interests, but they are always the dark side forces of the universe.

These big forces on the bright side control the mainstream world.

If Kassadin, the God of the Void, wants to expand his territory, he must first attack the public forces like them.

Only when all the territory on the bright side is occupied will it be possible to enter the dark side world.


When Gao Tianzun saw Zeus looking like he had already planned it, he did not want to attack Zeus, but praised him happily.

"Let's exchange communication methods."

"I will notify you as soon as the time comes."

"I won't have to make a special trip then."

Seeing Gao Tianzun saying yes loudly, Zeus knew that the alliance had been reached, and directly greeted Gao Tianzun to exchange contact methods.

Gao Tianzun pointed his finger, and a golden feather flew in front of Zeus.

"This is our only collaboration."

"As long as you crush it, I will know it immediately and contact you through the air."

"After this alliance, this golden feather will disappear."

Gao Tianzun agreed to join forces but did not say that they would work together in the future.

"Of course, if I hadn't been forced to do so, I wouldn't have found you."

"Then I'll leave first."

"After Kassadin dies, let's celebrate together."

Zeus didn't mind after hearing this.

The gods of the universe are the great forces in the light world, and the Elders of the Universe are the forces in the dark side world.

If the major forces in the light world had not united, they might not have been able to defeat Kassadin, the cosmic demon.

Then it is impossible for Zeus to turn down his face and come to collude with Gao Tianzun.

"I'm looking forward to that day."

Gao Tianzun also had a smile on his face after hearing this.

Zeus nodded and teleported away without any nonsense.

After Zeus left, Gao Tianzun's backhand was to contact Kassadin, the God of the Void.

It is impossible for Zeus to convince Odin to fight against Kassadin, the God of the Void.

So the remaining gods of the universe, headed by Zeus, are just a bunch of rabble.

Asking for damn eternity, even if the result is eternal, the most it will be is to expel Kassadin, the God of the Void.

The price for expelling Kassadin, the God of the Void, from this universe is the destruction of this universe, and there is no other result at all.

And his soul still has the mark left by Kassadin.

If Kassadin knew that he didn't report the information, but instead secretly united to deal with him, his soul would be destroyed at any time.

Ten minutes passed after the communication.

Gao Tianzun successfully connected to the communication of Kassadin, the God of the Void.

"You are looking for me because someone is looking for you to join forces."

Harvey was sleeping when he was suddenly awakened by Gao Tianzun's communication. He was not impatient, but directly understood Gao Tianzun's purpose of finding him.

This was the first time that Gao Tianzun contacted him. Even if he planned to offer sacrifices, he would contact Sonia directly.

This time, contact yourself directly, based on the time point.

The only possible reason why Gao Tianzun contacted him suddenly was to report the news.

"As expected of the Lord, he knows things like a god."

"That guy Zeus wants to unite the gods of the universe, me and the Council of Elders of the Universe to jointly petition to bring him out of eternity to deal with you."

When Gao Tianzun saw that Kassadin had directly understood his purpose, he flattered him without hesitation and told the news he knew.

"That guy Zeus still can't sit still."

Harvey was thoughtful when he heard this.

"What do you mean, Lord?"

Gao Tianzun couldn't guess what Kassadin would do in response, so he asked cautiously.

"The enemy needs to be lured out to find out who has ulterior motives for the Void God Religion."

"If he really can't hold it in any longer and plans to take action against the Void God Religion, please let me know."

"The rest of the time you can play whatever you want."

Harvey heard this and gave Gao Tianzun an instruction.

"Yes, Lord."

When Gao Tianzun heard that he could play casually, a smile appeared on his face.

"But I have a question, Lord."

"What if Zeus really summons eternity?"

Just to be on the safe side, Gao Tianzun still asked the question he was most concerned about.

"They didn't have a chance to summon it."

"Even if I'm summoned, eternity can't do anything to me."

Harvey didn't panic at all when he heard this.


"I'll try my best to hide myself."

Gao Tianzun saw that Kassadin's tone was not worried, and he knew that eternity was not enough to threaten Kassadin.

Kassadin plans to lure out all the enemies who are targeting the Void Cult and kill them all in one fell swoop.

Then he will naturally cooperate well and continue to act secretly to see who in the universe is afraid of Kassadin, the God of the Void.

"Well, is there anything else you don't want to report?"

“I hung up without you.”

Harvey heard this and spoke.

"I have also seen the Lord's manifestations. They are truly amazing and powerful."

Gao Tianzun praised respectfully after hearing this.

"I'm still far from my peak."

"Don't do this in front of me. If you have nothing to do, just go cool down and stay there."

"I won't conquer you just so you can flatter me."

Harvey saw that Gao Tianzun had nothing to do to flatter him, so he said directly.

Harvey then hung up the cosmic communication.

Gao Tianzun didn't feel unhappy even after the communication was disconnected.

"Odin's guess is indeed correct. It is far from the limit now."

Gao Tianzun was thinking about how he could get the blessing of the void from the hands of Kassadin, the god of the void.

If he can also receive the blessing of the void, then his strength may also be further improved.

Even though he is immortal and has good strength, no strong person would dislike getting more power.

The problem is that he is very powerful, but his identity is very different from Odin.

It seems that he must think of a way to plan.


In the villa on the top of Void Island.

After Harvey hung up the communication, he also fell into deep thought.

He himself is not afraid of eternity at all, because eternity cannot directly erase him. At worst, he will directly change his life in the universe.

He is not afraid of Eternity chasing him.

A two universes destroyed eternity may not care.

But Harvey didn't believe that eternity wanted to obliterate him and let all universes die with it.

But the existence of Eternal Brother is always a trouble.

Because he is not afraid anymore, but many members of the Void Cult are.

Whoever Harvey Thinker chooses as the next hero template can give himself more abilities to deal with eternity.

Originally, he had planned to choose the ability of the Void Prophet, because that would allow him to know more things.


However, the prophet's ability to predict eternity should be ineffective.

So if you choose based on attack methods alone, Vel'Koz, the Eye of the Void, with the ability to see through everything and decompose everything, should be the best.

Harvey had a hunch that it wouldn't be too long until the next time he chooses a hero template.

He is not afraid of eternity now, but what Harvey wants is not that eternity can't do anything to him, but that eternity can give in to him and be completely unable to influence his will.

There is no absolutely invincible and immortal existence in the universe.

Harvey himself is mortal, and eternity must be mortal as well.

It's just that the difficulty of dying for a being like them is so high that it's almost invisible to billions of living beings.

Harvey knew that even if he wanted to kill Eternity, it would probably be very difficult.

But he doesn't need to kill Eternity. As long as he has the means to hurt Eternity, he can negotiate with it.

When it didn't work, he let go and swallowed eternity.

It's just that he would use it as a last resort, because too much strength might turn him into a monster.

After thinking about it, Harvey could do nothing to defeat Eternity other than swallowing Eternity directly, so he might as well take care of Zeus then.

After thinking about it, Harvey fell asleep peacefully again.

The reason why he can sleep peacefully is because he doesn't worry about what eternity can do to him.

He was just worried that Eternity would attack the Void God Religion he founded.

However, as long as you give him time, he can solve this problem, so there is no need to worry about not being able to sleep.


Inside the Void Island.

Madame Butterfly, who was dining and enjoying herself with Star-Lord and Niklov, suddenly received a piece of information.

After reading this piece of information, Madam Butterfly's expression changed slightly.

"What's wrong, Madam Butterfly, did something happen in the Land of Nothingness?"

Nikrov noticed the change in Madam Butterfly's mood, his face became serious, and he asked directly.

"No, it's Thanos's five Obsidian generals who are dispatched together. We don't know which planet they are targeting yet."

"And instead of making as much of a fuss as in the past, we will specifically select some unrecorded wormholes to go forward."

"It makes them so cautious."

"The predicted target should be a planet within the galaxy protected by the Xandar Empire."

Madam Butterfly heard this and spoke.

"Are you sure you are heading to the territory of the Xandar Empire?"

Nikrov's face was a little moved when he heard this.

"Well, that's according to the intelligence."

Madam Butterfly nodded upon hearing this.

In the past, when Thanos destroyed various planets, he only dared to stir up troubles and destroy world after world outside the territory protected by the Xandar Empire.

He has never set foot within the territory of the Xandar Empire.

The Land of Nothingness is not subject to the Xandar Empire, but it is also within the territory of the Xandar Empire.

So there is never any need to worry about whether Thanos will suddenly come and destroy them.

But now I stepped into this territory cautiously, and followed the unrecorded wormhole throughout the process.

Then there is only one purpose, and that is that Thanos has planned to take action against the planets within the Xandar Empire's protective territory.

And because there is no way of knowing which planet Thanos plans to attack, every planet has some dangers.

The first update of 4,000 words per day will be sent

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