I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 568 Information about Obsidian’s five generals

"At that time, I can wait and see some of the future, but I can help directly identify where they come from."

Stephen heard Tony's words and spoke.

The Supreme Mage generally only cares about the magical world and does not care about the material realm, but that is only the Supreme Mage of the past generations, not Stephen's generation.

Of course, Stephen will not ignore it. Civil strife in the material realm of Blue Star is not within his jurisdiction.

However, knowing that it is an alien invasion, there is no problem in working together.

Moreover, the five Obsidian generals under Thanos are also targeting him directly.

If he can't cooperate to resist, then he doesn't need to be the Supreme Mage. He can just abdicate and become a member of the Void Cult, which will give him more freedom.

"I almost forgot that Stephen, you also have the ability to predict things."

After hearing this, Tony remembered that Stephen also had the ability to predict.

"Not to mention prediction, even time acceleration, reversal, looping, shuttle, etc. can be done."

Stephen heard this and said.

The power of the Eye of Akomodo Time Stone cannot be compared with ordinary means.

By manipulating time, you have the ability to reach the top of the universe, but you want to reach the top of the universe.

You still have to make up for your own shortcomings, otherwise you will not be able to fight powerful enemies.

No matter how you turn back time, if there is no way to break the situation, the result will be the same.

"So that means you also have the means to resurrect people?"

Lacey looked at Stephen in surprise when she heard this.

"Yes, yes, but not as perverted and unscrupulous as Gao Tianzun."

"For the Sorcerer Supreme to misuse the Time Stone would violate the laws of nature."

"Death and life are destiny, so they are generally not used."

Stephen nodded when he heard this and said.

He had previously used time reversal to save many people in desperation, but his main purpose was to deal with Dormammu's coming of the dark realm.

Gao Tianzun doesn't have so many scruples when using it, and his abilities are much more perverted than the Time Stone, giving people immortality directly.

Stephen had already understood the horror of Gao Tianzun from Tony, and directly created a group of undead legions to confront the Void Cult head-on.

If it weren't for the hard power of the Void God Religion, which was completely crushed, and the Void God Kassadin was too powerful.

Gao Tianzun only needs to send out an army of undead to sweep away countless civilizations and forces.

And it seems that Gao Tianzun's resurrection has no restrictions at all.

Odin's plan to fake his own death was only possible because of Gao Tianzun's help.

To be honest, Stephen is quite curious about Gao Tianzun.

"The method of resurrection can indeed only be used as a last resort and cannot be used as a conventional method."

"But since you are willing to predict, then we can just go to the theater then."

The prophet saw that Stephen did not agree with resurrecting people easily, but he did not disagree with the use of precognition ability, and there was some affirmation in his words.

"If you are too scrupulous, you will not be able to peek at the peak. Thank you for teaching me this."

Facing the prophet's affirmation, Stephen also had a smile on his face.

"Lexi, do you know the information about Obsidian's five generals?"

"Such as roughly what abilities they have."

Tony asked looking at Lacey.

Lacey's knowledge was recognized by Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void, so the information was naturally very reliable.

"I knew you would ask this, so I have already collected some information about them."

Lacey smiled at this question.

"The Deathblade General has a powerful body, good self-healing ability, and extremely high weapon proficiency."

"The most important thing is that he has a soul war blade. If the weapon is not broken, he can be resurrected within a few minutes."

"He is also the strong man who has charged the most for Thanos's plan of destruction."

"Strength is very strong for ordinary people, but not for strong people with super powers."

"His ability is just troublesome, not particularly strong."

"There are many ways to kill him, so they are always picking on the weak ones."

"The simplest way is to destroy his body, and then prevent him from suddenly launching a sneak attack in a short period of time, while destroying his weapons."

Lacey released a piece of information, which included General Deathblade's appearance and past achievements.

He is just a subordinate of the top powerhouse in the universe, but not a subordinate of the top powerhouse in the universe.

Strength can move sideways in various weak civilizations and planets, but it does not mean that it can move sideways in the universe.

If he is the subordinate of the top powerhouse in the universe, the lower limit, let alone the upper limit, must be the top powerhouse in the universe.

"The little thing looks quite unique."

Tony teased when he saw the ugly face of General Deathblade.

"Not knowing a weakness is troublesome, knowing a weakness is troublesome at best."

Stephen was also a little surprised when he saw the intelligence displayed by Lacey.

Many strong people can easily bring despair to people when they first meet them.

But once the weakness is exposed, the strength will not decrease but it will not be so scary.

As the saying goes, all fear comes from the unknown.

"Leave this to me."

Steve immediately became motivated after seeing it.

"Don't be anxious, you can let anyone deal with it, as long as you can ensure victory."

"Now let's read the information first."

Banner saw Steve's eagerness to fight the Deathblade General and said.

This made Steve temporarily suppress his desire for a battle and looked at Lacey.

Faced with these looks, Lacey continued to introduce.

"Proxima Centauri, the wife of General Deathblade."

"She is good at close combat and is a master of space combat. Her weapon is a magic spear."

"After throwing it, it will turn into three corrosive rays that lock on the target. This kind of ray can kill most living things."

"It's commonly known as the magic tool for cutting grass. If you want to deal with her, just pay attention to using rays to offset it."

Lacey told Proxima Centauri what she relied on, and how to fight against it.

As for who of Tony and the others would deal with her, she didn't need to think about it.

"Her physical body is not mentioned in particular, which means that her physical body is not as good as the Deathblade General, but her weapons and combat skills are awesome?"

Stephen looked carefully at the information about Proxima Centauri and asked.


Lacey nodded upon hearing this.

"Ebony Maw, Thanos's adviser, a telepathic person who also has certain speech and spiritual means, can control some things with words."

"As for how to deal with him."

"Just think of him as a mage with close range and physical abilities, many times worse than Loki before."

Immediately, Lacey continued to explain.

"Hey, hey, hey, what do you mean by a mage whose body is worse than mine?"

"And why can I shoot while I'm sitting?"

When Loki saw the information explained by Lacey, he suddenly mentioned himself and said immediately with a little jump.

"I've said it all before."

"I'm complimenting you, don't you hear it?"

Lacey said with a smile when she saw Loki lying innocently.

"That's okay."

Loki also had a satisfied smile on his face when he heard Lacey mention the past emphatically.

"Is his telekinesis stronger than Nikrov's?"

Tony didn't pay attention to this little farce and looked at Lacey and asked carefully.


Lacey shook her head simply after hearing this.

"That doesn't seem very dangerous."

Tony was immediately relieved when he heard that he was not as strong as Niklov.

If it was a telekinesis user of Nikrov's level, then he would probably have to fight with all his strength.

Nikrov's ability is not strong in the universe, but he can crush countless civilizations and powerful people on the planet in minutes.

"If he has my strength, as long as Thanos does not show his omnipotence, he is not worthy of his loyalty."

When Nikrov heard this, he spoke directly, and his words were full of confidence.

Even if all five Obsidian generals attack together, Nikrov is confident that he can kill them instantly.

He will surrender to Lacey's men and become the agent of the land of nothingness. He can't defeat anyone, and he can't even run away. It's really been completely figured out.

Otherwise, as long as there is a chance to escape, he will definitely escape to the edge of the universe. It is impossible for him to agree to be the agent of this void in the first place.

For a cosmic powerhouse of Nikrov's level, he must be arrogant in his heart.

If you want me to be your subordinate, you must really show unrivaled power.


Upon hearing this, Banner also agreed with Nikrov's confident words.


"You just know how to deal with it."

Lacey didn't comment too much on Ebony Maw, because she had no interest in taking action against an opponent of this level.

At most, they can go over and see the defeat of the five Obsidian generals.

"One of the five super star Obsidian generals, an intelligence officer under Thanos, possessing mind control, telepathy, mental transmission, and memory stealing."

Lacey continued her explanation.

"Judging from her figure, she is really a beautiful woman. It's a pity that her appearance is not in my favor zone."

Stephen's eyes widened when he saw the superstar's proud figure in a white robe and white and red armor. However, his excitement immediately turned to disappointment after seeing his skin color.

Judging from the appearance, even if she has a kind of evil beauty, her skin color is blue, which is really a pity.

"Mr. Stephen, what kind do you like?"

Sarah asked curiously after hearing that Stephen's excitement turned to disappointment in just two or three seconds after seeing the superstar's appearance.

"Actually, what I value is not the external beauty but the soul."

"But Superstar killed too many creatures in the past, and his appearance has a kind of evil beauty, so his soul doesn't look beautiful."

"That's why it's not in my favor zone."

When Stephen heard this, he immediately became serious, crossed his hands on his chest, held his chin, and said in a low voice.

"I see."

As the king of fans, Sarah, of course, could not deliberately expose Stephen's pretentious words, but looked like she suddenly understood.

"To put it bluntly, don't you just like people who are beautiful both in appearance and soul?"

Sarah did not stop Stephen from stepping down, but Loki ruthlessly exposed Stephen's seriousness.

"Don't slander me, I'm not that kind of person."

Stephen was initially relieved to see Miss Sarah believe it, but when Loki said this his face turned red and he said seriously.

"To be honest, I think it looks pretty good."

Banner also directly participated in the topic and said seriously.

Tony, Steve, and Odin just pretended not to see it, and their wives were all around.

Unlike Banner and Stephen, women who can freely talk about what they like.

"Don't tell me whether you like him or not, this superstar is the most dangerous among the five Obsidian generals."

"The abilities of telepathy and mind control are very dangerous."

"But her weakness is obviously her fragile body."

"At that time, you should find someone to cooperate with Stephen and achieve a one-hit kill through the ability of prediction."

"Otherwise, if you are accidentally controlled, you will be in big trouble."

Lacey saw Rocky arguing with Stephen about whether the superstar was good-looking or not, and forcefully brought the topic back.

"Okay, Banner and Stephen will deal with it then."

Tony heard this and spoke.

"Tony, I have to suspect you did this on purpose."

Banner's eyes widened when he saw that Tony asked him and Stephen to deal with the superstar just after he praised him for being beautiful.

"I have to deal with Proxima Centauri, otherwise I wouldn't let you deal with her."

"Besides, Lacey also said, quick victory, do you understand?"

After hearing this, Tony spread his hands and said.

"All right."

Although Banner wanted to refute when he heard this, he was unable to refute, so he could only accept his fate and accept that he would take action when the time came.

"The last one is Black Dwarf. It has tyrannical strength and very strong body defense. The disadvantage is that it loses weight quickly."

"This guy is equivalent to Banner who has not yet joined the Void God Cult. Just find someone who knows how to deal with him gently."

Lacey didn't bother to care about these people playing tricks here, and clearly explained the advantages and disadvantages of the five Obsidian generals.

"It seems like we don't need to take action?"

Thor originally thought that the five black generals were good, but he didn't expect this and was a little disappointed.

"The five Obsidian generals are the Obsidian five generals, and they are accompanied by some of their subordinates."

"Although the hard power is not strong, the destructive power of the technology in hand is not bad."

“If you don’t want too many casualties, you should be more serious.

"Don't let it slip and cause a lot of casualties."

Lacey saw Sol's disappointed look and said.


When Thor heard that some other soldiers would follow, he also knew his mission.

"Then, Lady Lacey, the information has been sent, so we will retreat first."

Madam Butterfly and Niklov saw that they had already discussed how to deal with the five Obsidian generals, and they spoke.

"Well, the information you collected was of great help this time."

Lacey nodded and praised after hearing this.

"It's just a matter of duty, as long as you don't disappoint Lady Lacey."

Madam Butterfly whispered after hearing this.

Nikrov nodded and took Madam Butterfly into the sky towards the third floor to join Star-Lord.

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